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The Open Door

Published monthly by and for the members and friends of
Bethel Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

VOL. 31NO. 12  Marc Sherrod, Minister  December, 2003

E-Mail & On-Line Newsletter

A number of the members have responded regarding saving postage and mailing by reading the newsletter online. If you wish to add your name to that list, call (865-376-6340) or e-mail the church office.

We also maintain a master list of e-mail addresses. Please include yours if you wish.


Open Door Index

From the Minister

From the Parish Nurse

Session Committee Articles

Session Meeting Highlights

Notes of Appreciation

Notes of Sympathy

Prayer Calendar

Remember to Pray for These

Memorial Gifts


Youth News

Special Needs

Monthly News

Thoughts to Ponder

Advent at Bethel 2003




This service is free for friends and members of Bethel. If you have a transportation need, please call the church office at 376-6340. Please be ready to tell us the date and time of your appointment and what time you want to be picked up. Some of the places we transport to are: doctor’s office, hairdresser, library, post office, grocery store, and shopping. We drive as far as Knoxville. We are open to other suggestions, also.


From the Minister

The first Sunday of Advent (November 30) marked the beginning of the Christian year. For the next 25 days, our time will get marked by family and festival, offerings and obligations, crèches and children, stars and stores. An apparent shortage of time will seem to stretch us to the breaking point, but somehow, mysteriously, the commemoration of birth and the renewed hope of Christ’s coming again will happen with or without us. Ready or not, Christmas comes to the earth once more. It comes, not because we deserve it but because the annual rhythm of God’s stooping to this tiny planet spinning in darkness somehow keeps happening despite ourselves. In the rush, again this season, to “do it all,” may we slow enough to be present, if not in silence at least in partial silence, with the one who brings order out of chaos, light out of darkness, life from the earth’s dust. Here’s a Christmas poem by Oscar Romero:

No one can celebrate
a genuine Christmas
without being truly poor.
The self-sufficient, the proud,
those who, because they have
everything, look down on others,
those who have no need
even of God – for them there
will be no Christmas.
Only the poor, the hungry,
those who need someone
to come on their behalf,
will have that someone.
That someone is God.
Emmanuel. God-with-us.
Without poverty of spirit
there can be no abundance of God.

May the blessings of this Advent season be yours,


Parish Nurse

Happy holiday greetings to you! In the midst of all the “greening up” of our church and present buying, I am reminded of my duty to educate you about our health concerns. Do you realize that out of our 50 states, Tennessee is rated 46th ? This eye- opening fact is from The Tennessean, a Nashville newspaper. Well, you may say, at least we are not 50th ! The truth is, last year, we were 44th . The healthiest states are Minnesota and New Hampshire (now, you can use that for trivia.)

Overall, Southern states tend to fare worse on various health rankings, but Dr. Georges benjamin, executive director of the American Public Health Association, said that doesn’t have to be the case. “If you look at things like smoking, health disease and cancer,...there are very proven measures that if funded, implemented and followed would dramatically improve the state’s ranking over the next several years.”

Benjamin is the former secretary of the Maryland Department of Health and said that in his term the state implemented aggressive anti-tobacco programs that reduced its use. It stands to reason that if there is less smoking then there will be less secondary effects such as heart disease and cancer. In 2003, 21.8% of people in Maryland smoke, as opposed to 27.6%. Tennessee had 219.1 cancer deaths per 100,000 people this year, up from 200.9 deaths per 100,000 in 1990.

As the chair of the Roane County Health Council, I have been noticing government getting involved in such programs as the “Campaign for tobacco-free kids”. This would include cigarette excise taxes increasing. Some of the benefits would be:

  • New state cigarette tax revenues each year: $371.0 million
  • New sales tax revenues: $14.0 million
  • Pack sales decline in state: -72.9 million
  • Percent decrease in youth smoking: 16.1%
  • Increase in total number of kids alive today who will not become smokers: 62,000
  • Number of current adult smokers in the state who would quit: 45,000
  • Number of current adult smokers saved from smoking-caused deaths: 9,900

These facts can be found on the Center for Disease Control site at www.cdc.gov/tobacco/StateHighlights.htm Or the USDA Economic Research Service at www.ers.usda.gov/Briefing/tobacco or at http://tobaccofreekids.org/research/factsheets/index.php?CategoryID=18.

