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The Open Door

Bethel Presbyterian Church ~ a community of faith, fellowship, study and service ... Seeking God's peace, justice and love ~

VOL. 33NO. 4  Marc Sherrod, Minister  April, 2005


E-Mail & On-Line Newsletter

A number of the members have responded regarding saving postage and mailing by reading the newsletter online. If you wish to add your name to that list, call (865-376-6340) or e-mail the church office.

We also maintain a master list of e-mail addresses. Please include yours if you wish.


Open Door Index

From the Pastor

From the Parish Nurse

Session Committee News

Session Meeting Highlights

Monthly News

Notes of Sympathy

Youth News

Remember to Pray for These

Notes of Appreciation


Prayer Calendar

Special Needs

Memorial Gifts

Thoughts to Ponder




This service is free for friends and members of Bethel. If you have a transportation need, please call the church office at 376-6340. Please be ready to tell us the date and time of your appointment and what time you want to be picked up. Some of the places we transport to are: doctor’s office, hairdresser, library, post office, grocery store, and shopping. We drive as far as Knoxville. We are open to other suggestions, also.


From the Pastor

What a wonderful day of celebrating resurrection we enjoyed together this past Easter Sunday! The baptismal candles held by the new members who joined the church through the confirmation program remind all of us of whose light we are to bear. Welcome to these six newest members of the household of faith: Ellen Dailey, Ryan Preston, Jacob Murr, Eden Sherrod, Kerry Hyder and John Richmond. (John & Kerry were both baptized). Bethel received the gift of a new banner made by these young people with assistance from their covenant partners. Thanks to Karen Schall, Bob Jones, Denise Martin, Pat Harvey, Cathy McDowell, and Nancy King who served as adult mentors during confirmation, On Palm Sunday, these six new members were joined by Anneke Oonk, Hannah Sherrod, and Teresa Hettrick who also became church members with Teresa receiving the sacrament of baptism.

And speaking of resurrection and growth in the body of Christ, our hard work on a building proposal has continued in recent weeks. After your wonderful response to the small group information-sharing opportunities and the major presentation by architect/consultant Chris Malone of Fox Hollow-Goodsen at the January family night supper, the Building Proposal Committee has received word that the present sanctuary structure can be moved. The committee has discussed each of the concerns you have raised, and the suggestion of various adjustments to the conceptual design have been made to Chris and his staff. Chris has agreed to return to Bethel for our April family night supper to review changes to the design and to address your specific questions regarding the relocation of the sanctuary building. Please mark your calendar for Wednesday, April 20, 6:30, for the next step in our journey towards the “resurrection” of our physical facilities and the opportunity that will give us to enhance our witness to the gospel. I also want to alert you that session, at our March stated meeting, did discuss an appropriate time to have a congregational meeting to vote on this proposal. Although no official congregational meeting has yet been called by the session, the date we are looking towards is Sunday, May 15, 2005. Please note this date on your calendar so that you can be sure to be in attendance for this important meeting. Official notice will come at a later time.

In these days of Easter, I am reminded of words from the PCUSA’s “A Brief Statement of Faith,” which declares:

In gratitude to God, empowered by the Spirit,
we strive to serve Christ in our daily tasks
and to live holy and joyful lives
even as we watch for God’s new heaven and new earth.
May resurrection belong to the Bethel body of Christ!

Mercy and Peace!

Marc Sherrod

Parish Nurse

Happy April to you! I am SO ready to get on with warmer weather. Anyway…I read something interesting today- the Center for Disease Control has announced that our life expectancy has risen from 77.3 years in 2002 to 77.6 years in 2004. I’ve also heard some of my peers saying that retirement at 62 years old seems unrealistic and that they will probably be working into their 70’s. As I was pondering this thought, my eye caught an article from the John Hopkins Hospital and Health System in Baltimore. This article stated that the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) and institutions like John Hopkins are pairing up to provide jobs for persons aged 50 or older who want to start a new career. If you are interested, please go to the AARP website or give me a call for listings of possible employers. So…if I work until I’m 62 and then get another job until I’m 70…I will live a possible 7 more years…? Oh well, my brain hurts just thinking about it.

