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The Open Door

Bethel Presbyterian Church ~ a community of faith, fellowship, study and service ... Seeking God's peace, justice and love ~

VOL. 32NO. 8  Marc Sherrod, Minister  August, 2004

E-Mail & On-Line Newsletter

A number of the members have responded regarding saving postage and mailing by reading the newsletter online. If you wish to add your name to that list, call (865-376-6340) or e-mail the church office.

We also maintain a master list of e-mail addresses. Please include yours if you wish.


Open Door Index

From the Minister

From the Parish Nurse

Session Committee Articles

Session Meeting Highlights

Notes of Appreciation

Notes of Sympathy

Prayer Calendar

Remember to Pray for These

Memorial Gifts


Youth News

Special Needs

Monthly News

Thoughts to Ponder




This service is free for friends and members of Bethel. If you have a transportation need, please call the church office at 376-6340. Please be ready to tell us the date and time of your appointment and what time you want to be picked up. Some of the places we transport to are: doctor’s office, hairdresser, library, post office, grocery store, and shopping. We drive as far as Knoxville. We are open to other suggestions, also.


From the Minister

I wanted to use this edition of the Open Door to say thanks again to all of you who honored me with the reception recognizing my completion of the Doctor of Theology degree from the Divinity School of Harvard University. The monetary gift of $1665 and all the gestures of affection – from the chocolate and flowers for Melanie to the decorations and poster of good wishes signed by many of you – will long help me to remember and be thankful for the accomplishment of this milestone in my life. What follows is the text of the words I shared with the congregation the Sunday after the luncheon. “Words of deep appreciation are in order for the luncheon the Parish Life Committee put together in my honor last Sunday! Never before have I been so grateful for all the Marthas of the Church! Thanks also to Parish Life for the gift to have my doctoral bars sewn onto my black robe. Let’s see [looking down at the crimson Harvard academic regalia I was wearing that morning], I have three stripes on this sleeve, three on the other one, and I’ll be adding three and three to the other robe, for a total of 12 stripes. A good reminder to all of the elders in the church that I do outrank you after all! Thanks to each of you who contributed to that monetary gift. As it was intimated at some of the remarks made last Sunday at the luncheon, it could go towards that out-of-state tuition bill at Indiana or even to help add another car to the Sherrod fleet for the up and coming drivers in the household. But, I suspect that since the grace period on my own student loan expires in mid-December (6 months after graduation), the Federal government through it Stafford Loan program will be getting most of it. Thanks for all of your generosity! I’m not often roasted in public. To Joe Coen I say you didn’t get it quite right – it’s not Rush Limbaugh but Karl Rove is truly my main man! And in honor of your observation about my favorite hymn, next Sunday our three hymns will be “We Are Your People,” “We Are Your People,” and “We Are Your People,” sung first in English, then in Spanish, and finally in Latin. And I’ll be calling on Joe to lead the singing!” And if you really want to show your appreciation, I am leaving a bound copy in the church office of my thesis, “That Great and Awful Change: Death and Practical Theology in the American Northeast, 1700-1900” for you to borrow and read! Gratefully yours,


Parish Nurse

Happy August to you! As September approaches and the Diet/ Nutrition Workshops near, I am getting more involvement from the community. The Roane County Health Department will be a part of our presentation and offer blood pressure measurements and Body Mass Index measurements. Also Chase Drugs in Harriman will come and provide cholesterol and glucose lab test for a small fee. This is shaping up to be a GREAT opportunity for all of us at Bethel. Please plan to be a part of it. The September Open Door will have the dates of the programs.

An article from U.S.A. Today caught my eye. The article was about a bacterial pneumonia vaccine that may protect children in some viral cases. According to Keith Klugman, a professor of infectious disease at Emory University in Atlanta, a new pneumonia vaccine from Wyeth Laboratories may help infants and children. Dr. Klugman states that some cases of pneumonia are thought to be caused by a virus that results in a more serious bacterial infection of the lungs. In tests in South Africa, 37,000 children were tested and the pneumonia vaccine prevented 31% of pneumonia associated with any of seven respiratory viruses. In addition to pneumonia, the vaccine protects against other preumococcal illnesses such as meningitis, blood infections and ear infections. Dr. Klugman’s research also suggests the vaccine reduces the incidence of pneumonia and influenza in adults. The initial article didn’t mention the name of the vaccine. However, I got on the Wyeth Laboratories web site and the name is Prevnar. Please read more about this drug- it looks very promising.

