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The Open Door

Published monthly by and for the members and friends of
Bethel Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

VOL. 32NO. 4  Marc Sherrod, Minister  April, 2004

E-Mail & On-Line Newsletter

A number of the members have responded regarding saving postage and mailing by reading the newsletter online. If you wish to add your name to that list, call (865-376-6340) or e-mail the church office.

We also maintain a master list of e-mail addresses. Please include yours if you wish.


Open Door Index

From the Minister

From the Parish Nurse

Session Committee Articles

Session Meeting Highlights

Notes of Appreciation

Notes of Sympathy

Prayer Calendar

Remember to Pray for These

Memorial Gifts


Youth News

Special Needs

Monthly News

Thoughts to Ponder




This service is free for friends and members of Bethel. If you have a transportation need, please call the church office at 376-6340. Please be ready to tell us the date and time of your appointment and what time you want to be picked up. Some of the places we transport to are: doctor’s office, hairdresser, library, post office, grocery store, and shopping. We drive as far as Knoxville. We are open to other suggestions, also.


From the Minister

I suspect that many of you don’t frequently give much thought to the connectional nature of the Presbyterian Church, USA. By “connectional” I mean 1) the interdependent nature of our form of church government, 2) the cooperative approach to ministry and mission that is fundamental to our heritage, and 3) the sense of obligation we have to fellow Presbyterians to encourage and hold one another accountable in the life of faith. Beyond the session, which is the governing body of a local Presbyterian Church, there are three higher governing bodies in our denomination: the presbytery, synod and general assembly. Each of these four bodies is entrusted with carrying out the functions I enumerated above. While we are also called to be in ecumenical partnership with other Christians, Presbyterians “owe” a sense of commitment and service to further the purposes of the Church as agreed upon by fellow Presbyterians. The great historic statement of this purpose is summarized in “The Great Ends of the Church” in our Form of Government: “the proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of humankind; the shelter, nurture, and spiritual fellowship of the children of God; the maintenance of divine worship; the preservation of the truth; the promotion of social righteousness, and the exhibition of the kingdom of heaven to the world.”

Here in the Presbytery of East Tennessee, a collection of some 80 PCUSA churches stretching from Georgia to Kentucky, the Cumberland Plateau to the North Carolina border, we continue to seek to carry out these Great Ends. Each of you, as a member of Bethel, is also a part of the Presbytery and a part of its life and work. About two years ago, I and several other ministers and elders in the Presbytery agreed to serve on a task force to evaluate the health of the Presbytery and to propose a renewed vision for our life and work together. Many, many hours of time and creative energy have been expended designing a process to receive the comments of sessions and others that would lead us towards a new day in the presbytery, then making decisions about how to prioritize the many suggestions that came to the task force about changes to the administrative structure, mission, as well as the culture of meetings and working relationships.

We on Presbytery’s Task Force on Structures and Priorities are getting very close to making the first of two reports to the Presbytery that will bring about significant adjustments in who we are and what we do. The task force will hold regional gatherings to review the draft of the vision statement and list of mission initiatives (new priorities for the Presbytery) that have emerged out of the recently concluded process of interviewing each session of the Presbytery and other groups and individuals involved in leading the Presbytery’s ministry and mission. Bethel will host one of these regional gatherings on Saturday, May 1, at 10:00 am. At that time, copies of the task force’s proposals, to be presented to the June 15, 2004 Presbytery meeting, will be available. All are welcome to attend!

Bethel has been a regular leader both in shared mission financial giving that supports the work of Presbytery and in providing lay and clerical leadership for carrying out our mission. Please be in prayer for us during this exciting process!

As we move towards the promise of newness and hope that belongs to us as God’s Easter people, may we do so empowered to look beyond ourselves to all the possibilities for sharing the love, justice, and peace of God.

Marc Sherrod

Parish Nurse


I am writing this from my "home base." I am still on sick leave. The doctor believes I am healing nicely, but, due to the extreme nature of my surgery, I just need a few more weeks with my foot up. One thing is for sure- being an "invalid" is for the birds. Hopefully the doctor will release me after my next appointment on April 15th.During the next few months after I return to work there will be some very exciting offerings for our parish. My steerage committee (Nancy King, Marianna Oonk, Delores Sandmel, Jennie Morris, Carolyn Tulley and Melanie Sherrod)and I are planning an educational offering consisting of 3-4 weeks (or more!) of nutrition and dieting information. These training sessions will be available for all ages. In addition, I will be making a special evening with the youth of our church for a teen's nutritional needs and dieting information.

