The Prelude The John Knox Camp Singers
The Gathering and Greeting of God’s People
Call to Worship
Leader: There is something deeper than trouble.
All: It is mercy.
Leader: God's amazing grace;
All: Carrying, lifting, holding us in all seasons.
Leader: There is something more powerful than despair.
All: It is mercy.
Leader: God's amazing love;
All: Seeing us through dark nights, waves of sadness, mountains of grief.
Leader: There is something longer lasting than pain.
All: It is mercy.
Leader: God's healing touch;
All: Bringing us hope, leading us to joy, teaching us to sing.
The Prayer of Adoration and Praise (In Unison)
Lord God, we come to adore You. You are our Creator, and You granted us being. Without You we could not be. Before we were born, before time began, You were. When time is finished, when the universe is no more, You will still be. Nothing can take Your power from You. Nothing can limit or overcome Your love. And in Your presence we can only be silent before the mystery of Your being, for no words of ours can do justice to Your glory. Amen.
*The Hymn of Praise Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise Hymn #263
Prayer of Confession (In Unison)
We come humbly before You, O Lord, confessing that we need spiritual renewal. Putting Band-Aids on the sins of our spirits will not do, Lord. We know that we need a thorough overhaul, a total reconstruction of our spirits that once came so fresh from Your creative hand. Our minds need adjusting that they may be more in tune with the truths that come from You. Our emotions need to be fine-tuned that they may repel anger and resonate with kindness. Our hearts need to throb with sincere caring and love for all of Your children of whatever race, whatever social standing. Our hands and feet need to be guided into Your service, O God, that we may work to solve life’s problems rather than be the creators of them. In short, we need total renewal, O God, and only You can adequately give us this blessing. Therefore we await the ministry of Your Holy Spirit. (Please continue in silent and personal confession)
Lord, have mercy upon us,
Christ, have mercy upon us,
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Assurance of Pardon
God is merciful and gracious, full of forgiveness, abounding in love and over-flowing with blessing. Receive the gift of forgiveness; live this day with new hope and strength to love. Amen.
*The Response to Forgiveness The Gloria Patri
The Minute for Mission From the Mission Yearbook of Prayer
The Offering
The Offertory I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me
*The Offertory Response The Doxology
*The Prayer of Dedication
Moment for the Children Hannah Sherrod
Hymn of Preparation Spirit of the Living God Hymn #332
The Prayer of Illumination
The Old Testament Lesson Isaiah 55: 8-11
The New Testament Lessons John 6:9; Matthew 25: 34-40
The Proclamation of the Word of God
Seeing Christ in Others Rev. Patricia N. Harvey
*The Apostles Creed Hymnal Page #14
The Pastoral Prayer
*The Hymn of Dedication Lord, Make Us More Holy Hymn #536
*Closing Prayer
*Pastoral Benediction
The Postlude