I have recently been asked about a disease process called macular degeneration. Age-related macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in the United States. Cigarette smoking, sun exposure, high blood pressure and high cholesterol are thought to increase a person’s risk of macular degeneration. In addition, the Macular Degeneration Network states that certain dietary staples can reduce your risk. Antioxidant-rich foods such as kale, spinach, celery, broccoli, green beans, peas and peppers can help prevent this disease and the onset of its symptoms. Dietary supplements of vitamins C, E, beta-carotene and zinc can also help protect you from macular degeneration. Before starting dietary supplements, check with your doctor for the correct dosages for you and if taking these supplements will interact with any medicines you are currently taking.

As always – to your health ............... Deb

Session Highlights

[A reminder that session meetings are open for members to attend unless the session goes into executive session; the minutes of the session are available, by appointment, for review in the church office]

Discussed the opening pages of the “Directory for Worship,” a part of the PCUSA Book of Order that offers advice and guidelines regarding all matters related to worship.
Gratefully received a $50,000 bequest from the William D. Manly Estate.
Recorded the death of Theodore Willmarth.
Approved study leave for the pastor, March 28-April 3, with Rev. Bill Shenk to preach and administer communion on April 3.
Received a report on “Loaves and Fishes,” the first annual educational event sponsored by East Tennessee Presbytery at Maryville College.
Received a report from the building committee.
Examined and received into church membership participants in the confirmation class.
Average attendance in February was 101.
Elected Bob Jones as commissioner to the April 5 Presbytery meeting at Eastminister Church in Knoxville.
Heard a report that Youth Sunday has been scheduled for Sunday, May 1, 2005.
• • • • •

Special Needs

... none reported this month ...

Monthly News


Continuing by Popular Demand!

Many of the participants in the Adult Lenten study expressed a desire to continue to meet and work our way through the remaining three chapters of John P. Gilbert’s The Passion and Death of Jesus. We will meet on Sunday April, 3, 10, and 17 at 6 pm in the lounge to continue our discussion. If you participated in this study during Lent and cannot continue, please call the church office and let us know. Our heartiest thanks to Rev. Pat Harvey and all her helpers who put together the Lenten program around the theme of Marketplace 30 AD. It was truly a remarkable journey and experience for all the participants, culminating in an incredible Seder meal in the fellowship hall on Maundy Thursday evening. Thank you!!!!

New Members

On Palm Sunday, March 20, 2006, Teresa Hettrick, Anneke Oonk and Hannah Sherrod, children of Bethel's past and women of Bethel's future, joined the membership of our congregation.

Teresa Hettrick, the daughter of Rev. Dick and Marge Hettrick, was baptized prior to joining the church. Teresa is employed by Piggly Wiggly and enjoys working in the garden and decorating Wilton style cakes. Teresa writes, "My faith journey began when I was six years old, at which time I came to be a member of the Hettrick family and Bethel church." She was a scared little girl who found comfort, love and the story of Jesus with the best Sunday School teacher, Dot Pierce, and special adults like Gene and Katy Banker and Nelda Toon. "The Bethel family has always been there for me," says Teresa. "When my dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's, when Jon was diagnosed with cancer, when I went through hard times in my life and when we had the fire, so much love and support came from Bethel. I thought long and hard about the right time to be baptized. I prayed to the Lord to let me know when the right time was... I woke up to the song "Angels Among Us" and knew this was the right time... So thanks to all my Bethel family for the love and support through both the good times and the bad times. I love each and every one of you."

Anneke Oonk is the granddaughter of Kay and Larry Michener.. She recently moved from Denton, Texas with her mother, Mariana, and her niece, Lyric. Anneke is not a newcomer to Bethel. Anneke has always loved Kingston and visited often as a young person. She has fond memories watching her brother sing and her sister dance at Bethel events. Older members of the congregation will remember praying for Anneke as she battled kidney disease until her mother gave her a kidney in 1984. On Palm Sunday morning God's goodness was evident as Anneke joined the Bethel congregation. Anneke is an insatiably curious, creative person. She is currently interested in ancient history and the root cause of all the fighting in the Middle East. She loves digital photography, the outdoors, fishing and a good discussion. She is a night person and can attest by personal experience that Kingston does not have a night life other than the owls in her back yard. When asked about the spiritual journey that led her to join Bethel church, Anneke said she has always assumed that there was a God and so she just started talking to Him, just like in the 1974 book, Mister God, This Is Anna, by Fynn. She wants to be a part of and contribute to the congregation and felt that joining was the best first step she could take.

