Sunday Morning Worship Service
March 12, 2006

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TO OUR GUESTS, we extend a warm welcome. We invite you to participate in signing our Friendship Folder, adding your address and phone number if you'd like to receive our church newsletter or a pastoral call. When we pray the Lord's Prayer at Bethel, we say "sins...sin against us" rather than "debts..." or "trespasses..."; during "a time for sharing" we welcome prayer requests from the congregation. On first Sundays each month, all who put their trust in Christ and who have received baptism in any Christian church are invited to share his sacred meal. We are glad you are with us. Please come again.

The Service For The Lord’s Day
Bethel Presbyterian Church
Second Sunday in Lent
March 12, 2006
11:00 a.m.


Salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed;

the night is far gone, the day is near.



God calls us away from the tumult of the world, that we may focus our thoughts on things that are lasting.

In God’s presence we see our lives more clearly; the broken pieces are put back together.

God calls us out of loneliness into a life of community.

Worshiping together, caring about one another, we find out what it means to be truly human.

But God will send us back into the world’s confusion and busyness, its brokenness and isolation.

We will go with serenity and joy, strengthened to be God’s servants, the bearers of peace.


*HYMN #275   God of Our Life   Sandon


God of steadfast love, we confess to you our unworthiness of your love. Instead of sacrificing, we promote ourselves. Instead of giving, we hoard our blessings. Too often we claim our faith in Christ as a badge to wear instead of a cross to bear, avoiding the costly acts that bear your grace. Have mercy on us, O God. Teach us to follow in the path of Christ. Through your Spirit give us grace to serve our neighbors as ourselves and to glorify you through faith in Jesus Christ. Amen.


The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting. I declare to you, in the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven. May the God of mercy, who forgives you all your sins, strengthen you in all goodness, and by the power of the Holy Spirit keep you in eternal life.

Thanks be to God! In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. Amen.

*CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE   Gloria Patri   Hymn #578

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.


MINUTE FOR MISSION Miss Dot Hunger Fund   Peggy Sheppard

ANTHEM   Like Sheep   Chancel Choir


SERMON   Family Crisis   Rev. Marc Sherrod, ThD

*HYMN #391   Take My Life   Hendon

*AFFIRMATION OF FAITH – Come Unto Me   Ann Weems

“When the journey gets too hard, when we feel depleted, when our compassion turns to complaining, when our efforts toward justice and mercy seem to get us nowhere, it’s time to remember the humility part – that it is God who has made us and not we ourselves; that the saving of the world or even one part of it is not on our shoulders. It is then we can come unto him, and he will give us rest. With rest we’ll remember what it is we are about.” Amen.




*DOXOLOGY Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow   Hymn #592

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below;

Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.


*HYMN #421   The Church of Christ in Every Age   Wareham


*CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE   Savior, Again to Thy Dear Name We Raise

Savior, again to Thy dear name we raise
With one accord our parting hymn of praise.
We stand to bless Thee ere our worship cease;
And, now departing, wait Thy word of peace.


 *All who are able may stand.

Bethel offers Sunday school for children and four educational opportunities for adults at 9:45 A.M.

Childcare for babies and preschool age children is offered at 11:00 A.M.

Restrooms are located in our Educational Building on the first floor and the lower level.

Ushers can provide activity sheets for children and large print hymnals if needed.

A Special Thank You

The Liturgist today is Anita Richmond.

The flowers are being given by Greg and Margaret Murr, in loving memory of their grandparents and Greg's mother, Ina Murr.


New Members Class

The pastor will be offering a series of classes for prospective new members who are considering joining Bethel. Anyone is welcome to attend and there is no obligation to join at the conclusion of the classes. The classes will take place in the Pastor’s study on Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m. March 12 through April 9.

Girl Scout Cookies

Your delicious mouth-watering Girl Scout Cookies are available for pickup from Julie Coen TODAY.  If you purchased cookies for the Gift of Caring program, Troop 435 will deliver them to Hands of Mercy, Jamestowne, and Wellington around March 15.  Thank you for your support. 

Youth Summit

Senior High members of the youth group are at Youth Summit this weekend in Gatlinburg. Thanks to the adult chaperones, Gary Lemasters and Denise Martin.

March Fun Luncheon

The March Fun Luncheon will be Tuesday, March 14 at noon in the Fellowship Hall. Plan to attend this great opportunity for fellowship!

Design & Development Committee

The Design and Development Committee for our building program will meet tonight at 6 p.m. The members are: Julie Bunch, Laura Dailey, Ken Dungan, Gary Griffith, Jerry Harvey, Gary Lemasters, Karen Schall, Dave Stevenson, and Phil Walsh. In addition, Frederick Morgan is the youth representative.

In The Hospital

Anne Robertson is at Oak Ridge Hospital after having hip surgery on Friday.

John Knox Summer Camp Registration

Due to a problem with the server, the John Knox Center may not have received your child's online summer camp registration.  If you did not receive a registration number and/or confirmation email please contact Barbara, at the Center, at 376-2236.  They apologize for any inconvenience.


Bethel sympathy is extended to Melanie Sherrod in the death of her grandmother this past week.

Prayer Concerns

Doris Barber, Sue Carter, Wanda Carter, Al & Dot Davis, Charles & Francis Pickel, Elmer & Erma Shesler, Marnie Shields, Justin Trivette, Margaret True, Evelyn Waldrup


FISH of Roane County, a volunteer nondenominational Christian based organization, is in urgent need of drivers. Volunteer drivers are only asked to transport persons who have no other resources to a doctor, hospital, or medical related appointment. Drivers may be reimbursed for gas expense if they so desire. Calls for help are received in the FISH central office where the United Way screens them before referring the client to a telephone volunteer who will confirm the appointment or need before contacting a driver. Please prayerfully consider this much needed volunteer opportunity. If you will help or know of others who might, please contact the FISH office at 882-9505 or 376-5340.




Mar 12

Design & Development Meeting

6:00 P.M.

Monday Mar 13 Seniorcize

Boy Scout Committee Meeting

Stewardship & Finance Meeting

9:00 A.M.

6:00 P.M.

6:00 P.M.

Tuesday Mar 14 Osteoporosis & Exercise Class

Fun Lunch

9:00 A.M.

12:00 P.M.

Wednesday Mar 15 Seniorcize

Lenten Study

Property & Personnel Meeting

Bell Practice

Fellowship Supper

Choir Practice

9:00 A.M.

10:00 A.M.

5:30 P.M.

5:45 P.M.

6:30 P.M.

7:15 P.M.

Friday Mar 17 Seniorcize

Loaves & Fishes

9:00 A.M.
Saturday Mar 18 Loaves & Fishes  
Sunday Mar 19 Lenten Study

New Member Class

Stated Session Meeting

9:45 A.M.

9:45 A.M.

6:00 P.M.

Attendance Last Week – 94
Average Attendance in 2006 – 99
Income Last Sunday
Undesignated Offering $ 5,184.80
Building Fund $775.00
Prison Rehab $100.00
Lenten Books $40.00
H.O.M.E. $25.00
TOTAL $6,124.80

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