Danny and I have both lost our fathers to cancer. If you do smoke, consider giving your family a gift of quitting smoking. Imagine your family without you....then quit.....for good.

Peace and holiday health to each of you ..................... Deb

Just a reminder...

Our Bethel medial equipment closet has some things you might find useful! Hopefully, you won’t have need of any of these items, however, accidents (and surgeries) do happen..... We have wheeled and stationery walkers, a wheelchair, toilet seat riser, bedside commode, a “reacher”, an immobililizer, quad canes and a single cane, as well as adult and child crutches. Just call Debbie Hyder if you need any of these at 376-6340.

Session Highlights

[A reminder that session meetings are open for members to attend unless the session goes into executive session; the minutes of the session are are available, by appointment, for review in the church office]

Reached consensus on the six ministry initiatives to be shared with the congregation as the fruits of the “Season of Dreaming at Bethel”
Shared scriptures and statements by individual elders concerning God’s preferred future for Bethel and planned a service for the renewal of the baptism covenant for Sunday, November 23.
Restored Mariana Oonk to active membership and added Anneke Oonk and Lyric Rivera to the baptized members roll.
Roll counts: Active Roll (212), Inactive Roll (51), Baptized Roll (29)
Elected Jane Walsh as elder commissioner to Presbytery meeting on December 11 at Hiawassee College
The session joyfully announces the completion of Bethel’s Season of Dreaming and invites your prayerful dedication and commitment to the following six ministry initiatives:
I. an additional Sunday morning worship service to reach those outside our walls;
II. a task force to revitalize Bethel’s ministry to youth and children;
III. a congregational gifts-discernment program to enable each member and friend to discover and serve according to his or her special gifts, rather than exclusively according to Bethel’s needs;
IV. a small group ministry to enable us, and those who join us, to comfort, encourage and minister to one another and grow spiritually, using courses like Alpha, the Stephens Ministry, and others;
V. a Bethel Learning Center where those at risk in our community can receive tools for a better life;
VI. a deeper commitment to and focus on mission in ecumenical partnership.
Your commitment to one or more of these is a sign of your willingness to move forward as we seek to be and to become the Church that God intends. Signups are available in the sanctuary during the season of Advent and there is also a large commitment poster in the sanctuary that we urge everyone to sign as well. [Note: the commitment forms you put in the offering plates on November 23 during our commitment service have disappeared! Please contact the church office if you know of their whereabouts!]

Special Needs


Dear Brother's and Sister's in the Lord.

Greetings from my family, Teachers and Children of Grace School.

Let me first express my gratitude for your continued prayers. I am very happy for all of you who prayed for Samuel varicose veins which were very serious to the extent of immobilizing him. The necessary medical care were taken and he is now feeling better with a very big dose of vitamin E.

We are not doing very well at the School due to lack of funds. We have tried various methods but we are still not able to make it. We tried giving the children food three days a week instead of five, but saw that it had very negative effects on the children. We therefore decided to reduce the ration and give them something little everyday. Our Teachers have also gone for two months without any support. We might close the School after next week if the situation does not change. We are however trusting that the Lord who gave us these children is able to offer a solution.

We are therefore appealing to you that if there is any help you can give, it is very needed.

Thank you for being our partners in this ministry.

