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The Open Door

Published monthly by and for the members and friends of
Bethel Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

VOL. 31NO. 2  Marc Sherrod, Minister  February, 2003

E-Mail & On-Line Newsletter

A number of the members have responded regarding saving postage and mailing by reading the newsletter online. If you wish to add your name to that list, call (865-376-6340) or e-mail the church office.

We also maintain a master list of e-mail addresses. Please include yours if you wish.


“See that none of you repays evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to all. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ for you. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise the words of prophets, but test everything; hold fast to what is good; abstain from every form of evil.” (I Thessalonians 5: 15-23)

I was thinking this week that Paul’s exhortations and advice at the end of his first letter to the Thessalonian Christians might just be a good parallel to the kind of climate and conversation I hope is being created within the members of our seven Wednesday evening visioning groups. The sense of community being formed through this process is an opportunity for seeking the good of one another, being grateful for history and heritage as well as for change and challenge, a reminder to hold fast to what is good and to reject any evil influence or thought that would distract the church from being that which the church has been called to be.

Most of all, however, I think it is a time, in Paul’s words, not to “quench the Spirit.” The word in koine Greek translated “quench” can also be rendered “stifle” or “suppress” or “restrain.” For Paul, this word carries the unambiguous warning that the Thessalonians not do anything to hinder the activity of the Spirit among them. In his context, this warning meant not to stand in the way of such manifestations of the Spirit as uttering prophecies, speaking in tongues, or other extraordinary revelations of the Spirit. There was to be no deliberate or calculated suppression of the Spirit’s movement in the church gathered in Thessalonica. Of course, the corollary to this unrestrained encounter with the Spirit was that words or plans offered as from the Spirit also needed to be tested in their application to the particular circumstances of the faith community. “Test everything,” Paul writes.

As percolating ideas and dreams mingle with unceasing prayer and the formation of deepened friendships, I hope that we all can work to balance a radical openness to the Spirit’s movement with a commitment to test what is good and right in the present moment. After the small groups conclude at the end of February, the next phase of the visioning process will be a sifting through and organizing ideas and dreams in preparation for session’s report back to the congregation, a report we hope to deliver to the congregation by Pentecost Sunday, the second Sunday of June this year.

The Jerusalem Bible translates this passage thus: “Be patient with everyone. Make sure that people do not try to take revenge. You must all think of what is best for each other and for the community. Be happy at all times; pray constantly; and for all things give thanks to God, because this is what God expects you to do in Christ Jesus. Never try to suppress the Spirit, or treat the gift of prophecy with contempt; think before you do anything — hold on to what is good and avoid every form of evil.”

See you in Church.

Marc Sherrod

•  Had a day long retreat on Saturday, January 18, that included January’s stated session meeting. (Thanks to outgoing, current, and new elders who attended)
Heard about faith journeys of elders-elect Marianne Shadden, Jane Walsh, Jack Stackpole, Bob Jones, and Jim Condon (they participated in the elder training program at John Knox Center on January 24-25, sponsored by East Tennessee Presbytery)
•  Elected Cathy McDowell clerk of session for 2003 and voiced appreciation for her “professional, organized, and detailed work.”
•  Approved the pastor and his wife attending a clergy/spouse retreat April 25-27 sponsored by the presbytery.
•  Average worship attendance for December was 132 and for the 52 Sundays of 2002 it was 123

Heard a report from the parish nurse that she now serves on the emergency response corps for Roane County (i.e. to help with mass immunization for small pox if necessary). The roll count for 2002 was Active 212, Inactive 53, Baptized 31

•  Elected Jim Condon and Dianne Griffith to serve on the Congregation’s Nominating Committee (congregation members Jane Pickel, Mark Banker and Sue Jones were subsequently added to this committee at the congregational meeting on January 26.)
•  Elected Jim Condon to serve on the Visioning Task Force to augment session’s representation since task force member Ken Dungan has rotated off the session.
•  Approved the annual statistical report to be submitted to General Assembly.
NOTE Session reminds the congregation that all meetings are open to your attendance; the minutes of session meetings are available in the church office for your perusal.

