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The Open Door

Published monthly by and for the members and friends of
Bethel Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

VOL. 31NO. 3  Marc Sherrod, Minister  March, 2003

E-Mail & On-Line Newsletter

A number of the members have responded regarding saving postage and mailing by reading the newsletter online. If you wish to add your name to that list, call (865-376-6340) or e-mail the church office.

We also maintain a master list of e-mail addresses. Please include yours if you wish.


Once Jesus was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God was coming, and he answered, 'The Kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed, nor will they say, 'look, here it is!' For, in fact, the Kingdom of God is within you."

It is a wonderful serendipity of the calendar that our small group visioning process ends just as Lent begins. We are very grateful for the diligence and commitment of all who have organized, led, and participated in this season of dreaming at Bethel. . . small group leaders, task force members, elders, child care workers, That's a Party caterers, members of the choir who adjusted their practice schedule, and all who came out on those eight Wednesday evenings and imagined a tomorrow even better than today. The next phase, authorized by the session, focuses on an ad hoc committee, to be convened by the Reverend Bill Shenk, with a representative from each of the seven small groups, whose task it is to compile, organize and report to the session on this collected data. We expect their work, to begin around the middle of March, will take at least 6-8 weeks. Session will then receive, discuss, and vote on this report before giving this session-approved report and plan of action to the congregation. Since the Visioning Task Force has now been disbanded, any questions you might have about this ongoing process should be directed to either the pastor or one of our elders currently serving on session.

Lent is a season in the rhythm of the church year for letting the soul lie fallow before the new plantings of Easter and beyond begin, a time to be still before God, an opportunity to renew and cultivate one's personal relationship with the Lord. While Lent is never without a corporate dimension of worship, study, and service, it especially makes its mark upon the Christian life as a period to engage in acts of penitence, self-examination, fasting, prayer, and reflection on the teachings of scripture and the tradition of the church. Here in Lent, 2003, it behooves us to intensify our prayers and searching for our own role in the expansive drama of what God is about here in this place and time. Please join us for our Ash Wednesday service, March 5, 7 pm, in the sanctuary, an occasion to remember "you are of the dust and to the dust you shall return." Come, approach Lent as a season to be changed, a season to reform the soul as we journey towards the light of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.

In the words of the Lenten hymn, "Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days" may our prayer be: "Lord, who throughout these forty days for us didst fast and pray, teach us with Thee to mourn our sins, and close by Thee to stay."

See you in Church.

Marc Sherrod

1.  Approved the Visioning Task Force recommendation concerning the next phase of this process and disbanded the task force with thanks for a job well done.
2.  Granted pastor's request for study leave, March 10-16, with Bill Shenk to preach on the 16th; granted pastor's request to use a vacation Sunday on March 23.
3.  Via email consultation, approved the baptism of James Cole Shubert, infant grandson of Madge and Charlie Mounger (Bethel members) and son of James and Mary Catherine Shubert, for March 9, 2003.

Aline Terry Transportation Fund

This service is free for friends and members of Bethel. If you have a transportation need, please call the church office at 376-6340. Please be ready to tell us the date and time of your appointment and what time you want to be picked up. Some of the places we transport to are: doctor’s office, hairdresser, library, post office, grocery store, and shopping. We drive as far as Knoxville. We are open to other suggestions, also.


Greetings to you in this month of "the wearing of the green". Usually I write a column about adults. Teens of the congregation, this one is for you! As I was reading through the American Journal of Nursing for this month I noticed an article that might be of interest to you. This article concerned body piercing. Although I don't believe any of our Bethel teens have had this done, I know Bram has friends that have. Sometimes we are indeed our "brother's keeper". As I relay this information to you, I hope you will tell others that may be considering having this procedure done.