Some of the topics we will discuss:

• Which diet is right for you? The Atkins Diet? The South Beach Diet? Dr. Phil's Plan, the Mediterranean Diet or Glycemic Index?

• Carbohydrates, fat and protein: What are the health benefits of each?

• Do the popular diets reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease?

• A cost analysis of the popular diets- how much are we spending?

• Which drugs promote weight gain or interfere with weight loss?

• What are the effects of a carbohydrate- restricted diet?

• What are the effects of fiber on: cholesterol, coronary disease, or adult- onset diabetes?

• What exercises should I do and for how long? Should I change exercises every so often and when?

We will decide if we want to form a dieter's support group during the first meetings. I am excited about this opportunity and hope these programs will be well attended. As I stated earlier, I hope to be back to work after April 15th. As these programs shape up, I will be making posters and advertising them. As always.............to your health


Session Highlights

[A reminder that session meetings are open for members to attend unless the session goes into executive session; the minutes of the session are are available, by appointment, for review in the church office]

Heard a presentation about the Alpha program and heard plans to offer this program at Bethel in fall, 2004
Approved a request to Presbytery of East Tennessee for a grant from their “2004 Investments in Mission” to help fund our small group ministries initiative
Heard a report from the Presbytery’s February stated meeting
Approved two worship services on Easter (9 and 11 am) and an outdoor worship service at John Knox Center on October 31 at 1 pm, preceded by lunch in the camp dining hall
Average worship attendance in February was 126
Approved the expenditure of up to $2000 from the interest on the Banker Endowment Fund to the Christian Education Committee to provide scholarship for youth attending the Ghost Ranch week this June
Approved pastor’s vacation and pulpit supply for April 4 (Pat Harvey) and April 18 (Bill Shenk) when the pastor will be participating in the Presbytery’s clergy/spouse retreat in Townsend
• • • • •

Special Needs

... none listed for this month ...

 Monthly News

Holy Week and Easter Services

Maundy Thursday Holy Communion at Bethel, 7 pm

Good Friday at Kingston United Methodist, 7 pm

Community (Ecumenical) Easter Sunrise Service at Kingston City Park, 7 am

Easter Worship Services at Bethel 9 and 11 am



MAY 8, 2004

It's this time of year again! Mothers and daughters prepare for another wonderful time of fun, food and fellowship, This years Mother/Daughter luncheon will be on Saturday, May 8 at noon in our own nicely decorated Fellowship Hall. We will have a delicious catered lunch for $7.00 per person which consists of chicken salad, congealed salad with fruit, banana bread, dessert and drink. Reservations need to be made on or before Friday, April 30 at the church office. When you make your reservations, please indicate if you need a vegetarian plate. Watch for details in our Sunday bulletins.


1. Tired of the same old meals every day?.
2. Need to perk up your appetite or a family member's appetite?
3. Need something different to fix for a special event?
4. New to the church and community and want to get to know people better?
5. Liked a dish you tasted at the Fun Luncheon or Wednesday' night supper and now want to try it yourself? 6. Need a special gift for a special person?

If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, the solution might be as near as the Bethel Always cookbook. First published in 1993, this cookbook became popular immediately and can be found in the homes of many Bethel members as well as their neighbors and friends throughout the community. Some of these cookbooks have even traveled further than Roane County. The recipes are favorites of the families and friends of Bethel members and all are fabulous. And it is not just the recipes that make this cookbook so special. Pay particular attention to the art work beginning with the cover and scattered throughout. All are by various talented members of Bethel. Be sure to read the history of Bethel and the writings before each of the monthly menus.

The cookbook can be purchased from any member of the Mission Outreach Committee as well as from the church office for $14.00. All proceeds are to be divided between the Roane County Habitat for Humanity and the Presbyterian 2 Cents a Meal Hunger Fund.

Rea Evening Circle

We will conclude their Lenten study in April. Soup, bread, dessert and conversation begin at 6:00 PM. The Bible study begins at 6:30 and will last about an hour. All women of the church are invited to the Rea Evening Circle meetings. (The Hebrew word, Rea, ray uh, means "a friend who is as your own soul.")


Those interested in developing Bethel's congregational gifts discernment program will meet on Tuesday, April 13 at 7:00 P.M. in the meeting room below the church sanctuary. Any one who feels led to participate in this ministry initiative is invited to attend.