To your health ............. Deb

Session Highlights

[A reminder that session meetings are open for members to attend unless the session goes into executive session; the minutes of the session are available, by appointment, for review in the church office]

... nothing reported for July ...
• • • • •

Special Needs

... none listed for this month ...

 Monthly News



On July 18 we said goodbye to Carolyn and Jack Matthews, who have moved to their new home in New Hampshire. Please note their new address: 149 Main Avenue, South Hampton, NH 03827. We’ll miss you!



The Book Group will be reading Taylor Caldwell's Dear and Glorious Physician.  They will at meet Carol Brown's, 1146 Circle Drive, Kingston, on Thursday, August 26 at 7:00 PM.  We are passing a few copies of the book around so call Carol, 376-7171, if you need to borrow a book.


If you didn’t get to go with us to tube the Hiwassee, you missed a great time. There were 19 young people and 5 of us older folks that left Bethel at 8:30 Saturday morning on our great adventure. We stopped for breakfast in Athens and then were on our way. Our caravan consisted of 5 vehicles and luckily we didn’t lose anyone on the way. We got there about 11:00, paid, got lifejackets and loaded up on the truck to head upstream. It was a 12 minute drive up and a 3 _ hour ride back down. Everyone picked out their own tube and headed for the water. What a shock – the water temperature was 58 degrees and the air temp was about 82. Some brave souls hopped right in and we didn’t see them again until we got out of the water. Others got in slowly and a few had to be prodded. Once we were all in and one the way the fun began. Some stayed in a group and others took advantage of some quiet time alone. The groupies ended up flipping each other into the water and then helping the dunked ones back on the tubes. The loaners sat backed and laughed. At the end of the journey, we had a picnic lunch and then headed for home. Just so everyone knows who has the most endurance, the old folks drove home and the young folks slept.

Hope you can join us on our next outing and get to know the youth of Bethel – they are a great group!




People who want to invite friends, family, and coworkers on this journey of faith!
Alpha is theologically sound, tried and tested teachings
Alpha is an outreach to all denominations, traditions, backgrounds and ages
Alpha is a free offering to the community

Anyone interested in finding out more about the Christian Faith. Adults of all ages are welcome.

Learning and laughter. It is possible to learn about the Christian faith and to have fun at the same time.

People and pasta. People meeting together over a meal -- an opportunity to get to know others and to make new friends.

Helping one another. The small groups give you a chance to discuss issues raised during the talks. The course addresses foundational questions while providing guests with an opportunity to explore the meaning of llfe!

Ask anything. Alpha is a place where no question is seen as too simple or too hostile.


“It is wonderful to learn that Christianity is not all about rules-but relationships-not a philosophy-but a fantastic person-and that it does relate to our modern lifestyle.”

Alpha Course Leader.

“In Alpha I have seen healed relationships, marriages restored, dangerous lifestyles overcome. I have seen lives transformed-as mine has been-and have seen people giving their hearts to Jesus Christ. Alpha addresses questions that everyone wants to know, but is afraid to ask.”

George H. Gallup, Jr.

“This Good News of Jesus is touching and transforming lives of people who have attended Alpha courses…! “

Cardinal William Keeler

“The experience our congregation had with Alpha has been profound. People have come to new faith, older Christians have been renewed, and all those involved are wildly enthusiastic about it!”

Presbyterian Pastor: Dr. Roberta Hestenes

If you would like to join Bethel on this journey, or have someone you would like to invite as your guest…then Alpha is for you!

September 6th is just around the corner, and we are looking for a few good men and women to join the Alpha Leadership Team!


That's it. No great knowledge, no great speaking abilities. Just plain old friendliness is all we need.