A recent study of the American Heart Association confirmed that an increased incidence of endocarditis (inflammation and infection of the lining of the heart) is associated with body piercing. This inflammation can be the end result of contracting staphylococcal endocarditis following nasal piercing, Neissria endocarditis following tongue piercing, or staphylococcus epidermidis endocarditis following nipple piercing. The infection may occur despite antibiotic prophylaxis. Therefore, anyone having these procedures done should remain suspicious of any unexplained fever, night chills, weakness, muscle or joint pain, or lethargy. Any of these symptoms should be reported to your doctor immediately.

Statistics show that the majority of teens choosing to have their bodies pierced let the area close within 2-3 months. The care needed for keeping the site clean and the aggravation of everyday life around the piercing is sufficient to change most people's minds. For instance, think about the everyday activity of blowing your nose with a nose stud in. Also, have you listened to someone with a tongue stud in, trying to talk? I believe that most body piercing is done on impulse and is not well thought out.

I pray that you will always make well-informed decisions when it concerns your health. I am available in my office at church Mon-Fri. 9 A.M.- 1:30 P.M. @ 376-6340 or at home any other time @ 376-1685. Please call me if you have questions.

To your health ......... Deb


The Knoxville Youth Symphony Orchestra with the Appalachian Ballet Company will perform Coppelia by Leo Delibes on Friday, March 14, 8:00 pm and Saturday, March 15, 3:00 pm at the Tennessee Theatre. For ticket information call the Appalachian Ballet Company 982-8463. Caleb Sherrod (clarinet) and Julie Allen (french horn) will perform with the Youth Symphony. Congratulations are also in order to Caleb who has been named principal tenor saxophonist with the All-Tennessee High School Jazz Band, performing in Nashville on April 5.


Our thanks to the following who helped provide leadership for youth ministry during February: Margaret Murr and Melanie Sherrod who organized Valentine visits to and card making for residents of Jamestown and Wellington Place; Pat and Jerry Harvey who continue to organize plans for this summer's mission trip; Scott McGill and Nelda Toon who are organizing the youth auction (scheduled for March 30 with lunch and auction after worship); and Gary LeMaster and Melanie Sherrod for chaperoning the eight youth attending the Youth Summit in Gatlinburg February 28-March 2. The ongoing fund raising project for the mission trip is the "flamingo flocking" opportunity. See one of the youth for details about how you can "flock" your favorite friend (or your favorite "enemy"!) or purchase insurance to try and avoid having your own yard invaded by these purple flamingos.


A series of confirmation classes for 7th graders and up will be offered this Spring with a schedule to be arranged soon. Parents should call the church office if you plan for your child to participate. Also, we are in the planning stages for another six week series of adult new member classes, possibly being offered on Wednesday evenings this time and possibly beginning on March 19 following the monthly family night supper. We want to especially invite long-time non-member attendees of Bethel to consider joining us and becoming official members on our Active Members Roll. Call the church if you’d like to participate. This is open to anyone interested in learning more about our denomination and local church. There is no obligation to join at the conclusion of the classes.


SUSANNAH MORGAN who has made both the Dean's List and the Chancellor's List at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She's enjoying the college challenge, but she always looks forward to coming home to her Bethel family.

at the final Wednesday evening gathering for dreaming . . .

We thank you, kind and gracious God, that this company of your people have kept the faith throughout these days and Wednesday nights of seeking to dream your dreams and give birth to your visions. For your Holy Spirit, alive and active and blowing where it wills, we give you thanks. For men and women, youth and children, who are willing now to follow where you lead into tomorrow, we give you thanks. For those servant-leaders who designed a process, for those who taught and recorded and discussed, we give you thanks. Keep the memory of these eight midwinter weeks alive, that they might be a touchstone, a marker along the journey that ushers us ever closer to you and to the fullness of your love in Jesus Christ, the one through whom we have received the goodness of your love, the one who feeds us and nourishes us with the bread of life, the one in whose word we are formed and reformed. Receive this prayer for Christ’s sake, Amen.


We have been asked to form a Bethel team to be involved in the Relay for Life on May 2. This relay begins at 6 p.m. and continues throughout the night at Southwest Point. The team will be involved in games and activities.

