
Greetings! Grace and peace in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are delighted that you desire to learn more about the Bethel Presbyterian Church. We are a robust congregation, active in our local community, eager to bring our best to God in worship, glad to sing and laugh as we journey in faith and celebrate God’s goodness to us.

At Bethel we believe that Christians are called to witness to the love and justice of God, the hospitality of Christ, and the hope of healing for the brokenness of our world. We’d love for you to consider membership as we confess Christ and minister in his name. We invite you to explore what we can offer to you and also what we can help you offer to others.

We gather for worship each Lord’s Day at 11 am, celebrating Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month as well as at other special times of the year (including communion visits to those confined at home). Ever since the early days of the Church, the community of faith in worship has been foundational for Christians as we act upon our mutual commitments and dreams for renewal. While the Holy Spirit is ever active in transforming the sin and suffering of our world, we welcome the Spirit’s refreshing newness especially during our common experience as the gathered people of God in worship. We pray for ourselves and others, sing of God’s faithfulness, hear the Word proclaimed, offer our time and money in service, and receive God’s blessing to go forth in acts of caring for neighbors nearby and far away.

On our website you will discover information about our exciting Parish Nurse program, opportunities for Christian education and fellowship, various community service projects and prison ministry, as well as our ministry to youth and seniors. You will also find materials that will point you to who we are as a member congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Read and enjoy!

In the Old Testament Book of Genesis, a man by the name of Jacob is on the run from God. One night, he has a dream of a ladder filled with angels descending and ascending on it. God spoke to Jacob in his dream and called Jacob to turn and honor the promises he had made to worship and serve the God of his parents. When Jacob awoke he said: “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.” Jacob called that place Bethel, which means the dwelling place of God.

We are all sons and daughters of Jacob. With Christians everywhere, we strive to be an awesome house and worthy instruments of God’s promise to bless all the peoples of the earth. We hope you will consider traveling with us on this journey of faith and love. Should you eventually decide to become a member of Bethel, you may do so by affirmation of faith, profession of faith, or by letter of transfer from your former church. We frequently offer six-week small group classes on Sunday morning for those who wish to explore membership, and you are welcome to participate should you feel led to do so.

If you have questions or concerns, We’d love to hear from you by phone (376-6340) or by e-mail (if you click the e-mail link to the left, just select either "Bethel Church Office" or "Bethel Minister" from the recipient list on the Contact page to which you'll be taken). We appreciate your interest in Bethel and pray that your own pilgrimage will be one filled with rich meaning and deep purpose.