Bethel offers a vibrant Sunday morning program for all ages, as well as occasional programs during the week. Our dedicated, creative teachers look forward to welcoming your participation as students, teachers, and small group leaders. Come, be a part of the adventure!
Sunday Morning at Bethel for Youth: 9:30 a.m.
•   Nursery provided: (also 11 AM), adjacent to the gathering area
•   Preschool: adjacent to the gathering area
•   Elementary school: 2nd floor education building
•   Middle school: 3rd floor education building (1st room on left)
•   High School: 3rd floor education building (rear)



Bethel youth participate in worship as acolytes, as liturgists, by taking up the offering and by singing in the choir. Youth participate in and help lead special programs such as Vacation Bible School, Hanging of the Greens, and the annual Christmas Pageant. High Schoolers serve as delegates to Presbytery’s Youth Council, attend the annual youth Summit in Gatlinburg, and participate in summer mission trips and as leaders and participants at Camp John Knox. Our Youth Group meets on Wednesday evenings for Bible study, and other times for fellowship events.

Information on fellowship events can be found in the announcements section of the Sunday Bulletin.    


Sunday Morning Opportunities for Adults: 9:30 AM

Called as Partners in Christ's Service
Teacher: Mark Banker
Meets: Barber Library, ground floor
Books are chosen that challenge the class to delve deeper into the Christian life and its implications for our lives. This adult class is currently studying the book, “Dignoity of Difference,” by Jonathan Sack.
Mark Banker has a PhD in history and teaches at Webb School in Knoxville and at the University of Tennessee.
The Issues Class:
Leader: Gary Griffith and others
Meets: 3rd Floor of education building, last classroom on the right
 An informal gathering of members and friends of Bethel from all walks of life discuss current events and other topics of interest. “This class is driven by the people and the articles that they bring to the class,” Gary comments. All are welcome. Occasionally larger issues are addressed, and speakers are brought in for an all-church topical class on Sunday morning.

Additional Adult Education Opportunities

Small Group Studies:Bethel offers small group studies occasionally during Advent and Lent. For current schedule: 376-6340
Church Library: The John and Doris Barber Memorial Library is located on the ground floor next to the office. Books may be checked out on the honor system.
Inquirers/ New Members Classes: Our pastor meets with new members several times during the year for a series of six classes to help acquaint inquirers with the basic tenets of the Christian faith and Presbyterian doctrine, and to orient newcomers to Bethel’s programs. Those who attend are under no obligation to join the church, and all are welcome, including members who want to refresh their understanding of what it means to be a Presbyterian and meet newcomers.
Youth Communicants Class: Led by our Pastor and assisted by others, young people who are ready to consider membership study and explore together and with adult sponsors, meet in the spring for a period of about two months, prior to affirming their faith. “Confirmation is a time for serious study about faith, life, and the mission of the church. It is an opportunity to gain greater self-understanding, deepen existing relationships, and develop new ones. It is a time to consider accepting greater responsibility for the witness and mission of the church of Jesus Christ.” (From Roles and Responsibilities in Confirmation-Commissioning by Betty Crowell and David Ng, PCUSA)