Those not physically participating may make a donation to the American Cancer Society and mail or bring it to Bethel.

Please call Debbie Hyder (376-6340 - Mon-Fri 9-1:30), or at home (376-1685) for more information.
Come join us!


The Older Adult Ministry Committee, Presbytery of East Tennessee, is sponsoring their ANNUAL SPRING GATHERING with Storytelling by Millie Sieber on Wednesday, April 30, 3002 at Mars Hill Presbyterian Church in Athens, TN from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Cost for lunch: $7.00 per person. If you are interested in this event, please sign up at the church office. Watch for details in our April Open Door.

Parish Life Committee


Dianne Griffith collects used greeting cards all year and takes them to ORNL where an employee group collects and ships them to St. Judes Ranch for Children, a home for abused, abandoned, and neglected children of all ethnic groups and faiths (http://www.stjudesranch.org/) where the cards are recycled by the children and sold. Please leave your Christmas and other greeting cards in the red box in the Narthex.

April 25-27 Friday-Sunday
Parables of Irritating Grace

Be prepared to have your life recharged as Keynote Speaker Dr. George Anderson presents the lessons of the parables in modern day terms.

Fishing, woodworking skills, Zip Line, Hiking, Relaxing. Hearty meals!

Cost - $65 (not including program options costs.) Space is limited. Register TODAY! Call 865-376-2236 or www.johnknoxcenter.org.


Instead of its regular monthly meeting, the CE Committee will host a curriculum workshop on Saturday, March 29.

We’ll begin at 12:00 with lunch and fellowship, and then we will spend time reviewing the various kinds of curricula available for our use. We’ll have sample lesson plans, and videos in some cases, for you to evaluate, with an eye toward choosing the material we will use this summer and next year.

We strongly urge all who are teaching now, will teach next year, or who just simply want to know what’s going on, to make plans to attend. Please let Karen Schall or Margaret Murr know you’re coming, so we can have enough lunch for all!


We’ll begin at 12:00 with lunch and fellowship, and then we will spend time reviewing the various kinds of curricula available for our use. We’ll have sample lesson plans, and videos in some cases, for you to evaluate, with an eye toward choosing the material we will use this summer and next year.

We strongly urge all who are teaching now, will teach next year, or who just simply want to know what’s going on, to make plans to attend. Please let Karen Schall or Margaret Murr know you’re coming, so we can have enough lunch for all!


Hugh Berry writes in Being a Welcoming Congregation (PCUSA 2000): "It is our hope -- our vision -- that our congregations can become welcoming and hospitable communities of faith where all people are treated in a friendly, caring manner; where there is interest shown for everyone's health, growth, and comfort; where openness to new ideas is encouraged; where visitors are given space to be themselves, share their gifts and ideas; and where everyone can be moved from stranger to kin in the Lord." We welcome first time visitors in February, Louise Davidson and Anabell and Jim Robbins. Our committee is exploring the Alpha Small Group Program. This study helps members explore their core beliefs and then learn to be comfortable taking about their faith in a clear, non-threatening way. If anyone has had experience with this program, please contact us. There are "welcome" packets in the foyer if you have a new neighbor or someone with whom you would like to share information about Bethel.

Thanks! for your continued efforts to help us do evangelism at Bethel.


A rainy greeting to all of you! The spring Bethel Workday is scheduled for Saturday, April 5, from 8 to 12 am. Mark that date on your calendars. Since the youth may be having a White Elephant Sale later on in the month, that may be a good opportunity to look in your Sunday School rooms at old furniture, etc.for inclusion in their sale. More details on the cleaning next month. It has also come to our attention that some of our padded folding chairs in the fellowship hall are damaged, possibly due to being borrowed and damaged during transport to and from the church. If you need chairs, we encourage you to take the entirely metal ones as well as the long tables rather that the round ones. However, please take care of any items you take from the fellowship hall, bringing them back as you found them. They are expensive to replace. Thanks for your good stewardship in this matter.