Your fellow servant in ministry, Monica Wambugu

 Monthly News


Twenty-four pairs of tiny little feet will be wearing new shoes this Christmas because Bethel is sponsoring a Christmas party for the two Head Start classes that meet here weekly. The children, their parents, and under school age brothers and sisters will be treated to a party in Bethel's Fellowship Hall on Tuesday, December 16th, at 1 P.M. The party is being funded with your gifts to the Christmas Basket Fund and is being coordinated by the Mission Outreach committee with assistance from the Rea' Women's Circle. The families will receive baskets of food for their Christmas dinners and the siblings will receive small gifts. We have purchased new athletic shoes (with Disney or other characters on them)and socks for all the Head Start children (ages 3 and 4). All the children at the party (approximately 30) will receive "goody bags" with books, other small gifts, and treats in them. If you would like to participate in sharing God's love through this activity, give generously to the Christmas Basket Fund, make or purchase something for the 30 goody bags, bake cookies for the party, make punch for the party, volunteer to pick up the food baskets on Sunday or Monday (need a truck), decorate for the party, serve refreshments at the party, or anything else that your heart leads you to do, please call Brenda Bunch at 717-1355 to volunteer. Christmas blessings to you all!


Sunday, December 14th 6 P.M. Rea Women's Circle at Brenda Bunch's house

Tuesday, December 16th 1 P.M. Bethel Christmas Party for Head Start classes in Fellowship Hall

Rea Evening Circle

The Rea Evening Circle meets on the 2nd Sunday in December (the 2nd and 4th Sunday in other months). The Hebrew word, Rea (ray uh) means "a friend who is as your own soul." All women of the church are invited to the Rea Evening Circle meetings.

December 14 - 6:00 P.M. – Meet at Brenda Bunch's, 1239 River Oaks Drive, Kingston. We will discuss the Christmas story and wrap shoes and socks to be given to the Head-Start children who meet at Bethel. If you need a ride call Carol Brown, 376-7171


Michael Rodgers sends this message regarding his CD: “If the CD which you purchased has ‘skips’ , please return it to me, via Dianne Griffith, and I will replace it with another one.


Congratulations to Mary Ann Hensley who won a wonderful award at work this month for “unparalleled administrative ability, strong leadership, and exceptional initiative in her role as administrative secretary to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Spallation Neutron Source Project Office staff.. This represents a many-year effort and dedication to excellence.

Advent at Bethel 2003

As we enter the Advent season, we find that Bethel’s calendar is full of activities designed to help us prepare to celebrate the miracle of Christmas.

Here’s a list of what’s happening at Bethel in the coming weeks:

On Nov. 21st and 23rd, many of our members will be taking part in the Roane Choral Society’s presentation of Handel’s Messiah.
Nov. 21st -- 8:00 p.m. at South Harriman Baptist Church
23rd -- Farragut Presbyterian, 3:00.

November 30 marks the first Sunday in Advent. We begin our season of anticipation with the lighting of the first candle in the Advent wreath. This year a candle will be lighted each week, culminating in the lighting of the Christ candle on Christmas Eve.
We also begin to focus on the gifts we have to share:

  • There will be an Angel Tree in the rear of the sanctuary (beginning Nov. 23) and everyone is encouraged to take a name and provide a gift(s) for someone on our Christmas basket list. All gifts should be at church by Sunday, December 7th.
  • In the evening, members of our prison ministry team will carry Christ’s message of hope to the regional prison, where they will worship and celebrate communion with prisoners there.

December 7 – the 2nd Sunday of Advent – is time for Bethel’s traditional Hanging of the Greens. This is an all-church activity, with something for everyone to do. The schedule looks like this:
From 3:30-5:00 these activities will be going on:
  • Crafts and cookie baking in the kitchen/fellowship area
  • Assembling the life-sized Nativity scene for the church yard
  • Senior high youth will erect and decorate the sanctuary Christmas tree.
  • Middle schoolers will decorate the fellowship hall tree and help with banners and baking.
  • Adult volunteers will be hanging wreaths, greenery and bows outside the church and education buildings.
At 5:00, children and youth will travel to Wellington Place to hand out gift bags of cookies to residents there.
At 6:00, we’ll share a simple meal of soup and sandwiches, followed by a reading of “Whose Birthday is it, Anyway?”, cupcakes for dessert, and singing of Happy Birthday to Jesus.
At 7:00, we will proceed to the sanctuary for worship. In hymn and liturgy, we’ll be reminded of the significance of the decorations we use, and as we worshipfully decorate the sanctuary we will also take the time to meditate and “prepare Him room” in our hearts and lives.