Aline Terry Transportation Fund

This service is free for friends and members of Bethel. If you have a transportation need, please call the church office at 376-6340. Please be ready to tell us the date and time of your appointment and what time you want to be picked up. Some of the places we transport to are: doctor’s office, hairdresser, library, post office, grocery store, and shopping. We drive as far as Knoxville. We are open to other suggestions, also.


Hello! For this month’s entry, I would like to educate on food and drug interaction. Did you know that wine, beer, nuts, fava beans, varieties of processed cheeses (excluding cream and cottage cheeses), sauerkraut, avocados, chocolate, coffee, and aged, pickled, or smoked fishes and meats could cause a serious drug-food interaction? Well, it can, if you are taking a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI). These are antidepressant drugs with the names of : Nardil, Marplan, and Parnate. Some symptoms of this dangerous interaction are elevations in diastolic (top number) and systolic (bottom number) blood pressure, headache, sweating, dilated pupils, palpitations, and, on rare occasions, arrhythmia (stopping of the heart) and intracerebral (brain) hemorrhage. If you are taking one of these MAOI drugs, it is important that you tell any health care professional (especially ones who are not as familiar with you) that you are taking a MAOI. Some drugs should not be taken while you are taking MAOI”s:

Drixoral, Novahistex DM, Sucrets Cough drops, Dexadrine, Ritalin, Provigil, Cylert, or Demerol.

As always, if you have any questions about your health or medications please call me at 376-6340. I am in my office Monday - Friday from 9A.M.- l:30 P.M. Have a great February!

Love, Deb


CHRISTIAN EDUCATION COMMITTEE is planning a couple of activities for the near future. Watch your Sunday bulletins, and next month’s Open Door, for announcements on Fat Tuesday/Ash Wednesday activities, and also an upcoming Lenten Bible Study.


Thanks to the Coen family for hosting a New Year’s Eve “backwards” party for the senior high and middle school youth. Thanks to Pat and Jerry Harvey for hosting several youth group meetings to plan this year’s mission trip, to Laura Dailey for organizing a Sunday afternoon ice skating outing for all the children and youth of Bethel (about 20 participants), and to Frederick and Joni Morgan for organizing Bethel’s first participation in the national “Souper Bowl” offering last Sunday with $227.44 being sent to the local food pantry. Special thanks to Nelda Toon and the youth group for preparing lunch before the annual congregation meeting. Donations made go to the mission trip. Plans are now underway for Youth Summit in Gatlinburg February 28 - March 2 (see Melanie Sherrod for details). Coming up for the month of February will be Valentine visits to several assisted living facilities on February 9 with preparations for that visit being made this Sunday, February 2 at the usual meeting time of 6 - 7:30. Both senior high and middle school youth are invited to participate February 2 and 9 in this Valentine project.


Dear Friends,

It is amazing how your written messages have been a source of comfort to us. We have gone through agonizing and anxious moments as we went to the polls to elect a new government as well as burying my Cousin and his dead children. The election were wonderful and we have now a new government which we believe will address itself to the Kenyans needs. The new president is very competent and an honest gentleman. There was relative peace compared with past elections. My cousins tragedy was the only savage act of such a magnitude although there were isolated acts of lawlessness. Kenyans are praising God for it was only through His intervention that an African president for 24 years could be removed out of office through a fair election.

God bless you and may His face shine upon in the year 2003.

Samuel and Monica Wambugu


Barbara Baird called for those interested to send a card to her mom at the following address:
Betty Baird Brown

Ivy Hall @ St Ives Rm 221
5035 Medlock Bridge Pkwy
Alpharetta, Ga 30022              (770) 476-1777

Presented by Maryville College &
New Providence Presbyterian Church
February 9 - 11, 2003

February Meetings held annually offer the college and the local community opportunities to reflect on the relationship between spirituality, faith and outreach. Featured Speaker - Rev. Beth Luton Cook, director of the Office of Church Ministries Education at the Candler School of Theology at Emory University, Atlanta, GA. For more information, contact Anne McKee at (865) 981-8298 or visit www.maryvillecollege.edu.


