Sunday Morning Worship Service
August 14, 2005

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TO OUR GUESTS, we extend a warm welcome. We invite you to participate in signing our Friendship Folder, adding your address and phone number if you'd like to receive our church newsletter or a pastoral call. When we pray the Lord's Prayer at Bethel, we say "sins...sin against us" rather than "debts..." or "trespasses..."; during "a time for sharing" we welcome prayer requests from the congregation. On first Sundays each month, all who put their trust in Christ and who have received baptism in any Christian church are invited to share his sacred meal. We are glad you are with us. Please come again.

The Service For The Lord’s Day
Bethel Presbyterian Church
Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
August 14, 2005


This is the day that the Lord has made;

Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

INTROIT   Great Is Thy Faithfulness   Kay Hamrick & Phil Walsh


Come let us worship God, rejoicing in God’s loving care for us.

We bring all our differences and yet we worship together in unity.

God is merciful to all. O the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God!

Through God all things are made. Let us worship God.


*HYMN #430   Come Sing, O Church, In Joy!    Darwall’s 148th



O Christ, you are our Source of Deliverance. You call us to faith, while we seek our own security. You teach us to trust you, yet we don’t take that risk. You expect total commitment, and we think in terms of percentage. Time after time we turn our backs on your grace, serving our idols and forsaking you as our only Lord. O God, in Christ, have mercy upon us. Forgive us. Renew us. Make us whole. Remind us always that you desire a commitment to love You above all else and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Amen.


Hear the good news! Who is in a position to condemn? Only Christ, and Christ died for us, Christ rose for us, Christ reigns in power for us, Christ prays for us. Anyone who is in Christ is a new creation. The old life has gone; a new life has begun. Know that you are forgiven and be at peace.

Thanks be to God! In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven!

*CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE   Gloria Patri   Hymn #579

OLD TESTAMENT    Isaiah 56:1-8

CHILDREN’S TIME    Jordan Sherrod

ANTHEM    The Lord is My Shepherd    Kay Hamrick & Phil Walsh

NEW TESTAMENT   Matthew 15:21-28

SERMON    Dogging Jesus    Rev. Marc Sherrod, ThD

*HYMN #360   Hope of the World   Donne Secours


We believe it is a matter of faith to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. We believe it is a matter of faith to recognize equally and love all members of God’s human family whatever their race or creed, origin or orientation, color or condition. We believe that God’s creation is good, beautiful, and sacred, and therefore to condemn any portion of it is to condemn a portion of God as well. We believe that Jesus Christ came to free us from oppression and opulence, from negativity and neglect, and from things that lead to despair and death. And we believe that the Holy Spirit is that power which moves within us and beyond us, giving us courage and stamina to not only face the truth, but to live it! Glory be to God, the one in three – Creator, Savior, and Holy Power of love! Amen.




OFFERTORY MUSIC   Nearer My God to Thee   Kay Hamrick & Phil Walsh

*DOXOLOGY   Hymn #592

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below;

Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.


*HYMN #420   God of Grace and God of Glory   CWM Rhondda


*CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE   God Be with You Till We Meet Again   Hymn #540


*All who are able may stand.

Bethel offers Sunday school for children and four educational opportunities for adults at 9:45 A.M.

Childcare for babies and preschool age children is offered at 11:00 A.M.

Restrooms are located in our Educational Building on the first floor and the lower level.

Ushers can provide activity sheets for children and large print hymnals if needed.

A Special Thank You

The Liturgist today is Chris Badger.

The Ushers today are Jordan & Eden Sherrod.

The flowers today are from Jan and Alf Rybka.


Church Picnic

Our Church Picnic will be at the Hettrick’s home today! Games for young and old will start at 3 p.m. Around 5 p.m. we will have our picnic consisting of BBQ, buns, baked beans, potato chips, coleslaw and desserts. The only thing we ask YOU to bring is your favorite beverage(s), and a lawn chair. There are directions to the Hettrick’s home in the Narthex.

Commitment Cards

Commitment Cards for Bethel's Capital Funds Campaign are in the pews.  Please prayerfully consider what your pledge will be and use an envelope when you place your card in the offering plate or send it to the church office.

Pledge Record

Pledges to date

16 $ 164,300
Funds on hand $ 200,000
Total $ 364,300

Pool Party

There will be a Pool Party today from 3 – 7 p.m. at The Sherrod’s home (2667 Lawnville Road, Kingston 717-4881) for Children and Youth. Hamburgers and hotdogs provided; you bring dessert, drink or other food. Children 5th grade this fall and under should be accompanied by an adult.