We need people who will commit to be committed! Alpha runs for eleven Tuesday evenings starting September 6th; plus one weekend in October (October 15, 16,17), and a training sessions August 25th or make-up session (to be announced).

What Kind of Help Do We Need ?

Table Leaders and Helpers – Facilitate discussion in small groups and create a welcoming atmosphere for guests.

Greeters – Welcome our guests each night, provide them with name tags, and make sure they get seated.

Kitchen Workers – We need help with setting tables, meal preparation, and cleanup.

Childcare Workers – Care for ministry worker's children. With enough volunteers we could offer childcare to guests!

Worship Team – Be a part of the praise and worship team each Alpha night. We have a leader – we need others who could share your musical talent!

Intercessory Prayer – People who will commit to praying for this ministry daily. We cannot run Alpha without prayer support!

If you are interested in being on the Alpha Team – please call Dave Nippert, Bob Jones or Pat Harvey

There will be registration forms for Alpha inthe Sunday bulletins during August. You may also sign up for Alpha in the church office. Pray for who it is you would like to invite and then…INVITE THEM!

Please rejoice and give God thanks for the wonderful way our Lord is using the Alpha Ministry throughout the United States and around the world! Pray God will use Alpha as powerfully right here in Kingston!



Coming on Sunday, August 22 will be an opportunity for those who wish to join Bethel as members to be introduced to the congregation. Those who desire membership need to meet first with the session, the church’s governing board of elders. Our stated monthly meeting for this month is August 11, or we can call a special meeting, if necessary.

Please contact the pastor (376-6340) or the chairperson of the Evangelism Committee, Chad Gaffin (376-3045) if interested.


In April, 2003 Bethel introduced its newly designed web site. Part of that effort was the establishment of the position of Web Site Editor.  For the past year, Carolyn Matthews served in that capacity, offering greatly appreciated guidance and assistance to Dan McDowell, our Web Master. Our Web Site Editor is responsible for the information and visual content on our site - for keeping that information current and for making sure that the site continues to reflect the spirit and work of Bethel. The Editor also works with Dan to make the site appealing and easy to use, both for Bethel members and for those outside of Bethel who visit the site.

We are delighted to announce that Marianne Shadden has graciously agreed to take on the task of Web Site Editor. Please make sure that you give any and all thoughts and material relating to the Bethel web site to Marianne. She will work with each of you, with all our working committees, and with Dan to make sure that our site is the way you want it to be. You can reach her by clicking HERE.


Westminster Presbyterian Church would like to extend a warm invitation for you to join us as we celebrate 19 wonderful years of ministry for Fritz and Barbara Schilling. The celebration weekend begins with a BBQ and Bluegrass band party on Sat. August 14 from 6-9 P.M. in the church courtyard. Cost for the dinner is $10.00 and reservations may be made by calling 584-3957. Also, please join us for their final Sunday of worship on August 15 with a reception following.


Prison Ministry volunteers (and anyone else who would like to help) will be asked to furnish desserts for the annual banquets of the Varsity and Veterans’ Clubs at the regional prison. The Varsity Club banquet will be on September 9th, and the Veterans’ club date will be announced later. If you can help, please contact Karen Schall (423-369-2955).


Jesus tells us that he came so that we may live life abundantly [John 10:10] but we are not sure if he envisioned cell phones, soccer moms and over-taxed volunteers. Today's world offers us an abundance of demands, an abundance of things we should do. What is this abundant life Jesus promised and how do we find the path that leads us there?

In the Gifts Discernment Ministry Initiative, we have learned that a feeling of abundance and well being comes when you use the gifts God gave you at birth. We also learned that many of us stop short of discovering all of His gifts. We find we do certain things well (our talents) and we get comfortable with our routines. We become content with our pattern of living and never risk trying something new. We end up with hidden gifts that go with us to our grave.

We are the body of Christ. We need to learn all the functions God gave us for the Body to work really well. Unwrapping our gifts package is a life long process, a focus to keep us on the path Christ cleared for us. Anticipate discovering your hidden gifts as if you were a five year old on Christmas Eve.  They are still waiting for you.