The Roane Choral Society presents Concert III: OLD-FASHIONED GOSPEL SINGING on Sunday, March 16, 3:00 p.m. at Roane State Community College Theatre. cost: $7 General Admissions; $5 Students and Seniors. Professional groups performing are: His Men, The Joyaires, and Manna. You may have heard of these groups; they are from our area and have wonderful careers as gospel artists. Let's help Roane Choral celebrate their Thirtieth Anniversary Season and hear some good old-fashioned gospel music.

Parish Life


Jane Thornton from Edith Miles, Celia Simon & Dick Evans, Mac Robbins

Cleyon Newcomb from Tom & Helen Roostee

Ima Jane Murr from Clay & Nancy Landers

Dot Pierce to the Hunger Fund to honor Janice Pierce and Kathryn Pierce

Dot Pierce to the Hunger Fund from Chester & Ruth Pirkle


Too many of us have a Christian vocabulary rather than a Christian experience. We think we are doing our duty when we’re only talking about it.

—Charles F. Banning


Thanks for all the thoughtful things the young people did for me at Valentine’s Day. Thanks for the singing, for the cookies, and for the big Valentine with “God Is Love” and pictures of the children. I hope to see them someday.

Evelyn Waldrup

When I count my many blessings, I know I can always count on you! Members of Bethel, I want to thank all of you for all the cards, calls and visits during for surgery. It sure made me feel so blessed! God bless everyone,

Lil Walton & family

Dear Bethel Family, Thank you very much for all your prayers and cards on behalf of my mother's passing. I had planned to travel to Charleston last week to visit mom, so it was somewhat of a surprise when I received the call last Tuesday morning that she had passed away. You all are very special to me, and I so appreciate your loving kindness and vast amount of caring that Bethel has to offer. It truly helps to cope with situations like this when you know you have such a wonderful church family.

Bless you all.

Mary Ann Hensley

Lenten Service Opportunity

We're reviving a Bethel tradition of SOS (Service on Saturdays). On five Saturdays during Lent, you will be able to volunteer your time on a community service project. This way, you will be giving up your time during Lent for someone else.

March 15 - Community Beautification Project sponsored by Bethel Youth Group and held by Dan and Debbie Hyder -open to all ages of participants. Meet at Bethel's parking lot at 9 am and return at 3 pm. Bring a bagged lunch; drinks will be provided. Trash bags will be provided. Bring any implements you think might be helpful with a clean-up effort. Place to clean TBA.

March 22 - Pathways Shelter in Harriman - cleaning and straightening the "junk" in a large garage/storage area with room for about 15-18 people to work simultaneously. A staff person will be there to help give order and direction. Meet at Bethel at 9 am and return by 4 pm. Lunch will be provided to participants by Pathways Shelter, Carol Adcox, Director.

March 29 - John Knox Center Clean-up - Clearing of dead pine trees on the ground and standing dead pine trees that need to come down. They need 3-4 people, each with a chain saw, someone with a log splitter who can bring and operate it, 3-4 who can stack wood, 3-4 who can pile up brush. John Knox will provide a chipper machine and staff member to operate it. If there are groups at John Knox that day, they will provide lunch; otherwise, workers need to take their own lunches.

April 5 - Outdoor/household Chores for Elderly Members- several people will do yard work and/or house cleaning for members who need help. Anyone needing help around-the-house needs to call the Church Office right away.

April 12 - Habitat for Humanity - a new house will be started on Hope Circle in Kingston as soon as the weather dries up a bit. They will need all types of workers to help from the foundation up.Please sign up on the bulletin board at the back of the Sanctuary.


I came across this little poem and thought that this would fit right in to our season of dreaming and visioning. The poem is by Alice Joyce Davidson.

Marianne Shadden


The more faith you have, The more you believe,
The more goals you set The more you'll achieve.
Reach for the stars, Pick a mountain to climb,
Dare to think big, But give yourself time.
Remember no matter How futile things seem,
With faith, there is no Impossible dream!