Building Plans Comments or Questions?

Joe Coen and Frank Harris will be at the front of the sanctuary following the service today to hear any comments or answer questions about the building plans.

Hymn Sing and Ice-Cream Social

You are all invited to make a joyful noise to the Lord at our Annual Hymn Sing on Sunday, August 28th at 7:00 p.m. After the singing, we will adjourn to the Fellowship Hall for cookies and ice-cream. If you are interested in making homemade ice cream, please contact Nelda Toon at 376-5370.

Prayer Concerns

We join the McNew family in grieving the death of Jack’s mother, Eleanor McNew.

Doris Barber, Sue Carter, Al & Dot Davis, Madge Mounger, Justin Trivette, Margaret True, Evelyn Waldrup

Smokies Hike – Little Brier Gap Trail

Join us as we hike the Little Greenbrier Gap Trail on September 4. The hike will be 2.6 miles round trip and is described in the guide book as "a short country lane hike on a broad old road bed that ascends, but only slightly." We will depart from Bethel shortly after the conclusion of the morning service and return to Kingston around supper time. Please bring appropriate clothing and shoes to change into before leaving, as well as a picnic lunch and snacks. If you have any questions, please call Mark Banker at 376-2118. This should be a great hike for both young and old alike.

Playhouse Trip

Please sign up for our upcoming trip to the Cumberland County Playhouse to see "Ain't Misbehavin'" on Sunday, October 9th at 2:30 p.m. We will carpool from Bethel leaving the parking lot at 2:00 p.m. More details later.

Rev. Pat Harvey’s Installation

Next Sunday, Rev. Patricia Harvey, former Parish Associate at Bethel will be installed as Associate Pastor of Second Presbyterian Church in Knoxville at the 11:00 a.m. service. All are welcome! The Pastor and Pastor Emeritus will participate on the installation commission. Rev. Bill Shenk will preach at Bethel next Sunday.

Music Thank You

Thank you to Phil Walsh and Kay Hamrick for providing special music for us today. Kay Hamrick has had a long career in music in the Oak Ridge area.  Some of her activities have included directing the Oak Ridge High School chorus and the Kern Methodist Church choir, as well as teaching voice at Roane State Community College. She completed her M. S. degree in music while raising her family.

Congregational Meeting

Please mark your calendars for a Congregational Meeting on Sunday, September 18.

Roane Choral Society

Roane Choral Society will begin rehearsing our Thirty-Third Season on Monday, September 26 at 6:00 p.m. We have some wonderful things in store this year, including a concert season that includes our annual Christmas and Valentine's Day concerts and our Spring Patriotic concert that will feature the 572nd United States Air Force Band!  New members will be welcomed during the first three rehearsals. You do not have to read music to be a part of this group - just a fun-loving spirit and a love of singing!  For more information, please contact Jerri Zurcher at 376-6710.

Lock Your Cars!

There has been a string of vehicle break-ins on Sunday mornings in Kingston. This is just a reminder to leave your valuables at home and be sure to lock your cars when you come to church on Sunday mornings and any other time you are out.

Peacemaking Project Ideas – Please Give Us Your Input

What peacemaking project needs Bethel’s support? In October, we will receive the Peacemaking Offering. A portion of this offering will fund a project Bethel chooses. Session makes the final project decision but would like input from the congregation on the projects to be considered. Examples of projects are:

  • Donate to a domestic violence shelter,
  • Provide a scholarship to PC(USA) Peacemaking Conference,
  • Purchase Peacemaking resources for use within the community.
More project ideas are listed at Help Session choose.

What would you like us to do?___________________________________________________.




Aug 14 Bethel Church Picnic @ Hettrick’s

3:00 P.M.

Tuesday Aug 16 Church Directory Pictures 2:00 – 8:40 P.M.
Wednesday Aug 17 Church Directory Pictures 2:00 – 8:40 P.M.
Thurday Aug 18 Mom & Tot Group

Church Directory Pictures

8:00 A.M.

2:00 – 8:40 P.M.

Sunday Aug 21 Commission of Pat Harvey @ 2nd P.C

John Knox Annual Picnic

Session Meeting

11:00 A.M.

2:00 P.M.

6:00 P.M.


Attendance Last Week – 105
Average Attendance in 2005 – 111


Income Last Week
Undesignated Offering $4,250.54
Parish Nurse $40.00
Cookbooks $14.00
H.O.M.E. $10.00
Pass Through – Mom & Tot $40.00
Building Fund $25.00
TOTAL $4,379.54


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