Bethel Youth are active in all phases of church life, helping to prepare and serve meals, serving on session committees, and participating in worship as acolytes as well as taking up the offering and singing in the choir. They help with special programs such as Vacation Bible School, Hanging of the Greens, and Bethels annual Christmas Pageant.
Middle Schoolers attend Sunday morning classes and Worship, attend a Communicants Class prior to becoming members, prepare and serve meals and also take part in wider-church activities.
High Schoolers attend Sunday School and Worship, serve as delegates to Presbytery's Youth Council, attend the annual youth Summit in Gatlinburg, and serve on Session committees. Youth Fellowship meets Sunday Evenings 6 to 7:30. Snacks provided.
Bethel's youth have traveled to Nicaragua and other summer work camps, volunteered at summer camp at the John Knox Center, served at soup kitchens and taken part in Bethel ministries such as Habitat for Humanity and Crop Walk. They cook for Bethel, work hard in the community, and show their love for one another and for others in a variety of ways.
Bethel's Youth invite you to become a part of a friendly, active ministry of learning, exploring the faith and service.