Hannah Sherrod, the daughter of Rev. Marc and Melanie Sherrod, is a senior at Roane County High School. She is an active member of her school community, playing soccer and tennis for the high school as well as being co-editor of the yearbook and co-president of the Student Council. Hannah was also the drum major for RCHS marching band and had great fun leading the band at competitions. In past summers, Hannah worked at the Community Center as a lifeguard. This year she will spend the summer in Clinton, South Carolina as a "nanny" for her three year old cousin, Zane Sherrod. She is looking forward to the experience although she will miss her work in the community. Hannah, true to her naming, is full of God’s grace. Her smile is beautiful, making people feel welcomed when she greets them and her spirit leads her boldly wherever she goes. Next year, Hannah will attend Maryville College. “I do not know what I am going to major in at Maryville,” said Hannah, “but my scholarship requires multiple internship positions during the summers in a parish setting. I know the church will continue to be a major part of my life in college.”

Bethel is honored to receive these three women as members of our congregation. Thanks be to God for leading them to us.

Book Discussion Group

Bethel’s Book Discussion Group meets at 1:30 PM in the room below the sanctuary. The dates, and books, for the next three months are:

Thursday, April 28The Good Harbor by Anita Diamant

Thursday, May 26The Twelve Little Cakes by Dominika Dery

Thursday, June 23Inside the Kingdom by Carmen bin Laden

Summer Camp Open House at Camp John Knox

Please join us Saturday, April 9th from 2-5 p.m. for JKC Open House. We’ll have light refreshments and a notary will be on site to help finalize your registration forms. A physician will also be here to give camp physicals at a cost of $10 per child. Please call in advance to schedule an appointment time for your child’s physical. (Space is limited.) If you have not already taken advantage of our 10% Early Bird Discount, you may do so if you turn your form at the Open House!

Session Committee News

Property and Personnel

P and P has scheduled its Spring Workday for Saturday, April 16th, from 8:30 or so until early afternoon. We need lots of hands. Some jobs include, but not limited to:

  • Check furnace filters

  • Check fans

  • Clean sanctuary closet

  • Clear stuff from around return air ducts in lounge

  • Clean outside corner of sanctuary of bugs, spiders, etc. (water hose and long broom)

  • Various yard work around fences, weeding, shrub trimming, etc.

  • Basement of sanctuary needs cleaning - not a job for those with basement phobias

  • Clean drain at sanctuary corner

  • Repair bench in front of Marc's office

  • Remove remains of bench around stump near Memorial Garden

  • Trim privet hedge in front of rental house hanging over sidewalk

Property and Personnel members will be there to help and instruct. If you know of other jobs, please let us know. If your class or group wants to tackle a task, that's great, just let us know. Frank Harris is the chair of the committee or you can contact one of the other members of the committee. Thanks.

Buildings and Grounds

The Buildings and Grounds Committee has met several times since our small group meetings in January. Your concerns about moving the building and the overall plan have been further addressed. The committee has discussed these issues with Chris Malone via phone and email and is meeting again with him to address these concerns further. We plan to have Chris come to the Fellowship supper in April for an informal meeting with the congregation to further answer questions. The members of the finance committee for this project will also be presenting their findings. We hope that all of you will try to attend the Fellowship Supper on Wednesday, April 20 for this important meeting. Thanks.

Mission Outreach

Sunset Gap:

Many thanks to Frank and Linda Jones for taking two van loads of clothing and house hold goods to Sunset Gap. We still have a few more items and will possible make another trip to Sunset Gap within the next couple of weeks. Please call Jane Walsh at 376-5250 if you have additional items to go. There is a thank-you note from Sunset Gap posted on the bulletin board at the back of the sanctuary.

Emergency Health Kits:

We will continue to collect items for the Emergency Health Kits. The Mission Outreach Committee voted to keep this as an ongoing outreach project. Donations of nail clippers/files, toothbrushes, toothpaste, combs, soap, band aids, hand towels and wash clothes can be left in the Fellowship Hall in the designated cart.