Roane County Imagination Library is a mission project for the Rea Evening Circle and on Wednesday, April 14 at 2:30, Amanda Willis, regional director of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library will be speaking at the Kingston Library about the foundation's efforts to help prepare children for school and life. If you would like to learn more about this project we encourage you to attend.


A sign up sheet for summer musicians for the Sunday worship will soon be posted. Please begin thinking about ways you or someone you know could contribute to our worship experience this summer. If you have any questions, contact Mary Ann Hensley, (865) 988-3708


The next book group meeting will be at the church on Thursday, April 29 at 2:00 P.M. The book we will be discussing is the Red Tent by Anita Diamant. Anyone interested is invited to attend.


In 1949, several denominations formed a committee to organize an appeal for support for relief and reconstruction in areas devastated by World War II. Their statement of support is as accurate and current today as it was more than half a century ago; “This nationwide, united effort by American Christians has an importance far beyond the practical goal of fund-raising. For this great joint program will not only strengthen the vitally important relief and rehabilitation work of the churches overseas, but it will also prove to all the world the how great is the power generated when Christians unite in a common cause.” On the evening of Saturday March 26, 1949, a program called One Great Hour was broadcast over the major networks and many independent stations. With the talents of playwright Robert Sherwood and luminaries such as President Truman, Gregory Peck, and Ida Lupino, the program had a remarkable effect. The broadcast ended with a request that listeners attend their local church the following morning and make a contribution. More than 75,000 churches participated. The following year the offering was repeated and the One Great Hour of Sharing was born.

Today the needs are no less great. Projects supported by OGHS are underway in more than 100 countries, including here at home in the USA. Inserts in the church bulletins will elaborate on some of the ongoing efforts at home and abroad. A Minute for Mission on Palm Sunday will share some of the programs successes. Hunger, self-development and disaster relief are programs that demonstrate that our gifts are a tangible witness to the healing love of Christ for all people. Please give generously to this offering to be held on Easter Sunday.


 Dr. Doug Ottati, Professor of Theology at Union/PSCE in Richmond, Va. Will be delivering the first ever “Jack Davidson Memorial Lectureship” at First Presbyterian Church of Oak Ridge on Sunday Night, April 25. The topic of the lecture is “Which Way is Up? And Other Challenges to Christian Theology in the Light of Recent Scientific Findings and Ideas.” The lecture will start a t 7 P.M., but you have the opportunity to join us for dinner if you’d like at 6 P.M.. The cost is $4.00 and we’ll need a count beforehand for the dinner.You can RSVP to the church office at fpcadmin@comcast.net or callus at 865-483-1318 to make your reservation.

Thanks, Kerra Becker English


You are invited to attend a wedding shower in honor of Ellen Evans and Matthew Kellogg on Sunday, April 25, 2004 at 3 pm in Bethel's fellowship hall. The couple is registered at Home Depot, Sears, and Target. See target.com/marshall fields for dishes. Please RSVP by April 15 to Jane Pickel, Margaret Murr, Laura Dailey, or Lisa Pickel or call 376-5340.


If you are interested in participation or input on Bethel’s Small Group Ministry Team, you are invited to attend our April meeting on April 7th at 8:00 p.m. This meeting will be an update on current and future Small Groups at Bethel. If you have any questions call Bob Jones (376-4434), Carolyn Matthews (590-1422), or Pat Harvey (376-4767)


Representatives from the Small Group Ministry met with Session and presented information and an overview of the Alpha Ministry. Elders were given two books: WHAT IS ALPHA and ALPHA FROM A REFORMED PERSPECTIVE to read.

The Alpha Course has opened the door to changed lives around the world! But…

WHAT IS ALPHA? Alpha is a 10 week, 15-session practical introduction to the Christian faith designed primarily for non-churchgoers and new Christians. It is an opportunity for people of all backgrounds to explore the meaning of life in a safe, fun, and non-threatening atmosphere.

The Alpha Course began at Holy Trinity Brompton Church in London over 25 years ago and is now running successfully all over the world, in virtually all denominations and settings that range from campuses to prisons. Now, thousands of churches in North America are regularly offering Alpha Courses. Alpha addresses questions people have about their faith…real, tough questions…that require answers!

Here is what a few people are saying about Alpha…

“At the heart of the gospel is both evangelism and discipleship. Alpha courses are designed to do both effectively. We have used the program in our local church with great success. I am glad to commend it.” Gorden D. Fee, Professor of New Testament and Dean of Faculty, Regent College, Vancouver, B.C.