The Older Adult Ministry Committee of our Presbytery is sponsoring their Annual Event on Wednesday, April 30, 2003, at Mars Hill Presbyterian Church in Athens, TN, 9:30 a.m. Registration, concluding at 2 p.m. Registration forms will be forthcoming, cost (for lunch is $7.00). Millie Sieber, Storyteller, will be our keynote speaker.

Please put this on your calendar to join in the fun.


Marge & Dick Hettrick will be hosts for Fun Lunch on February 11, celebrating Valentine’s Day.


Dianne Griffith collects used greeting cards all year and takes them to ORNL where an employee group collects and ships them to St. Judes Ranch for Children, a home for abused, abandoned, and neglected children of all ethnic groups and faiths (http://www.stjudesranch.org/) where The cards are recycled by the children and sold. Please leave your Christmas and other greeting cards in the red box in the Narthex.


Thanks so much to everyone who assisted in the office renovation projects. Many were involved in every step from ordering and designing the new office layouts, shelf and book removal, painting, and cleaning. Cathy McDowell, Bill Shenk, Karen & Jim Schall, Dan Hyder, John & Sue Carter, George McGill, and Jim Hines all contributed greatly. There are probably many more — thanks to you all for a job well done. One other note — in these days of high power usage and accompanying utility bills, let’s all try to make sure lights are off and doors are closed and locked when we leave the buildings. Thanks again and bless you all.


Rogers “Heritage” Sterling Silver Spoon found at Bethel. Check in the office If you have lost It.


Gifts were received during the month of December '02 & January '03
in memory of:

Jinny Smith from Melanie Sherrod, Dolores Sandmel, & Ruth Ann Ludwig
toward Christmas baskets

Jinny Smith from from Circle II toward study Bible books for Middle School

Mary Frances Evans from Helene Ricker

Joyce Law from Vernon Law toward kitchen renovation

Janeen Woody from Richard & Celia Evans

George Hunt. Terry Robbins. Sr.. Ruth Ferguson and Coach & Bess Derryberry
from Charity & Terry Robbins

Dot Pierce to the Hunger Fund from Chester & Ruth Pickel

Dot Pierce to the Hunger Fund from Janice, Don, Kathy, & Larry Pierce

Dot Pierce to the Hunger Fund to honor Dick & Marge Hettrick from Gene Pierce

Willard Davis from Ruth & Bob Ludwig

Ina Jane Murr from Ruth & Bob Ludwig



Veronice Kirby & Benjamin Poland wish to invite Bethel members and friends to their wedding at Bethel on February 14, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. Reception will follow in the Fellowship Hall.



I would like to thank my Bethel family for two things. First, thank you all for the nice monetary gift that I received for Christmas; and second, thanks to those who sent birthday cards and wishes (I was hoping to slide by on that one, but it seems to show up every year!).

I am truly blessed being a part of this wonderful church. Mary Ann Hensley

Greetings from Sunset Gap:

We wish to thank you for the soup labels you recently donated. Please never forget that our mission exists because of folks like you.

We had a great time over the Holidays here at Sunset Gap. Our staff collected gifts for approximately 200 area children and they were distributed before Christmas Eve. All year long we tend to the needs of your community. At Christmas, we get to supply some of their wants and wishes.

We look forward to another great year at Sunset Gap and pray you have a happy new year too.

Thanks again for your loving support of our mission. We couldn’t do it without you. God bless you!

Gratefully, Jonathan Pilug, Director

Dear Bethel Family,

We would like to thank everyone for their prayers during the recent loss of both my mother, Ina Murr, and Margaret’s cousin, Mandy Smith. Both deaths were very difficult on us, but the love and compassion shown to our family during the past few months have brought us much comfort. The food, flowers, cards, memorial gifts, visits, hugs, and especially prayers have meant more to us than words can every say. Thank you for sharing your love, friendship, and faith with us. We are truly blessed to have such a wonderful church family.

With love, Greg, Margaret, Justin, & Jacob Murr

The family of Willard Davis acknowledges with grateful appreciation your kind expression of sympathy. Thank you for the beautiful plant, delicious food, cards and all your support. Our Bethel family has always been there for us in the good times and the bad.