Thanks to the generosity of this congregation, the MO committee is able to send $150 each month to Grace School. This is in addition to the designated contributions which come in just about every Sunday. All of these contributions are forwarded on to Grace School in a timely manner. Posted on the bulletin board is a letter of thanks from Samuel and Monica as well as some pictures.

Bulletin Board:

Keep checking the bulletin board at the back of the church. In addition to the thank you letters and pictures from Sunset Gap and Grace School, you will also find updated information from Second Harvest and the Food for Kids program, Menaul School and Heifer International.

Disaster Assistance

Disaster Assistance (PDA) is actively seeking opportunities to respond to the tragic shooting at the Red Lake Indian Reservation in northern Minnesota, which claimed ten lives.

Presbyterian Contact has been made with nearby Presbyterian churches, the Presbytery of Northern Waters, and the Synod of Lakes and Prairies. Members of the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Team, with training and experience in responding to traumatic situations, are available if needed. The team's services have been offered to Church World Service in case there is need within the broader faith community.

David Gill, who developed a ministry at Ferncliff Camp in response to a middle school shooting in Jonesboro, AR, has been in contact with a Presbyterian camp near the Red Lake Reservation. Camp ministry has proven highly effective in aiding the healing process.

Based on information gathered to date, there is no Presbyterian ministry
active on the reservation, nor has their been any direct impact of the shooting on our congregations in Bemidji and Grand Rapids. Lines of communication remain open, and PDA will respond if needed.

Please keep the loved ones of those killed and injured, the school administrators and teachers, the residents of the reservation, and the care givers in your thoughts and prayers.

Parish Life

Mother/Daughter Luncheon on Saturday, May 7th at Ivan’s in Rockwood. Please make your reservation by April 29th. Sign-up sheet is in the office.

Please mark your calendars for our May 18th Fellowship Supper when we honor and celebrate our graduating High School Seniors: Justin Murr, Hannah Sherrod, Andy Holloway and Ryan Bostick.

Host/Hostess for Fellowships:

Fellowship Sunday. April 19th - Denise Martin and Senior Highs

Fun Lunch, April 12th - The Shaddens

Fellowship Supper – Youth Group (Youth will have a pancake supper as a fundraiser)

Stewardship & Finance Committee Report

Changes in Fund Balances
February, 2005

Fund *
& Reserve**
Beginning Fund Balances, 2/1/05 $78,483 $151,417 $144,673 $374,573
Income, February 2005 $16,621 $780 $358 $17,759
Expenses, February 2005 $(19,130)   $(689) $(19,819)
Ending Fund Balances, 02/28/05 $75,974 $152,197 $144,342 $372,513

*Includes New (2nd) Century Fund

** Includes Reserve Fund of $60,000.

Available Balance:  
Undesignated General $75,974
Undesignated Other $152,197
Total Undesignated $228,171
Less required General Fund Reserve $(60,000)
Amount available for general fund $168,171


Youth News


youth speak

Published for the Youth of Bethel Presbyterian Church April 2005
203 S Kentucky Street
Kingston, Tennessee 37763
865-376-6340 Web: http://www.bethelpcusa.org
865-376-6390 (Fax) e-mail: click HERE

A wonderful feeling of rebirth and renewal was felt on Easter Sunday as we witnessed 6 young people become members of Bethel. We are so proud of Kerry Hyder, John Richmond, Ellen Dailey, Ryan Preston, Jacob Murr, and Eden Sherrod. Let us nurture, welcome and continue to bless them in our family of faith.

Jennifer has mentioned some interesting concerts that are coming to our area. Here is some of the basic information:

  • April 22nd, 7:00 P.M. Sonfest 2005, at Market Square in Knoxville. Featuring Fernando Ortega, Bebo Norman, and Sarah Groves in a free concert.
  • April 8th, 6:30 P.M., Pillar, Thousand Foot Krunch, cost $15
  • April 15th, 7:00 P.M., Derek Webb with Sandra McCracken and Steven Delopoulos, cost $15.

P.S. Jennifer said if anyone wants to go, she wants to go too!