“The Alpha Course is a most engaging way pf passing on the basics of Christianity. It is a tool for evangelism and nurture that I highly recommend.”J.I. Packer Professor of Theology, Regent College, Vancouver, B.C.

“What Alpha has to offer is a unique mixture of Christian content and Christian style. I recommend it…as a very special tool for outreach”. Dr. Rowan Archbishop of Canterbury, England

Please keep this ministry in your prayers – as the Small Group Ministry Alpha Team continues to work on plans for an Alpha Course to be offered at Bethel in the Fall of 2004! If you have any questions: call Dave Nippert, Carolyn Matthews or Pat Harvey


Throughout the season on Lent three Small Group Lenten Studies have been meeting. It has been a time of growth both spiritually and new friendship have developed and deepened! Special thanks to the hosts of these groups: Chris Badger, Carolyn Matthews and Carol Brown, and Jerry and Pat Harvey.


The 2004 Intergeneration Mission Trip plans are in full swing! We have twenty-four youth and adults signed up so far! Four team members will travel to Ghost Ranch on June 13th. They will take part in a variety of educational and recreational activities. Our own Mark Banker will be teaching a course: The Comparative Study of Southern Appalachia & Hispanic New Mexico!

On June 16th* the rest of the team will travel north to Tierra Amarilla, New Mexico (a small town a few miles from the Colorado border). Our team will be engaged in activities including working at the Centro de los Santos Center, and performing service activities for the needy in the area.

Please keep this group of people in your prayers as we prepare our bodies and minds for the work God has for us in New Mexico! If you have any questions contact Mark Banker (376-2118) or Pat Harvey (376-4767)

* Please note the new date

“I have come as light into the world, so that everyone who believes in me should not remain in the darkness.” - Jesus in John 12:45

Session Committee Articles


In Rediscovering our Spiritual Gifts, Charles V. Bryant writes about the definition of the spiritual gift of evangelism as "the extraordinary ability to give such a witness to the love of God as expressed in Jesus Christ that it moves others to accept that love and to become disciples of Christ." Bryant believes that the whole church body is the evangelist -- the good news agency -- but that certain parts of the body do the major part of "birthing new disciples" into the kingdom of God. For example, the pastor oversees the spiritual needs of the person before, during and after. The teacher instructs, the apostle goes beyond the immediate environment to capture the imagination and involvement of others, and the administrator puts together personnel and materials to provide for nourishment and growth. The evangelist is one who intuitively senses God's timing, for each disciple according to his unique situation and process.Authentic evangelists, Bryant says, are interested in others' spiritual welfare and know the importance of their church in the nurture of converts. Their main concern is what the church, as Christ's body, can do for new converts, rather than what new people can do for the church. "With active persons obediently practicing this gift, the church grows," Bryant says.

Have you notice the Bethel sign on the Exxon fence in town? It was put up last week and we hope people will notice it when they comm off the Interstate. Also the Session has just approved the "Alpha" course that will be lead by Dave Nippert. It will be held at the church from September through the middle of November with later news on the confirmed day of the week. The Alpha course offers an opportunity to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed,non-threatening setting over 10 weekly session. People attend to explore: does God exist, is there any point to life, what happens after death, etc. It's a wonderful opportunity to open up and talk about Christianity.


As you have noticed, the tree next to the sanctuary has been taken down. Appalachian Tree Service, Sam Jones, inspected our trees and recommended its removal. He reported that the tree was rotten and unsafe in snow or windstorms. He will also be removing the stump and doing some pruning to some other trees on the property. The committee made a safety survey of the buildings making a list of potential workday needs. As a result, the baby swing has been removed due to a rope needing repair. Hopefully we will get it back up soon. We have contracted the bulldozer work to regrade the land behind the educational building and begin repair on the rental house driveway. This will begin on Monday, March 28, weather permitting. Be on the lookout for notices in the bulletin regarding our Spring Work Day. The date has not yet been set, but we will be looking at early May. The subcommittee of P and P working on the buildings and grounds concerns you voiced during the visioning process has met several times. This committee consists of Gary Griffith, Ken Dungan, Jack McNew, Jim Schall, Laura Dailey, Becca Dailey, Dave Nippert, Madge Mounger, and Nancy King. Early in March we met with Chris Malone, president of Foxhollow Goodson. His firm is an architectural firm specializing in assisting churches not only with buildings, but assisting in matching a church’s vision, ministry initiatives, programming and financial resources to its physical plant. During this meeting we discussed with him the congregation’s concerns voiced during visioning as well as the mission initiatives arising from the visioning process. He toured the facilities. The committee was very impressed with Mr. Malone in his approach to our needs and the fact that he would be personally involved with us throughout the process. He and his firm are currently working with Kingston United Methodist and Morrison Hill Christian Churches. On March 24 the committee voted unanimously to recommend to session that an initial consultation be contracted with his firm. This committee is open to your suggestions and concerns. Please feel free to contact any of us with your questions. Thanks.