There's a chance our country may be going to war soon. My son and I were talking about numbers the other night. In scripture, the number 3 represents the Holy Trinity, so I thought of calling for a day of prayer for our country. When you may ask? How about March 3, 2003? It would be 03-03-03. Wouldn't it be great if all people in the world -- or at least our country -- would stop what they are doing and pray on the same day. We could make 03-03-03 God's Day.

Faith is the doorway that all miracles come through, and prayer is the key that unlocks the door. What about stopping all activity at 3:03 in the afternoon? Then it would be 03-03-03-03-03. That won't happen again for another thousand years (in 3003). I'm marking my calendar for 03-03. If each of you pass this on to your family and friends, and they in turn to theirs, we could have a powerful prayer time on that date. Please do your part.


Good question! I believe it all centers on one word - DISCIPLESHIP. Discipleship is a word that is well worn. It has been used to describe everything from programs to events. Have you ever wondered what God had in mind when God invented the whole concept? God could have created anything to accomplish His purpose in our lives – but God simply told us to “make disciples”. That is what a Mission Trip is all about!

Think about the original twelve disciples…they weren’t much when they began – but they helped change the trajectory of human history! We have the whole story of these disciples…but if we only had half the story - we would think more about their faults and failures than their incredible impact on the world!

The same can be said of our youth. The rest of their stories are yet to be written! WE at Bethel Church have an opportunity to help these young people discover the call of Jesus to “come follow Me”. We have the privilege of walking alongside them as they grow in discipleship. We have the privilege of helping train them for the future leaders they will become! We do not know what seeds God will plant in their hearts as they serve others in the name of Christ…but we do know God will use them!

In my experience, short-term mission offer an effective way to teach and disciple young people! When Jesus took His disciples along as He ministered, He launched them to minister on their own. A Mission trip is one way for youth to see God at work in and through them! Maybe it would be helpful to think of Bethel Church as a launching pad!

Our 2003 Youth Mission Trip has been in the planning stages for many months. We have a Leadership Team of Youth working hard. Youth applications have been sent out. Several possible sites are selected (we are waiting to hear about availability). We have had several fund raisers – and you have helped support this great opportunity with your financial backing at several dinners, a “Kid’s Night Out Event”…and now with the infamous PINK FLAMINGO FLOCKING. We have several other events planned to help raise funds for this years Mission Trip. But the most important support we need is your prayers! Please keep the youth and the adults involved lifted in your prayers. We need prayers for wisdom, safety, discernment and unity! The most important support we need is your prayers!

On behalf of the Youth of Bethel, we thank you for your support – it is an investment for the Kingdom…and it is eternal work!

In Christ’s Service, Pat Harvey


The common pretzel was originally designed for use during Lent. Sometime during the Middle Ages, when Lent was accompanied by strict bans on dairy products and meat, people subsisted largely on breads, pastries, soups and vegetables. Bakers in Germany decided to create a food that would even look religious — the pretzel. The crossed arms of a pretzel represent a Christian in prayer.

Place the palm of each hand on the opposite shoulder, so that your forearms cross. That’s the shape of a pretzel.

is extended to

•  The family of Jane Thornton who passed away in Florida
•  Mary Ann Hensley in the death of her mother, Cleyon Newcomb, Feb.18, in Charleston, SC.


Click HERE to see this year's list.


Dear Lord, so far today I've done all right. I haven't gossiped, haven't lost my temper, haven't been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or over-indulgent. I'm very thankful for that. But in a few minutes, Lord, I'm going to get out of bed. And from then on, I'm probably going to need a lot more help. Amen.

– Anonymous


On Wednesday evening, February 26th, during our last Season of Dreaming Reflection Series Bethel members and friends were reminded that when the people of Israel left Sinai to begin their 40 years of transition they did not go alone. God showed them the way to take the “holy ground” of Sinai with them wherever they went. The “Ark of the Covenant” became the receptacle for their “portable treasures of faith.”