For those of you who would like to e-mail or write Tora Phillips, her e-mail address is: www.caringbridge.org/tn/tora

Her mailing address is:

Room 6312
Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital
2200 Children’s Way
Nashville, Tn 37232

Session Committee Articles


Changes in Fund Balances
January through June, 2004
Fund ($) *
& Reserve ($) **
Funds ($)
Funds ($)
Beginning Fund
Balances, 1/1/04
75,082 145,693 138,043 358,818
Income, Year to
Date, 6/30/04
111,426 4,089 22,465 137,980
Expenses, Year to
Date, 6/30/04
-107,179 0 -10,224 -117,403
Ending Fund
Balances, 6/30/04
79,329 149,782 150,284 379,395
*Budget for Jan.-June = $115,754. ** Includes Reserve Fund of $60,000.

Actual income for the first six months exceeded expenses. However, general fund income of $111,426 fell short of planned spending, as indicated by our budget for January through June of $115,754.

Gift from the Estate of Rupert C. Henley

Bethel has received a generous gift of $10,000 from Rupert C. Henley, as directed in his Will.  The Session of the church has affirmed that the gift should be used, as Mr. Henley intended, in honor of his deceased son, for the perpetual care of a memorial garden on the church premises.


As you know, Patty Dunlap has served the Presbytery of East Tennessee faithfully and well for more than 16 years in many capacities.  She has been, in many ways and many times, the heart and soul of our presbytery and her leaving will leave a huge void.  We wish her well in her new assignment in service to her Lord as she moves to become the Cathedral Operations Administrator at St. John's Episcopal Cathedral in Knoxville.We plan to celebrate Patty's service to our presbytery and send her off in style.  The Personnel committee, therefore, is inviting you to:

Reception for Patty Dunlap
August 8, 2004  –  2-4 PM
Calhoun's at Fort Loudon Marina
Lenoir City, TN

Please join us as we praise God for the ministry Patty performed so well for many years.Please RSVP by replying to this e-mail by Friday August 6.


There will be NO Fun Lunch and NO Fellowship Supper in August.

Bethel Church Picnic

Our annual Church Picnic will be on Sunday, August 15th at Nelda Toon's Home, 227 Mainsail Road, Kingston (Crestwood Subdivision). The fun will start at 3 p.m. for those who like to play, take a plunge into the water or just sit around for a little R + R. There are plenty of fun things to do for the kids. Then, around 5 p.m. we will have our picnic. This year's menu consists of chicken, potato salad, baked beans, chips, rolls and watermelon. All you have to do is bring yourselves, your FAVORITE DRINK and lawn chairs; for our swimmers bring towels and life vests. A very SPECIAL EVENT will also be taking place. So, you all come to Nelda’s and have a great time.

Church Hike

"This year's family church hike will bring us to the beautiful Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest in North Carolina. Mark Banker checked out the trail and he believes that this will be a great hike for us. This is what Mark has to say: “Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest is the only location in the Eastern US that has not been timbered commercially. The hike through the forest is only 2 miles and is not difficult. But it has some steep inclines, and the trail in places has roots, rocks, etc. that will require some caution--particularly from those who do not hike regularly. The drive there via the Cherohalla Skyway (linking Tellico Plains, TN to Robbinsville, NC) is spectacular. From Kingston, the drive is 2 - 3 hours. We could leave Bethel around 9 on a Saturday, picnic at the top of the mountains along the way, then hike through the forest and return home around 5p.m. or so. With such a beautiful drive and a hike that will take only one hour or so, even non-hikers might want to join us. The area around the trail head could be a beautiful site for those who prefer meditation." After checking the church's calendar, we decided that the best time for the hike would be Saturday, September 11th. We will meet at Bethel at 8:30 and leave the Parking Lot at 9 a.m. From time to time, Mark will give us an update; you will also find informative literature on the bulletin boards. If you are interested in this hike, please put your name and phone number on the list in (Church Hike cont.) Kathy's office. Thank you.