Friday, December 12th – Mission committee members, friends and youth will meet at 6:00 p.m. to prepare Christmas baskets for those in need in our community. There’s plenty to do: groceries to buy, presents to sort out, cookies to bake – why don’t you plan to join us?
Saturday, December 13th – Families come from 9-11 a.m. to Bethel to pick up baskets. Youth will help carry baskets to cars, and cookies and hot chocolate will be served.

Sunday, December 14th – During Sunday School hour, children will work on special handbell music (note to newcomers: these bells are color-coded and anyone can play – come and join us!)

In the afternoon, several members of our youth groups will be performing with the joint Middle/High School band concert at 2:00.

Later on, we’ll have a dress rehearsal for the children and youth in our Christmas play (this is also our only rehearsal – you didn’t miss anything – come and join in!) Schedule follows:

4:00-5:00 meal for Jr. and Sr. Highs, with rehearsals to follow:
5:00-5:45 for Jr. & Sr. Highs
5:45-7:00 for all children and youth (extra adults needed here to assist with costume distribution).

Wednesday, December 17th – Fellowship Supper and Christmas Play – bring a covered dish and come enjoy one another’s fellowship, and afterward we’ll adjourn to the sanctuary for “The Innkeeper’s Busy Night.”

Sunday, December 21st:
11:00 a.m. Worship – A Service of Lessons and Carols
; a retelling of the Christmas story through scripture and song, with special music provided by Bethel’s youth.

In the evening: Christmas caroling to our home- and nursing-home bound members and friends. After caroling we’ll have hot chocolate and cookies at Vic and Nancy King’s home.

Christmas Eve, December 24th:
There will be two worship services.
The first will begin at 5:00 p.m. The second will begin at 11:00 p.m. enabling us to end the waiting days of Advent with the joy of worship and the sacrament of Communion as we go into Christmas Day.

As you can see, there are many opportunities for worship, service and fellowship at Bethel during this Advent season. We hope you’ll keep this brochure handy, mark your calendars, and make room in your hearts and lives for the coming of Christ this season.

Peace, love, and joy
to you all!

Let every heart prepare him room!

Session Committee Articles

From the Evangelism Committee

In this special time of Noel, we celebrate the joy of sharing the Good News with friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, even cashiers at Food City who wish us “Merry Christmas!”

In Presbyterian Evangelism our denomination reminds us that we are called to “do” the Good News by participating in God’s activity in the word, to “be” the Good News by showing love for one another, and to “tell” the Good News by inviting others to Worship and participation in Christian Education.

Our Open Door this month is filled with Advent activities for children and adults, each one a special opportunity to extend an invitation, offer transportation, or bring a stranger into the Christmas warmth of the Bethel faith community. We can use the Bethel website to send a special seasonal e-mail invitation, or include our site address on Christmas cards (http://www.bethelpcusa.org.), deliver one of the Blue Visitor’s Packets to a neighbor along with our Christmas cookies, or just phone and say, “Come with me, and see!”

Traditionally, many inactive Bethel members return at Christmas, and unfamiliar faces pop up in our congregation. Since everyone on our Evangelism Committee will be away this year for Christmas, we are counting on “the priesthood of all believers” to linger after Worship on Sundays and on Christmas Eve to meet and greet guests, especially those sitting nearby, and to follow up with a friendly phone call later in the week; please let us know names of those whom you’re able to contact.

Finally, as Ben Campbell Johnson writes in Rethinking Evangelism: a Theological Approach, “The task of making disciples, both intensively and extensively, never ends. In some form the church is forever inviting its members to claim the full meaning of their baptism.” Let us, each one, invite one another to a new commitment in the coming year to seek a deeper personal understanding of the Good News of God’s love and restoration, and to watch for opportunities to invite others to come and hear that Good News at Bethel.

