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Sunday Morning Worship Service
May 27, 2007

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TO OUR GUESTS, we extend a warm welcome. We invite you to participate in signing our Friendship Folder, adding your address and phone number if you'd like to receive our church newsletter or a pastoral call. When we pray the Lord's Prayer at Bethel, we say "sins...sin against us" rather than "debts..." or "trespasses..."; during "a time for sharing" we welcome prayer requests from the congregation. On first Sundays each month, all who put their trust in Christ and who have received baptism in any Christian church are invited to share his sacred meal. We are glad you are with us. Please come again.

The Service For The Lord’s Day
Bethel Presbyterian Church
Pentecost Sunday
May 27, 2007
11:00 a.m.



Leader: Holy Spirit, Creator,
In the beginning You moved over the waters;
From Your breath all creation drew life;
Without You, life turns to dust.

People: Come, Holy Spirit!

Leader: Holy Spirit, Power,
By Your inspiration, the prophets spoke and acted in faith;
You came as fire to Jesus’ disciples;
You gave them voice before the rulers of the world.

People: Come, Holy Spirit!

Leader: Holy Spirit, Giver of New Life;
You created us as children of God;
You make us living temples of Your presence;
You pray within us with sighs too deep for words.

People: Come, Holy Spirit!


True Light, from whom comes every good gift, send Your Spirit into our lives with the power of a mighty wind. Open the flame of Your wisdom. Loosen our tongues to show Your praise, for only in Your Spirit can we voice Your words of peace and proclaim Jesus as Lord. Amen.

*HYMN OF PRAISE   On Pentecost They Gathered   Hymn #128


O God of life and breath, Your Spirit calls to us, but we are often reluctant to heed Your call. The wind of the Spirit moves and draws us onward, yet we cling to what is comfortable and secure. You have freed us with love and forgiveness, yet we imprison ourselves and each other. Help us risk letting go of our old patterns so that we may be a people who are truly alive. Help us live into the dream of wholeness and peace and joy You intend for each one of us and for the human family.

(Silent personal confession)


There is a balm in Gilead to make the wounded whole. There is a balm in Gilead to heal the sin-sick soul. Friends, believe the Good News of the gospel. In Jesus Christ we are forgiven!

HYMN OF ASSURANCE   Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove   Hymn #126


Your Word is a balm to our souls when we are hurting, a light that shines the way ahead when we have lost our way. By Your spirit, touch our hearts and open our eyes that we may hear anew Your Word to us today.

FIRST READING   Genesis 11:1-9

SECOND READING   Romans 8:14-17

ANTHEM   On the Day Of Pentecost   Chancel Choir


THIRD READING   Acts 1:8; 2:1-21

SERMON   Standing Poised, Hesitating, and Yet Eager To Move On . . .
Rev. Pat Harvey

HYMN OF DEDICATION   Let Every Christian Pray   Hymn #130


Leader: As God’s people, called to love one another, let us pray for the church and for the needs of all God’s children together throughout the world.

People: Lord, hear our prayer.

Leader: We pray for Christians of all traditions, in every land, and for Christians throughout the world, especially those who suffer for their faith.

People: Lord, hear our prayer.

Leader: We pray for those who govern and strive to keep peace on earth and for those whose lives and loved ones are threatened by war.

People: Lord, hear our prayer.

Leader: We pray for those who have no home, who live in hunger and poverty.

People: Lord, hear our prayer.

Leader: We pray for those who are sick or suffering, who know no peace of body, mind, or spirit.

People: Lord, hear our prayer.

Leader: We pray for all who feel lost or alone, especially for youth and young adults and others who seek the love the world cannot give.

People: Lord, hear our prayer.

Leader: We pray for all children and those who care for them. May they always find a welcome at this Lord’s Table.

People: Lord, hear our prayer.

Leader: God of all life, You have created each of us with Your hands and given us life through Your Spirit. Make us strong and wise so that we would do what our prayers say so that all would know of Your amazing love. In Jesus’ name we pray the prayer Jesus taught His disciples . . .


APOSTLE’S CREED   Hymnal Page #14

I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.


*DOXOLOGY   Hymn #592

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.



May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13)

*HYMN OF RESPONSE   Every Time I Feel the Spirit   Hymn #315


 *All who are able may stand.