Trip to the Cumberland County Playhouse

We are planning a trip to the Cumberland County Playhouse on Sunday, November 14th, 2:30 p.m. to see the American Premiere of the new TWO BY TWO at the O’Brien Theater. The SPOTLIGHT writes, "Come and enjoy this warm and humorous multi-ethnic spin on the Biblical story of Noah and the Flood. There's something for everyone--young lovers, old marrieds (over 100 years!), God's power, a questioning son, and lots of great music and laughs as well as a major tug or two at your heartstrings." Cost: $22; seniors $20; groups (20 or more) $19. We will carpool leaving Bethel at 2 p.m. Watch for more details in September's Open Door.


One of the joys of serving on the CE committee and working with children is being able to be part of a creative, dynamic process that never ceases to amaze and inspire! At our next CE meeting (Tuesday, Aug. 10, 6:30 pm), we’ll be working on plans for Sunday School for the coming year. This year we’ll be doing something new – instead of lining up children’s teachers to commit a year of their time, we are going to be asking teams of interested people who will teach a portion of the curriculum, each according to their gifts and expertise, - and then rotate back to their regular classroom while the next team teaches their specialty. We’ll have openings for storytellers, artists, puppeteers, musicians, dramatists, shepherds (welcoming people), cooks, scientists, computer whizzes – you name it! The children will get to learn the great stories of the Bible in many interesting ways. (Children learn in many different ways – some learn by listening, some by doing, some by seeing, etc. By relating the story in several different ways, we give each child the opportunity to experience the story in the way that helps that child to learn best.) Please be in prayer for us as we embark on this ministry to our children. And please prayerfully consider what gifts you have that you might want to share. If you’d like to know more, or if you’d like to volunteer your talents, we urge you to attend our meeting on the 10th. Or contact Karen Schall, Jan Rybka, or Margaret Murr for more details.


1.  The winter and spring 2004 issue of “Mission Update” has articles on the PresbyterianChurch in Iraq and Sudan. Everyone knows of the medical needs in Iraq but the needs for medical care and food in Sudan have “now become the greatest humanitarian emergency in the world today” as a form of ethnic cleansing is now taking place. Killings, destruction of water sites, crops and food stores and burning of villages are some of the ways these people are being terrorized. Displaced people are fleeing to Darfur which is an area of extreme daily temperatures. Lack of adequate protection and food are causing more problems. The Sudanese government is restricting access to the area but information is now appearing on the news channels of this worsening situation. The Presbyterian Disaster Assistance sent a total of $100,000 to the global alliance church group called Action by Churches Together to respond to the Sudan emergency. If you would like to find out more about the Presbyterian involvement in these two countries, please contact Jane B. Walsh or check the web site at www.pcusa.org.

2.  Keep those Campbell soup labels coming in - eat more soup! I sent a large bundle of labels to Sunset Gap several weeks ago and received a nice thank you note which is posted on the MO bulletin board at the back of the sanctuary. Another bundle will be sent soon.

3.  An email from Mary E. Barker of the East Tennessee Regional Health Office in Knoxville has made us aware of a situation that some Bethel members might want to contribute to: “Wounded GIs from Iraq and Afghanistan receiving treatment at Walter Reed Army Medical Center do not have access to free long distance calling, consequently donations of pre-paid calling cards are gratefully accepted.” Donations can be mailed to Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC) Attn: Steve Springer 6900 Georgia Ave. NW Washington, DC 20307-5001

Youth News

youth speak

Published for the Youth of Bethel Presbyterian Church August 2004
203 S Kentucky Street
Kingston, Tennessee 37763
865-376-6340 Web: http://www.bethelpcusa.org
865-376-6390 (Fax) e-mail: 1bethel@bellsouth.net

From Scott McGill

I can't help but to brag on several of the Bethel youth who just recently completed very successful baseball seasons this past spring. Jonathan Dailey, Jacob Murr, Hayden Jacks, Corey and Ryan Preston and Thomas and Jared McGill all participated in Kingston's Dixie Youth Baseball League this year.