Other Upcoming Events at Bethel

April 3rd, 10th, + 24th – Youth Group meeting as usual. We will be planning Youth Sunday, so please make every effort to attend. Remember that Youth Sunday is planned for May 1st!

April 17th – Youth meeting will consist of planning for “Fat Tuesday” Fellowship Dinner and Servant Auction.

April 23rd – Walk of the Blind, beginning at 10:00 A.M. meeting Powell Presbyterian in Farragut for this event.

Are you ready for the fun, excitement, and adventure of John Knox Summer Camp 2005?

This year John Knox will host a special Open House, where you can register, have your child’s physical completed by a physician, and tour the facility all on April 9th.

There are several new camps including Horse Lover’s Camp, Critter Camp, Night Owl Camp (my personal favorite… who wants to get up early during summer vacation?!) and S.A.L.T (Service Adventure Leadership Team.) It all sounds great, there is something for everyone, and John Knox is a beautiful camp. Make plans to attend.



Memorial Gifts

Memorials were given in the month of March for:

Carole Jane Row

from Ted and Ann Tedford, Bill and Betty Ullrich

Dot Pierce

for the “Miss Dot Hunger Fund” from Gordon and Ruby Fielden, Gene Pierce

Ted Willmarth

from George & Ginny Warlick

Joyce Law

from Vernon Law for kitchen renovation

Notes of Sympathy

... none reported this month ...

Notes of Appreciation

... none reported this month ...

Thoughts to Ponder

... none reported this month ...

Remember to Pray For These


Ruby Hunter Harriman Health Care
Muriel McKonley
(sister of Jean Young)
Rae-Ann Nursing Home
(Geneva, Ohio)
Frances McPheeters Baptist Healthcare Center
Betty Brown Alpharetta Healthcare Center
Evelyn Waldrup Jamestowne
Anne Smith Jamestowne
Fred Meers Jamestowne
Ginny Warlick Jamestowne
Joan Pemberton Wellington Place – Kingston


Doris Barber, Kay Michener

Justin Winsboro, 3-year-old grandson of Bob and Ella Winsboro, as he undergoes treatment for leukemia


Ronnie Phillips

Jimmy Walker

Bob Gaffin

Jason Brown

Geoff Winsbro

Robert Howard (son-in-law of Bill and Bobbie Martin)

Bethel Family Prayer Calendar - April, 2005
The members and regularly attending friends of Bethel are assigned to elder care groups. Each month in the newsletter for your prayers, we publish the list of one or more elder care groups. The elder’s name and phone at the top of the list are listed as a reminder of their role in nurturing and supporting those who belong to Bethel. You should feel free to contact your elder or the pastor if you have a particular spiritual need or other matter that needs to be brought to our attention.  


Clouse, Bob & *Emily
^Daniel, Neva
+Gasque, Julia
Hyder, Bram
Hyder, Dan & Debbie
^LeMasters, Jerry
Parkinson, John
Robertson, Anne & James D.
+Scott, Gloria
+Smith, Jane Liggett
Swicegood, Duie
^Waldrup, Evelyn
Wall, Jan
Winsbro, Bob & ^Ella
Wood, David
^Woods, Christine


Allen, Chuck & Cathy (Cantrell)
Dice, Don & Jean
Michener, Kay
*Nippert, Dave
*Phillips, Bonnie
Phillips, Mandy
Pickel, Tom & Jane
+Pierce, Kathy
Smith, Anne
Stevenson, Dave & Helen
Will, John & Mary
^+Willmarth, Phyllis


April, 2005 Birthdays

   1 –
   2 –
   3 – 
   4 – Marge Maki
   5 – Marc Sherrod
   6 – Charlie Cantrell
   7 – 
   8 – 
   9 – Bill Sides
 10 – Cathy McDowell
 11 – 
 12 – Anne Robertson
 13 – 
 14 – Chad Gaffin
 15 – 
 16 – 
 17 – Carson Applegate
 18 – 
 19 – Clay Landers
 20 – 
 21 – 
 22 – Dick Hettrick
Dolores Sandmel
 23 – 
 24 – 
 25 – 
 26 – 
 27 – Joni Morgan
David Choate
 28 – 
 29 – 
 30 – 
 31 – 
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