Bethel offers Sunday school for children and four educational opportunities for adults at 9:45 A.M.

Childcare for babies and preschool age children is offered at 11:00 A.M.

Restrooms are located in our Educational Building on the first floor and the lower level.

Ushers can provide activity sheets for children and large print hymnals if needed.

A Special Thank You

The Liturgist today is Frank Harris.

The Usher today is Cathy McDowell.

The flowers are given by Alfred & Jan Rybka.

The organ is being played by Marilyn Gaffin.


Pentecost Offering

Today we will be receiving the Pentecost offering. This offering goes to assist ministries of children at risk. Please prayerfully consider giving to this worthy cause.

Welcome Confirmation Class

Pentecost is an exciting time of year! It’s the time we celebrate the birth of the church! We celebrate the Holy Spirit, who brings new life and hope. In keeping with this new life brought by the Spirit, six youth of our congregation will be confirmed this day! Thanks be to God! Congratulations to Cody Browning, Joshua McCaslin, Zachary McCaslin, Jared McGill, Diego Vanegas, and Orlando Vanegas, Jr.

Sunday School Summer Session

Our Bethel children will kick off their Sunday School Summer Session Sunday, June 3rd with "God's Creation." For this occasion, the children and their teachers would also like to invite you for Fellowship Sunday on June 3 at 10:30 a.m. (Please note the date change).

Camp Noah Hurricane Survival Kits

The Bethel Youth Group has been collecting the following items during the month of May. They will be sent to St. Paul’s in Mobile, Alabama where they will be used to create “survival kits” by the children from the Gulf area, who are attending one of the eleven Camp Noah’s scheduled there this summer. The camps are expecting to help as many as 700 kids this summer who have been significantly traumatized by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. If you would like to help, please put any items you would like to donate in the designated box located in the narthex. Hurry! Today is the last day to make your donations. Thanks for your support.

Soft-cover Bible Flashlight & Batteries
Washcloth Children’s socks
Comb or Hairbrush Coloring book & crayons
Small box of tissues Card game
(Old Maid, Go Fish, etc.)
Toothbrush/toothpaste (small) Pencil
Bar of soap Markers (medium tip)
Spiral Notebook
(for Daily Journal 8” x 10”)

Prayer Concerns

Wanda Carter, Roberta Cash, Al & Dot Davis, Reid Hutchison, April Jackson, Barbara Schilling, Marnie Shields, Jordan Sherrod, Marc Sherrod, Marci Smith, Margaret True, Monica Wambugu, Christine Woods

Office Closed

The office will be closed Monday, May 28th in observance of Memorial Day.

Musical Talent Wanted

Warm weather is upon us and as of today, choir is officially off for the summer. Bethel has a lot of untapped musical talent, both vocal and instrumental. And summer is a perfect time to invite those willing to share those talents with us during our worship services. A sign-up sheet is available for volunteers. Please pick a date to share your talents and sign up on the bulletin board in the back of the sanctuary. All volunteers will be much appreciated.

DVD Collection

Deb Hyder is collecting DVDs for our troops overseas. These DVDs will enable tired soldiers to escape for an hour or so from the incredible responsibility of their duties and the ever-present danger. If you have used DVDs you have seen a few times that are just sitting on the shelf collecting dust, please consider donating them to our troops. There is a box located in the Narthex for your donations.

Annual Youth Auction

The Annual Youth Auction will be June 10. Following the worship service the youth will host a luncheon followed by the Auction. The Youth will be selling their time and talents and would like to invite the congregation to contribute their time and talents as well. Anything from birdhouses and baskets to babysitting and yard work are welcome and will be appreciated. Please support the church youth by contributing to this project. Sign up sheets along with some suggestions are located in the Narthex for those who wish to donate their time and talents.



Sunday May 27

Youth Group

2:00 P.M.

Monday May 28 Office CLosed
Wednesday May 30


Prayer Group

9:00 A.M.

9:45 A.M.

Thursday May 31

Bethel Book Clud

1:30 P.M.

Friday June 1 Seniorcize 9:00 A.M.
Sunday June 3 Fellowship Sunday

Christian Education Meeting

Youth Group

10:30 A.M.

12:30 P.M.

2:00 P.M.


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