The Chancel Choir sings God's messages and praises at 11 AM on Sundays throughout the school year, on special Bethel occasions, and at ecumenical events in the community. Several choir members sing with the Roane County Choral Society, and one choir member sings with the Knoxville Opera. Choir members often offer solos and other special music. Anyone who loves to sing will find a warm, enthusiastic welcome from Judy and the choir.
Mary Hook served as Bethel's accompanist and choir director from February, 2009 until September, 2019. Judy Yeaworth became the Church Musician (a position that includes directing the choir and performing as accompanist) in September, 2021.
The Chancel Choir is accompanied by two major instruments: a pipe organ (1997), and grand piano. In addition, the music program is blessed with solo performances on the trumpet, clarinet, harp and flute. Throughout the year, Bethel enjoys Sunday morning offerings from our Bell Choir. Summer is our time for special music which often features solos and guest performers. Bethel's style of music is traditional; however, the many talents of our gifted members allow for variety.