Jonathan played for the minor league Astro's who received the leagues best sportsmanship award. This award is voted on by program volunteers and umpires who select the team who displays the best sportsmanship throughout the season. Thomas played for the AA Cardinals. A team which steadily improved throughout the season and pulled off several upsets in the seasons end league tournament. Corey Preston played for the AA Braves a team which battled all season for first place in the league and were fierce competitors all season. Ryan Preston played for the Major League Braves, coached by his father Mark Preston. The Major League Braves enjoyed much success throughout the season to comfortably win the league title. Both Mark and Ryan went on to represent Kingston on the Major League All-Star team which advanced well into the post season tournament playing very well. Hayden, Jacob, and Jared all played for the Minor League Braves coached by myself along with some great assistants. We also enjoyed great success during the season capturing the Minor League Title. Jacob and Jared, and myself went on to participate on the Minor League All-Star team which cruised through the Sub-District Tournament undefeated and well into the District Tournament before finally being put out. The team also won medals for best sportsmanship.

Kudos to Jeremiah Jacks, Ellen Dailey, Rachael Dailey, and Julie McGill who put in many, many hours working concessions for the Optimist Club which enjoyed one of most successful concession seasons ever.

Hats off to Mark Preston who not only coached a regular season team and an All-Star team but put in countless hours as the Kingston Optimist Club's Baseball Commissioner. An exhausting job to which he did a fantastic job. The program provides a fun, wholesome, baseball/softball experience for nearly 400 of Kingston's youth ages 5-16 years old. Baseball is alive and well at Bethel!


Submitted by Joni Morgan


To those of us who have children in our lives, whether they are our own, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, or students…here is something to make you chuckle. Whenever you children are out of control, you can take comfort from the thought that even God’s omnipotence did not extend to His own children. After creating heaven and earth, God created Adam and Eve. And the first thing he said was, “DON’T!”

“Don’t what?” Adam replied. “Don’t eat the forbidden fruit” God said. “Forbidden fruit? We have forbidden fruit? Hey Eve…we have forbidden fruit!!!! “No Way1” “Yes Way!” “Do NOT eat the fruit! said God. “Why?” “Because I am your Father and I said so!” God replied, wondering why He hadn’t stopped creation after making the elephants. A few minutes later, God saw His children having an apple break and He was really mad! “Didn’t I tell you not to eat the fruit?” God asked. “uh huh,” Adam replied. “Then why did you?” said the Father. “I don’t know,” said Eve. “She started it!” Adam said. “Did not!” “Did too!” “DID NOT!”

Having had it with the two of them, God’s punishment was that Adam and Eve should have children of their own. Thus the pattern was set and it has never changed. BUT THERE IS REASSURANCE IN THE STORY! If you have persistently and lovingly tried to give children wisdom and they haven’t taken it, don’t be hard on yourself. If God had trouble raising children, what makes you think it would be a piece of cake for you. THINGS TO THINK ABOUT:

1. You spend the first two years of their life teaching them to walk and talk. Then you spend the next sixteen years telling then to sit down and be quiet.

2. Grandchildren are God’s reward for not killing your own children.

3. Mothers of teens know why some animals eat their young.

4. Children seldom misquote you. In fact they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn’t have said.

5. The main purpose of holding children’s parties is to remind yourself that there are children more awful that your own. ( One might add that the main purpose of being a Sunday School teacher or Scout leader accomplishes the same…).

6. We childproofed our home, but they are still getting in.

ADVICE FOR THE DAY: be nice to your children. They will choose your nursing home.

AND FINALLY: If you have a lot of tension and you get a headache, do what it says on the aspirin bottle: “TAKE TWO ASPIRIN”----and “KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN”!!!

Memorial Gifts

Gifts received during the month of July
in memory of:

Delvenia Beasley:

Doris Barber, Betty Ulrich

Mary Woodall:

Hazel Streeter, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Chenault

Denny Gessel:

Dick Evans & Celia Simon

Frances Lepley:

Madge Benfield

Robert Carter:

Madge Benfield

Joyce Law:

Vernon Law

Notes of Sympathy

... none reported this month ...

Notes of Appreciation

Parish Life wants to thank EVERYONE for celebrating Marc's achievements and for making his reception such a joyful event. We appreciate all of you very much.