As we concluded our eight week study, we asked people to assemble the “portable treasures” that symbolize for Bethel Church the promise of God’s presence, no matter where the journey takes us! People were given assorted craft materials and asked this question:

What are the portable treasures of faith that Bethel has been given by God-the beliefs, practices, values and tangible things that we can carry with us into any future situation and still express our deepest identity as God’s people?

Each person created a wonderful “ portable treasures” that seem absolutely essential for the journey ahead. These visions or dreams are simple - yet profound.

After these “portable treasures” were finished, we asked people to put them into “the Ark” (found in the back of the supply closet – and to imagine this Ark has been lost for so many years!) Here is a list of the portable treasures that fill the Ark today.

The Celtic Cross – Reflecting our past and moving us into the future.
Children - Connected together with hearts for Jesus.
Four Cornerstones – The firm foundation Bethel is built on
Car – vehicle to carry this experience into the future.
Two people walking uphill to the cross
Spectacles – To see the world with the eyes of God
The Cross – Hope, Peace and Love
An Anchor –
God’s Word – the Holy Bible
Easter Egg – An Easter Egg hunt for our children and others
Circle of friends – Small Group Ministry
People Connected – Small Group Ministry
The Cross –
The Bible – “Love one another…”
Music –
People - connected to the community
Cross, angel, candle – Invest in tomorrow
Snake – from the Garden of Eden
Cross and Star – People following the star to the cross
An Angel – carrying a child
A heart with the sign of the fish -
Guardian Angel – for Bethel
Three circles of the Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Ghost
A Hand – To serve others
People – Continued Small Groups
A cross with hearts and hands –
Holy Bible – Understanding
Picture of Bethel Church – Keep it the same
Loaves and Fishes – Reaching out
Rock – Youth are the foundation of the future
Person with open arms – Acceptance of each other’s in our community
Stone – Prayer as meditation stone
Song Book – music
Children – the Present and future of the church
Hands off clay –
Two thorns –
Glue – We have to use it to paste together all the thoughts we have thought of in the past eight weeks – SORT IT OUT and MAKE IT WORK!








Delvenia Beasley Marshall Voss
Ruby Hunter Royal Health Care
Ruby Nell Skinner Doctors Lake - Florida
Micki Shields Woodbine, Alexandra, VA
Frances McPheeters Baptist Healthcare Center
Betty Brown Alpharetta Healthcare Center
Erma King NHC (Farragut)


Harvalee Preston JAMESTOWNE
Evelyn Waldrup JAMESTOWNE


Addie Wreath Hunt, Christine Woods, Al & Dot Davis, Margie Gulley,
Florence Simmons, Ruth Moutoux, Beverly Oliver


Josh Brown, Jason Brown



Tollie Banker
Marge & Dick Hettrick
Jim & Mary B. Hines
Ruby Hunter


Tom & Helen Roostee
Carole Jane Row
Elmer & Erma Shesler
Nelda Toon


Linda & Travis Brown
Jennifer Choate
Barbara Cochrane
Lily Lowery

23 -

Jack & Carolyn McNew
Joan Pemberton
Dianne Russell
Jean Young



   1 – 
   2 – Dianne Griffith, Ginny Warlick,
Bina Kirby, Jean Young
   3 – 
   4 – 
   5 – Robert Winsbro
, Vic King
Dan McDowell
   6 – 
   7 – 
   8 – Charlie Coen
   9 – Kathy Banker
 10 – 
 11 – Margaret True
 12 – Libby Cuneo
 13 – Gary Griffith,
Linda Choate
 14 – Shawn Hart
 15 – 
 16 – Wanda Carter
 17 – Hayden Jacks
 18 – 
 19 – Marge Hettrick
 20 – Sue Carter
 21 – 
 22 – 
 23 – 
 24 – 
 25 – 
 26 – Justin Murr
 27 – Greg Murr
 28 – Peggy Sheppard
 29 – Nancy King
 30 – 
 31 – Joanna Griffith
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