Sincerely, Jill, Jeff, and families


St. Valentine was a priest who was executed around 270 AD. There are many things we don’t know about this martyr, but there are numerous, sometimes conflicting, stories about his life and death. One says that he was slain for performing weddings in secret after the Roman Emperor, Claudius II, had outlawed them. Another legend says it was because he helped Christians escape from brutal Roman prisons.

In 498 A.D., ,just over 200 years after Valentine’s execution, Pope Gelasius declared February 14 as St. Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s love for God and humanity has made him “the patron of love” in the Roman Catholic Church and for people around the world.

By the mid-1700s it was common practice for friends and sweethearts to exchange trinkets made in the shape of hearts or to send handwritten notes of affection on February 14. It’s believed that Valentine himself sent the first “valentine” while imprisoned. He is said to have written a letter to a young girl who visited him in prison just before his death. He signed the letter, “From your Valentine,” a sentiment still used today.


George Washington Carver, late in life, was asked by a writer what he thought was the most indispensable thing for science in the modern age. Carver replied, “The capacity for awe.”

The capacity for awe. What a strange thing for a scientist to say! Awe is what opens our finite minds to the infinite intelligence of God. Awe is what connects our limited hearts to the limitless love of the Lord. Awe is what helps us to see God’s glory in the sea and the land and the moon and the sun.

– Homiletics


As it happens, every Sunday when I attend worship, I enjoy a sense of peace. An inner validation that God loves me, and that I love God. In this weekly activity of going to church, I affirm my belief. Many times I have wondered why it takes going into church, sitting down and participating in the service to get that inner serenity.

The Sunday after Valentine’s Day the light bulb went on. I knew why this act of worship was so meaningful to me. It is one of the few times that my love for Christ is a verb. I am actively participating. Even more enlightening was the understanding that my feelings of calmness and wholeness are the result of God’s active love of me.

Understanding that love is something I can actively do, not just something I feel, is a realization. Accepting that God’s love for me is just as dynamic is a revelation. Acting on these principles is the reward.

Beth Dyer in “To Love or Be in Love,” Desert Southwest Journal

is extended to

•  Greg Murr in the death of his mother Ina Murr on Wednesday
•  The family and friends of Mandy Smith who passed away January 12


Click HERE to see this year's list.



Delvenia Beasley Marshall Voss
Ruby Hunter Royal Health Care
Ruby Nell Skinner Doctors Lake - Florida
Micki Shields Woodbine, Alexandra, VA
Frances McPheeters Baptist Healthcare Center
Betty Brown Alpharetta Healthcare Center
Geneva Cowie Loudon Health Care
Erma King NHC (Farragut)


Harvalee Preston JAMESTOWNE
Evelyn Waldrup JAMESTOWNE


Justin Trivette, Lil Walton, Addie Wreath Hunt, Christine Woods, Al & Dot Davis, Margie Gulley, Florence Simmons, Lavergne West, Ruth Moutoux, Beverly Oliver, Elizabeth Muecke


Josh Brown, Jason Brown, Clay Badger



Chuck & Cathy (Cantrell) Allen
Don & Jean Dice
Kay Michener
Ron & Bonnie Phillips

9 -

Tom & Jan Pickel
Anne Smith
Dave & Helen Stevenson
John & Mary Will


Ken & Maggie Dungan
Vernon Law
Gary LeMasters
George McGill 

23 -

Jill McMaster
Pete & Linda Malmquist
Harvalee Preston
Mac Robbins
Hugh & Lucy Webb



  1 – 
   2 – 
   3 – 
   4 – Mark Banker
   5 – Karen Miller,Elmer Shesler,Jon Rybka
   6 – Anne Smith
   7 – 
   8 – 
   9 – Pete Malmquist
 10 – 
 11 – Mary Will
 12 –
 13 – 
 14 – 
 15 – Kathy Pierce
 16 – 
 17 – Mary B. Hines
 18 – Sarah Dungan, Sara Cantrell
 19 – Melanie Sherrod
 20 – 
 21 – 
 22 – 
 23 – 
 24 –  Karen Schall
 25 – 
 26 – 
 27 –  Jennifer Choate, Debbie Hyder
 28 – 
 29 – 
 30 – 
 31 – 
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