Mission Outreach Committee Report

Prison Ministry:

Bethel's Prison Ministry team has been hard at work this fall, baking goodies for two banquets, taking photos of inmates and their families at holiday time, and leading worship on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Thank-you to all who helped out, both with your presence and in your prayer support. The inmates are always grateful to know that people in the "free world" care for them.

Christian Education Committee

Library News:

The church library has been relocated (on the 2nd floor of the Ed Bldg., 2nd door on the left). It's been unpacked, and is now open for your browsing convenience. At this point we don't have all the books cataloged, so checkout will be on the honor system. If you take a book home to read, please try to return it within 3 weeks so others may have a turn. Many thanks to Nancy King, Chad Gaffin, and Anneke Oonk for their tireless efforts in unpacking and sorting all those books!

Property and Personnel Committee

For those who did not hear this at the Fellow ship Dinner on November 19th.

As chair of Property and Personnel, I was asked by Session to address your overwhelmingly positive response to our initiatives on signage, accessibility and possible physical plant modifications. Every visioning small group have many wonderful suggestions. It is clear that everyone realizes the importance of maintaining the appearance, accessibility and soundness of our buildings and grounds and how important it is that they be adequate to support and enhance Bethel's vision and mission. As a result of this positive input from you, Session has instructed Property and Personnel to form a subcommittee to immediately obtain and install needed signage and to work with a church-experienced professional firm to address our larger issues. Since we are moving forward with this initiative immediately, you did not see this initiative listed on the Vision 2010 literature distributed during November at the Fellowship Supper and during subsequent Worship services. Hopefully, Session's instruction to Property and Personnel to address this initiative will free you to concentrate on the vision. We will keep you informed every step of the way as we move forward.

Thank you all. Nancy King.

Stewardship & Finance Committee

Christmas Joy Offering

The Christmas Joy Offering will be received on Sunday, December 21. This is one of four special offerings each year that is authorized by our Session, the Presbytery of East Tennessee, and the General Assembly. The offering is divided equally between the Board of Pensions and Presbyterian Racial Ethnic Schools and Colleges.

The Board of Pensions uses their half to help current and retired ministers and other church workers through difficult times. This help in times of special need is one way of recognizing their faithful service to the church.

The portion of the offering going to Presbyterian Racial Ethnic Schools and Colleges is used to help provide basic operating costs and scholarships to deserving students at the seven racial and ethnic schools and colleges supported by the Presbyterian Church (USA). These include Barber-Scotia College in North Carolina, Knoxville College, and Menaul School in New Mexico.

At this busy time of the year, remember these important mission opportunities on December 21.

Stewardship and Finance Committee

Youth News

No items were reported for this month

Memorial Gifts

Gifts received during the months of October & November
in memory of:

Joyce Law from Vernon Law toward kitchen renovation

Margie Gulley from Sue M. Franzreb, Richard Evans & Celia Simon, Jack & Sue Muecke, Mac Robbins, Chuck & Brenda Bunch

Bob Badger from Buddy Patton

Charlotte Crumbliss from Charlene Notz

Dot Pierce to the “Hunger Fund” from Ted & Phyliss Willmarth.

Notes of Sympathy

BETHEL SYMPATHY is extended:

• Nancy Landers and family in the death of her father

• the family of Bill Manly who passed Nov. 22. Memorials may be made to Bethel.

• the family of Charlotte Crumbliss, St. Simon’s Island. Charlotte was a former member of Bethel.

Notes of Appreciation

Thank You, Bethel! You are awesome!! We can never thank you enough for your prayers, flowers, cards, visits, food, and support while Donald was hospitalized. This congregation has truly been a blessing to us in all of our trials. May God richly bless each of you as you continue to function as the body of Christ. With deepest gratitude, Clay & Nancy LandersDear Bethel,Thank you so very much for supporting me through prayer, visits, cards, and flowers during my recent hospitalization. I am grateful to all of you; those who knew me as a child, and those of you who are relatively new to Bethel. A special thanks to Marc for his many hospital trips on my behalf. You are truly a caring and generous congregation.

