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Sunday Morning Worship Service
January 27,

TO OUR GUESTS – During the next months (likely until at least the end of 2008), as our campus renovation project takes place, we will be sharing facilities and services with our next-door neighbors - Kingston United Methodist Church. The bulletin you see here nearly every week will reflect the congregations' combined Sunday service and the announcements (when available) that are related to Bethel.

The Worship of God
Kingston United Methodist Church and
Bethel Presbyterian Church
3rd Sundayafterf Epiphany
January 27, 2008


Please record your presence with us on the attendance pads.


Praise Chorus 494:   Kum Ba Yah” Desmond 338

Presbyterian Hymnal

Chiming of the Hour

Opening Prayer   Kate Compston

Lord Jesus, Rabbi, Teacher,thank you for reminding us that until we bring our darkness
we cannot know your light;
that until we become servants of truth
we cannot become wise leaders;
that until we are good listeners
we cannot speak with authority;
that until we become willing, lifelong learners
we cannot teach with insight or enthusiasm;
that until we are ready to be reborn
we cannot truly mature. Amen.

†Hymn 73:   “O Worship the King(Vss 1,4,5)   Lyons

476 Presbyterian Hymnal

A Statement of Faith of the United Church of Canada   883

†The Gloria Patri

Chancel Choir:   “Christ is King”   Helman

Congregational Prayer & the Lord’s Prayer

(Prayer Requests are listed on insert, recorded on prayer cards in the pew)

Offertory Sentence

Saint Teresa God of love, help us to remember
that Christ has no body now on earth,
  but ours,
no hands but ours, no feet but ours.
Ours are the eyes to see the needs of
  the world.
Ours are the hands with which to bless
  everyone now.
Ours are the feet with which he is to go
  about doing good. Amen.

Offertory :   “Hymn to Joy”   Beethoven

Presentation of our Tithes and Offerings

Offertory Response 94:   “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”

Presentation in honor of Ruth Goode:   Jesus at the Door

Children’s Time   Beth Howe-Christensen

Children K-5 Dismiss to Children’s Church

†The Gospel Lesson:   Matthew 4: 12-23

Sermon:   “Allons! The road is before us.”   Donald Morris

Hymn 130:   “God Will Take Care of You”   Martin

The acolytes leave, modeling our carrying the light into the world Please remain in your pews until the acolytes have departed the sanctuary


†Benediction Response 672 :   “God Be with You til We Meet Again”

†Postlude:   “Rejoice!”   Lani Smith

†Congregation Standing

See an usher for a children’s activity bulletin.

Nursery available ....... birth – 4 years

The flowers on the altar are given to the glory of God in appreciation of Pastor Don & Terri by Betty & Bill Greenwood.

Congregants are invited to share their prayer concerns
with ministers at the altar after the service.





~ two communities of faith coming together,
for fellowship, study and service . . .
seeking God’s peace, justice and love ~

“Wherever we taste the truth God is there” St. Augustine

TO OUR GUESTS, we extend a warm welcome from Kingston United Methodist and Bethel Presbyterian Churches. We have covenanted together for 2008 to share in worship, fellowship, study and service. We invite you to participate in signing the Friendship Folders (Green for Methodist – Blue for Presbyterian), adding your address and phone number and please note if you would like to receive a church newsletter or a pastoral call. When we pray the Lord’s Prayer, we say “sins…sin against us” rather than “debts...” or “trespasses…”; prayer requests can be noted on the cards provided in the pew racks, please put those in the offering plates and both churches will be notified of your request. A team of Pastors will be available to pray with you after worship (in the front chancel area). We are glad you are with us. Please worship with us again!

Kingston United Methodist Church Bethel Presbyterian Church

Rev. Donald Morris – Pastor
Rev. Sue Lynn Johnson – Congregational Care
Regina Little – Program Director
Music Ministry – Wayne Duggin
Rev. Marc Sherrod – Pastor
Rev. Pat Harvey – Parish Associate
Debbie Hyder – Parish Nurse
Laura Walker – Music Ministry
Worship Leader–Kingston UMC

Wheelchair Access into KUMC

For anyone needing wheelchair access into the KUMC sanctuary or rooms on the sanctuary level, a ramp is available on the Kentucky Street side of the main church building, along with multiple handicapped parking spaces. Once you go up the ramp and into the side door, enter the hallway, then turn left, and you will enter near the front of the sanctuary. For events in the fellowship hall, the driveway between the sanctuary building and the parsonage goes around to the rear of the fellowship hall and a ground level entrance; there are parking spaces, several of which are marked handicapped parking.


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