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Sunday Morning Worship Service
September 19, 2007

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TO OUR GUESTS, we extend a warm welcome. We invite you to participate in signing our Friendship Folder, adding your address and phone number if you'd like to receive our church newsletter or a pastoral call. When we pray the Lord's Prayer at Bethel, we say "sins...sin against us" rather than "debts..." or "trespasses..."; during "a time for sharing" we welcome prayer requests from the congregation. On first Sundays each month, all who put their trust in Christ and who have received baptism in any Christian church are invited to share his sacred meal. We are glad you are with us. Please come again.

The Service For The Lord’s Day
Bethel Presbyterian Church
16th Sunday after Pentecost
September 16, 2007
11:00 a.m.

Gathering and Greeting of God’s People

Prayer of Preparation Before Worship

Almighty God, You build Your church upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Jesus Christ Himself as the cornerstone. Join us together by their teaching, so that we may be a holy temple in whom Your Spirit dwells; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen


Call to Worship

Leader: Create in us clean hearts, O God,

People: O Lord, open our lips,

Leader: And our mouths shall declare Your praise!

People: Praise the Lord!

Leader: The Lord’s name be praised!

*Hymn of Praise #482   Praise Ye the Lord, the Almighty   Lobe Den Herren

Call to Confession: (I John 1: 8-9)

If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. But if we confess our sins, God who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. In humility and faith let us confess our sins to God…

Prayer of Confession

Searching God, You come to us like a shepherd searching for lost sheep. We hide and we run, sometimes knowing full well that we have strayed, other times completely unaware that we are on the wrong path. Regardless, You come after us. With love and compassion and mercy You come after us. So we make our confession with hope that You might find us again, and wipe away our sin, and return us to Your fold. We pray in the name of the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ…. (please continue in silent and personal confession)

Lord have mercy upon us,
Christ have mercy upon us,
Lord have mercy upon us.

Declaration of Forgiveness and Congregational Response

Leader: In Christ, we are given new life.

People: The old is gone away. The new is before us.

Leader: We are freed to live in the present.

People: That is the Good News that sets us free to love!

Leader: The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting. Thanks be to God.

All: In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven!

Minute for Mission The Peacemaking Offering Larry Strickling

A Moment With the Children

*Anthem   Have Thine Own Way, Lord

Old Testament Lesson: Deuteronomy 6: 1-9

Testament Lesson: Acts 2: 37-42

Sermon   Change…   Rev. Patricia N. Harvey

*Affirmation of Faith   The Apostle’s Creed   Page 14 in Hymnal

*Hymn of Affirmation # 339   Be Thou My Vision   Slane



Prayer of Dedication

Time of Sharing and Prayer

*Hymn of Dedication # 538   Lord, Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing   Sicilian Mariners



Congregational Response

God be with you until we meet again:
Loving counsels guide, uphold you,
With a Shepherd’s care unfurl you:
God be with you until we meet again.


*All who are able, please stand.

Bethel offers Sunday school for children and four educational opportunities for adults at 9:45 A.M.

Childcare for babies and preschool age children is offered at 11:00 A.M.

Restrooms are located in our Educational Building on the first floor and the lower level.

Ushers can provide activity sheets for children and large print hymnals if needed.

A Special Thank You

The Liturgist today is Denise Martin

The organ is being played by Marilyn Gaffin

The flowers this week are in honor of Marge and Dick Hettrick

The flowers for last Sunday were in honor of Marilyn Gaffin


Elder Nominations

The Nominating Committee seeks your input for nominations for the office of Elder (Class of 2010). Those serving on the Nominating Committee are: Frank Harris (Chair), Julie Bunch, Denise Martin, Dick Evans and Phil Walsh.

Buddy’s Race Against Cancer

Join Rev. Marc Sherrod for Buddy’s Race Against Cancer. The race is November 11, 2007, at World’s Fair Park in Knoxville. If you want to join the team, it is registered under the name “Hope for Halie”. Online registration deadline for team is Oct. 19, 2007. Online individual registration deadline is
Oct. 30, 2007. The website is www.buddysrace.org or www.ktc.org

Support our Troops

Look through your collection and see if you can part with some of your DVDs or bring new ones. We are still sending DVDs to our troops in Iraq. They are really enjoying them and will appreciate more. Please place them in the box in the Narthex.

Mission Outreach

The Mission Outreach Committee will meet September 20, 2007, at 6:00 p.m.