THANK YOU. Sincerely, Donald Cross

THANK YOU to Ella Winsbro for the last two years as scheduler for Liturgist in Worship. As she requested that a replacement be sought, she commented that it was a very satisfying way of serving in the worship program of Bethel.

To My Wonderful Bethel Family,

Just a note to let you know that thanks to your prayers, my hip replacement surgery went well. I stayed in the hospital 4 days and now I am recuperating at home. It is a very SLOW process, and if any of you feel bored or lonely or just want to talk, give me a call or come by for a visit – I am here.

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers, for calls and visits, for flowers, get-well cards and food. Bill and I appreciate you very much and we feel very fortunate to belong to such a wonderful church family.

Love you, Marianne Shadden

Thoughts to Ponder


Prevent us, O Lord, from letting our Christmas be spent foolishly. Remind us that it is Christ’s birthday we celebrate and not our own. Keep us from wanting our own desires to be fulfilled and from being angry or hurt when they are not. Make us mature in our thoughts and actions. Especially stir up such great love within us, that we may carry the blessed glow of Christmas with us now and through the days of life to come. In the name of the Christ child. Amen.

Remember to Pray For These


Delvenia Beasley Marshall Voss
Ruby Hunter Royal Health Care
Ruby Nell Skinner Doctors Lake - Florida
Micki Shields Woodbine, Alexandra, VA
Frances McPheeters Baptist Healthcare Center
Betty Brown Alpharetta Healthcare Center


Evelyn Waldrup JAMESTOWNE


Mabel Bradford PARK WEST ICU


Donald Cross, Charles Pickel, Marianne Shadden, Christine Woods, Margaret True, Al & Dot Davis, Ella Winsbro, Cathie Sanders (Amy Coen’s mother), Ruth Moutoux, Florence Simmons, Susan Todd Steve Jacks’ Uncle Bill, Justin Trivette, Margaret True


Josh Brown, Jason Brown, Clay Badger

Bethel Family Prayer Calendar - December, 2003

The members and regularly attending friends of Bethel are assigned to elder care groups. Each month in the newsletter for your prayers, we publish the list of one or more elder care groups. The elder’s name and phone at the top of the list are listed as a reminder of their role in nurturing and supporting those who belong to Bethel. You should feel free to contact your elder or the pastor if you have a particular spiritual need or other matter that needs to be brought to our attention.  


Doris Barber
Bob & Ruth Ann Ludwig
Edith Miles
Bill & Jean Plummer
Buddy Patton



Mabel Bradford
Bob & Emily Clouse
Julia Gasque
Jerry LeMasters
John Parkinson
Charles Pickel
Anne & James D. Robertson
Jon Rybka
Gloria Scott

14 -

John Patton
Dolores Sandmel
Peggy Sheppard
Henry & Carolyn Tulley
Mary Woodall

28 -

Jane Liggett Smith
Duie Swicegood
Evelyn Waldrup
Jan Wall
Bob & Ella Winsbro
Christine Woods
Todd & Amy Young



   1 – Addie (Mac) Robbins
   2 – 

   3 – 
Barbara Williams
   4 – 

   5 – 

   6 – 

   7 – 

   8 – 

   9 – 

 10 – 

 11 – 

 12 –
Addie Wreath Hunt
 13 – 

 14 – 
Bob Jones
 15 – 

 16 – 
Ted Dailey
 17 – 
 18 – 

 19 – 

 20 – 

 21 – 
Jack Matthews
 22 – 
Tom Pickel III
 23 – 
Madge Mounger
 24 – 

 25 – 

 26 – 
Reid Hutchison
 27 – 

 28 – 
David Standridge
Kathy Ambrose
 29 – 
Brennan Foy
Jim Schall
 30 – 

 31 – 

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