THANK YOU BETHEL!  Seventeen children and their families enjoyed festive games and crafts followed by a fun-filled lunch on Friday, July 30.  Gifts from Bethel Church were greatly appreciated which included a set of Kindergarten school supplies and a check covering the required classroom fee for each child.  Clothing gifts from Bethel sponsors were wonderful accompanied by special moments to start new friendships with them.  Thank you for helping with this BIG transition from the Head-Start Program to the Kindergarten Experience.

With smiling faces,

Jason, Katelynn, Paige, Brandon, Drake, Chelsey, Harliegh, Brittany, Landon, Trinidy, David, Meghan, Estreya, Selena, Savanna, Britney, and Elizabeth.

Thoughts to Ponder

The Single-minded Apostle

Some unknown wit suggested that we consider the purpose of a postage stamp. “Its usefulness consists in its ability to stick to one thing until it completes its mission.”

St. Paul, if he lived today, would appreciate that little statement. Why? Well, Paul stuck to one thing until he completed his mission. Paul was a single-minded apostle who had only one real passion: to know Christ and to make Christ known.

It was he who wrote to the Philippians and said, “This one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus. Let those of us then who are mature be of the same mind” (Philippians 3:13-15, NRSV).

It is certainly a plus to be single-minded Christians. Double-mindedness can lead to confusion and lethargy. May God give us the will and the power to “press on toward the goal.”

Remember to Pray For These


Ruby Hunter Royal Health Care
Muriel McKonley
(sister of Jean Young)
Rae-Inn Nursing Home
(Geneva, Ohio)
Frances McPheeters Baptist Healthcare Center
Betty Brown Alpharetta Healthcare Center
Evelyn Waldrup Jamestowne
Ginny Warlick Jamestowne
Anne Smith Jamestowne
Fred Meers Jamestowne
Roberta Cash Rockwood Health Care
Elizabeth Muecke Rockwood Health Care
Joan Pemberton Wellington Place – Kingston


Tora Phillips East TN. Children's Hospital
Linda Clouse-Stiles Walter Reed Hospital


Addie Wreath Hunt, Christine Woods, Al & Dot Davis, Ruth Moutoux, Ella Winsbro, Carole Jane Row

Bethel Family Prayer Calendar - August, 2004

The members and regularly attending friends of Bethel are assigned to elder care groups. Each month in the newsletter for your prayers, we publish the list of one or more elder care groups. The elder’s name and phone at the top of the list are listed as a reminder of their role in nurturing and supporting those who belong to Bethel. You should feel free to contact your elder or the pastor if you have a particular spiritual need or other matter that needs to be brought to our attention.  



Margaret & Greg Campen
Judy Heidinger
Frank & Marilyn Harris
Tauno & Marge Maki
Bill & Bobbie Martin
Buddy & Mary Miles
Sabrina Miller
Tabitha Miller
Gilbert Pickel
Bill & Ann Sides
Ron & Joan Thompson
Margaret True


(423) 369-2955

Bonnie & Truman Anderson
Carol Brown
Neva Daniel
Jerry & Pat Harvey
Cathy & Dan McDowell
Robert & Denise Martin
Jerry & Jennie Morris
Bettie & Bill Shenk
Linda Jo Templeton Tipton
David & Ellen Wood


August, 2004 Birthdays

   1 – 
   2 –

   3 – 

   4 – 
Steve Jacks
David Cross
   5 – 
Holly Young
   6 – 

   7 – Jeremiah Jacks
   8 – 
Brenda Bunch
   9 – 

 10 – 

 11 – 

 12 –

 13 – 

 14 – 

 15 – 
Jason Brown
 16 – 
Christopher Thompson
 17 – Margaret Murr
 18 – 

 19 – 

 20 – 

 21 – 
Amy Coen
 22 – 

 23 – 

 24 – 
Sue Muecke
Matthew Toon
 25 – 
Frederick Morgan
 26 – 
Julie Coen
 27 – 

 28 – 

 29 – 

 30 – 

 31 – Carolyn Tulley

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