Prison Ministry

PRISON MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS are invited to attend the annual volunteer appreciation banquet Thursday, April 15 at 6:00 at the regional facility. Please let Karen Schall know by April 10 if you plan to attend.


OPERA VISIT: All who signed up to see THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO, please make checks payable to Bethel Presbyterian Church in the amount of $24. We will carpool leaving Bethel at 12:50 (Sunday, April 18, 2:30).

MUSIC OF APPALACHIA with John Rice Irwin, Musician and Founder of the Museum of Appalachia. This spring event is sponsored by THE OLDER ADULT MINISTRY COMMITTEE of the Presbytery of East Tennessee.

When: Wednesday, May 5, 2004
Where: Mars Hill Presbyterian Church
Cost: $10 p.p.
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, April 21, 2004.
For details, please call Kathy/Debbie at the church office or Marianne Shadden 354-3609.

Youth News

youth speak

Published for the Youth of Bethel Presbyterian Church April 2004

203 S Kentucky Street
Kingston, Tennessee 37763
865-376-6340 Web: http://www.bethelpcusa.org
865-376-6390 (Fax) e-mail: 1bethel@bellsouth.net

March Madness

The youth of Bethel convened on Gatlinburg the weekend of March 12-14, 2004 for the annual Youth Summit. Thanks to chaperones Denise Martin and Gary LeMasters.

March 21, 2004 interested parties attended an informational meeting concerning the intergenerational mission trip to New Mexico. Facilitated by Mark Banker the discussion included topics such as culture, climate, religion, and history of the region.

Bethel youth and special adults hosted the annual Time and Talent Auction on March 28, 2004 following Sunday worship in the Fellowship Hall. Many unique items, delicious baked good, and donations of time were auctioned off to the highest bidder. A good time was had by all! Proceeds from the auction will benefit the intergenerational mission trip to New Mexico. Special thanks to the youth- you did a great job and we are very proud of each of you.

Last but certainly not least an event from February which was not covered in the last newsletter. Six Bethel Youth and three adults replaced a roof on a cabin at Camp John Knox. The campers worked very hard and it was heard that they ate a lot. (Give them food and they will come.) Thanks to Linda Brown, Gary LeMasters, and Jim Shall for all their hard work, acting as chaperones, and serving as wonderful role models for our youth.



A bag full of jelly beans colorful and sweet, is a prayer, is a promise, is a special treat.

RED is for the blood he gave

GREEN is for the grass he made

YELLOW is for the sun so bright

ORANGE is for the edge of night

BLACK is for the sins we made

WHITE is for the grace he gave

PURPLE is for his hour of sorrow

PINK is for our new tomorrow

Upcoming Activities

April 2004

On Palm Sunday, April 4th, join the youth as they dye 15 dozen Easter eggs! The fun begins at 6:00 P.M. in the Fellowship Hall. The eggs will be taken to the regional prison, where inmates host an Easter egg hunt for the children of inmates who come to visit on Easter. Plan on being a part of this fun service project!

April 11, 2004 - No youth meeting. On April 25, 2004 the youth under the direction of Rev. Sherrod will meet at 6:00 P.M. to begin preparations for Youth Sunday, which will take place on May 9th. If you have a special talent, this will be a wonderful time to show it off. Musicians, artists, and orators are needed.


The faculty of Roane County High School awarded our own Rebecca Dailey the Character Counts Award in the category of 2004 Senior Class-Girls. We know this honor is well deserved.

Jeremiah Jacks is 13 years old and is currently home schooled. He enjoys art, especially painting, and takes art lessons. A long time visitor of the bell choir, he recently joined the choir, and made his debut performance on March 28, 2004. Jeremiah is looking forward to the mission trip in June.

Hayden Jacks turned 10 years old last month and is also home schooled. Hayden loves to ride his motorcycle, and play baseball. He recently joined the Kingston Braves and will have his opening game on

April 17th. Hayden also takes art lessons.