Ten Thousand Villages

Mark your calendar! Ten Thousand Villages is scheduled to visit Bethel on World Communion Sunday, October 7th, following the church service. Tentative plans are for a light meal to be served that will emphasize our international heritage…and then, shopping for beautiful, handmade crafts. Shop early for Christmas and support this enterprise that features crafts made by natives of several countries, including the Sivalees of Brazil and Wambugas of Grace School in Kenya both with whom Bethel has a mission relationship.

Questions? Please ask members of the Mission Outreach Committee.

Bulletin Deadline

Please have all your special announcements for the Bulletin turned in by Thursday morning. This will give us time to compile it for printing by Friday.

Thank you!

Ushers Needed

We only have a few scheduled to be ushers for the next few months. Please sign up on the Usher Schedule sheet on the bulletin board at the back of the Sanctuary. Thank you!

Prayer Concerns

Wanda Carter Roberta Cash Christine Woods
Al & Dot Davis Lucy Webb Anneke Oonk
Marnie Shields Phyllis Baker Marci Smith
Justin Trivette Marc Sherrod George Warlick
Pat Hale Margaret True  

Wednesday Fellowship Dinner

September 19th – 6:30 P.M.

The Focus is on Kids!

(Be sure to bring your Parents, Grandparents and Friends!)

(Come and see the Picnic video!)



In preparation for this special time of Worship & Fellowship on Worldwide Communion Sunday (October 7th) we will be preparing a wonderful international dinner!

Please Join Us - as we gather together on September 23rd (right after church) for our…

“Learning to Make Tamales Extravaganza!” *
(Teaching Courtesy of Viviana Vanegas)

Then, on Sunday October 7th (after our Worldwide Communion Service), we will continue to share the Missions of our local church and share a wonderful international meal together!

In Addition: Ten-Thousand Villages will be here to help you do some early Christmas shopping!

If you would like to be a part of the “Learning to Prepare Tamales Extravaganza”…please fill out this registration form and put it in the offering plate or return it to the church office! Gracias!

* these tamales will be served October 7th

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Registration for: Learning to Make Tamales Extravaganza

Name: __________________________________________

Phone Number: _____________Email_________________


We have had many people visit Bethel Presbyterian Church in the recent months. The Session wants to take the four weeks in October to get to know one another and help orient folks about the Presbyterian Church and Bethel Presbyterian Church particularly. We hope this casual class will be informative, discussion oriented and fun! These classes are open to anyone who would like to come! Participation in this class is a great introduction to the ministry here in Kingston, and if participants desire to join after the series – that would be an opportunity as well! COME JOIN US! Fill in this RSVP or call the church office.


SUNDAY MORNINGS at 9:45 October 7th through October 28th
(Room 4 of the Christian Education Building)

October 7 THE JOURNEY…
Meet Pastors, Staff, Introductions, Review Agenda for the class - and share in the Fellowship time at 10:30 AM.

October 14th WHAT DO WE BELIEVE?
Being a Christian and What Presbyterians Believe

History of Bethel Presbyterian Church, structure & ministries

Discipleship, Stewardship, Your Spiritual Gifts and how to use them!


NAME: __________________________________________

ADDRESS: _______________________________________

PHONE NUMBER: __________________________EMAIL:________________

Bethel Presbyterian Church
Hymn Sing And Ice Cream Social

Sunday Evening October 23rd – 7:00pm



(Please Place this in the offering plate or in the church office)

Name: __________________________
Phone Number: __________________
I will bring: Cookies____
Cookie Bars____
Ice Cream (Half Gallon) ____



Sunday Sep 16

Sunday School (all ages)


John Knox Camp Picnic


9:45 A.M.

11:00 A.M.

2.00 P.M.

6:00 P.M.

Monday Sep 17 Seniorcize

Boy Scouts

9:00 A.M.

7:00 P.M.

Tuesday Sep 18


5:30 P.M.

Wednesday Sep 19


Hand Bell Practice

Property & Personnel

Fellowship Supper

9:00 A.M.

5:30 P.M.

5:30 P.M.

6:30 P.M.

Thursday Sep 20 Mission Outreach Committee 6:00 P.M.
Friday Sep 21 Seniorcize 9:00 A.M.
Saturrday Sep 22    
Sunday Sep 23

Sunday School (all ages)


Youth Group

9:45 A.M.

11:00 A.M.

2:00 P.M.

Attendance Last Sunday – 104
Average Attendance in 2007 – 110
Income From Last Sunday
Undesignated Offering $4438.00
Building Fund $100.00
Grace School 20.00
Pettyjohn Memorial 91.00
TOTAL $4,649.00


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