Channel 12 News recently interviewed Caleb Sherrod. He discussed his musical career, talents, and interests. Roane County High School Band Director, Zack Williamson, was also interviewed on a recent edition of Channel 12 News and discussed the band program.

Please remember if there is something you would like to see in YOUTH SPEAK e-mail Amber Jacks at teamjacks@msn.com. Questions, comments, and suggestions are also welcome.

In Thy presence is fullness of joy.”
      Psalm 16:11

Memorial Gifts

Gifts received during the month of March
in memory of:

Joyce Law: From Vernon Law (towards the kitchen restoration)

Ina Murr: From Greg and Margaret Murr

Chris Dunlap: From Betty Ulrich

Mabel Bradford: From Mr. and Mrs. Dan Yates

Parish Nurse Fund: From Jo B. Fischbach

Robert Ludwig: From Kay Michener


In addition: The new rug at the entrance of the church (in the narthex) was given as a memorial gift in memory of Bob Ludwig by Chris Bales

Notes of Sympathy

BETHEL SYMPATHY is extended to Jan Wall in the death last week of her sister, Gloria McCullar.

Notes of Appreciation

Thank you for the roof donation of $450.00 for the cabin in B Unit. Thanks also to Gary and the workers that replaced the roof Their hard work is sincerely appreciated.

Barbara Flowers at JKC

Thank you for your cards and prayers. A special thanks goes to Anita Richmond, Janet Nippert, Carolyn Matthews, Cathy McDowell, and especially Pat Harvey for keeping the office going on Mondays and Tuesdays while I was recuperating.

Deb Hyder

Thank you for your generous gift of $275.00 to Habitat for Humanity. We have completed our 29th home and will begin construction on our 30th house in the Hope Subdivision in Kingston very soon.

Jane DuVall – Treasurer of Habitat For Humanity

Thoughts to Ponder

... none this month ...

Remember to Pray For These


Delvenia Beasley Marshall Voss
Ruby Hunter Royal Health Care
Ruby Nell Skinner Doctors Lake
Micki Shields Woodbine
(Alexandra, VA)
Muriel McKonley
(sister of Jean Young)
Rae-Inn Nursing Home
(Geneva, Ohio)
Frances McPheeters Baptist Healthcare Center
Betty Brown Alpharetta Healthcare Center
Evelyn Waldrup Harriman Health Care
Roberta Cash Rockwood Health Care
Joan Pemberton Wellington Place – Kingston
Mary Woodall Home Away From Home


--- ---


Deb Hyder, Tora Phillips, Ella Winsbro, Addie Wreath Hunt, Christine Woods, Al & Dot Davis, Florence Simmons, Ruth Moutoux, Justin Trivette, Margaret True, Evelyn Wilson

Bethel Family Prayer Calendar - April, 2004

The members and regularly attending friends of Bethel are assigned to elder care groups. Each month in the newsletter for your prayers, we publish the list of one or more elder care groups. The elder’s name and phone at the top of the list are listed as a reminder of their role in nurturing and supporting those who belong to Bethel. You should feel free to contact your elder or the pastor if you have a particular spiritual need or other matter that needs to be brought to our attention.  


Chuck & Cathy Allen
Don & Jean Dice
Kay Michener
Dave & Janet Nippert
Bonnie &Mandy Phillips



Ken & Maggie Dungan
Vernon Law
Gary LeMasters
George McGill
Jill McMaster

10 -

Tom & Jane Pickel
Kathy Pierce
Anne Smith
Dave & Helen Stevenson
John & Mary Will
Theodore & Phyllis Willmarth

24 -

Lowell & Linda Malmquist
Mac Robbins
Billy Stooksbury
Hugh & Lucy Webb


April, 2004 BIRTHDAYS

   1 – 
   2 –

   3 – 

   4 – 
Marge Maki
   5 – 
Marc Sherrod
   6 – 
Charlie Cantrell
   7 – 

   8 – 

   9 – 
Bill Sides
 10 – 
Cathy McDowell
 11 – 

 12 –
Anne Robertson
 13 – 

 14 – 
Chad Gaffin
 15 – 

 16 – 
 17 – Carson Applegate
 18 – 

 19 – 
Clay Landers
 20 – 

 21 – 

 22 – 
Dick Hettrick
Dolores Sandmel
 23 – 

 24 – 

 25 – 

 26 – 

 27 – 
Joni Morgan
David Choate
 28 – 

 29 – 

 30 – 


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