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The Open Door

Bethel Presbyterian Church ~ a community of faith, fellowship, study and service ... Seeking God's peace, justice and love ~

VOL. 33NO. 2  Marc Sherrod, Minister  February, 2005


E-Mail & On-Line Newsletter

A number of the members have responded regarding saving postage and mailing by reading the newsletter online. If you wish to add your name to that list, call (865-376-6340) or e-mail the church office.

We also maintain a master list of e-mail addresses. Please include yours if you wish.


Open Door Index

From the Minister

From the Parish Nurse

Session Committee Articles

Session Meeting Highlights

Notes of Appreciation

Notes of Sympathy

Prayer Calendar

Remember to Pray for These

Memorial Gifts


Youth News

Special Needs

Monthly News

Thoughts to Ponder




This service is free for friends and members of Bethel. If you have a transportation need, please call the church office at 376-6340. Please be ready to tell us the date and time of your appointment and what time you want to be picked up. Some of the places we transport to are: doctor’s office, hairdresser, library, post office, grocery store, and shopping. We drive as far as Knoxville. We are open to other suggestions, also.


From the Minister

Wow! That was my main thought at our annual congregational meeting on January 23 as I listened to the chairs of our church committees review all the various ministries undertaken in 2004. For those unable to attend, it was quite a “good news” list of ways that we are trying to be faithful to the Gospel! I repeat my words of thanksgiving and appreciation for all who participate at whatever level in making and keeping our congregation active and vital. As we continue discernment about God’s will regarding a possible building project, it is critical that we achieve a sense of united purpose about who God has called us to be. Thanks to Mission Outreach and Parish Life for providing the meal – over $400 was raised for Roane County Cooperative Ministries, a ministry of assistance to those in need in our local community. As always, I am grateful that my terms of call as your pastor have been renewed, and that the Spirit has empowered us to respond to Christ’s invitation to discipleship.

I am glad to welcome Alicia Webb as our new Administrative Assistant in the church office! After over 10 years of faithful service to Bethel, Kathy Francis left as our secretary at the end of 2004. We are very grateful for all the contributions Kathy made to the life and witness of our congregation. Alicia comes to us with a background of church secretarial work in the United Methodist Church as well as experience in small business bookkeeping. As you know, the Administrative Assistant position combines secretary and Disbursement Treasurer responsibilities, a decision the Personnel Committee made when no one volunteered to assume that latter duty. Alicia will be at the church Monday-Friday, 9:00 – 2:00, and I know you will enjoy meeting her. Her husband, Jack works at Y-12, and their youngest daughter, Sarah, is a 9th grader at Midway High School. Welcome, Alicia! Thanks to the following who volunteered in the office during the first three weeks of January: Ruth Ann Ludwig and Carole Brown who helped with the January Open Door, Carolyn McNew who took off three Thursdays from work to provide coverage, and Pat Harvey who covered the office on most other days during that interim period. You’re great! And while I am thanking volunteers, let’s all be very grateful to Karen Schall who continues to serve as a wonderful volunteer editor for the Open Door. Thanks, Karen!

Let’s also be very thankful for the way that Brenda and Chuck Bunch have labored long and hard to revamp Bethel’s process for tracking our financial records. Brenda is stepping aside as Disbursements Treasurer, and we now have in place a very thorough system for accounting for all of our various funds and for matching particular types of income to the purpose to which the funds were given or have been directed by session. Bethel’s financial health is good, and we owe a large debt of gratitude to Brenda and Chuck and Nancy Landers for helping us put our financial house in order. The Stewardship and Finance Committee, as well as the Trustees, will continue to oversee the financial stewardship of the church in a wise manner. Let’s all be mindful of just how blessed we have been, individually and corporately, by God!


Marc Sherrod

The pastor continues to lead confirmation classes during the Sunday School hour. Among the upcoming special events planned are trips to Greek Orthodox, Catholic, and Jewish worship services, as well as creating a gift to give to Bethel. They will make their public professions of faith on Easter Sunday.

Young people in the class are: Ellen Dailey, John Richmond, Ryan Preston, Eden Sherrod, Jacob Murr, and Kerry Hyder. Covenant Partners are: Nancy King, Cathy McDowell, Bob Jones, Pat Harvey, Denise Martin, and Karen Schall. Please pray for these young folks as they continue their faith journey.

Parish Nurse

February greetings to everyone! I have been asked to elaborate on a disease that is now affecting 4.5 million Americans. The disease process is Alzheimer’s. In a recent internet article from www.medscape.com it is thought that by the year 2030 there will be as many as 14 million Americans affected. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has been an annual focus in the fall at Bethel as we usually gather up walkers and sponsors to go on the “Memory Walk”. As you probably know, Alzheimer’s disease affects memory. It develops in stages and, although a terminal process, the patient could live 2-20 years. The first sign is a change in mental status. Sometimes this is manifest by the patient being inattentive to their personal appearance. A person who is usually clean and properly dressed might become slovenly and dressed inappropriately for the weather. Also simple instructions may be impossible for them to follow. A typically punctual person may become habitually late or miss scheduled appointments altogether. Research is showing that positron emission tomography (PET) scans may help with earlier diagnosis and treatment of AD. In addition there is a genetic test known as ApoE genotyping used to diagnose persons greater than 65 years old. Also a CT scan can show changes in the brain, including brain atrophy.
There is no cure for AD, but there are drugs to slow down its’ symptoms. Aricept, Exelon, and Reminyl are used for mild to moderate cases. Namenda (Memantine) is used for more progressed cases.
According to the January 2005 issue of RN magazine, there are some tips to help things go a little smoother for you who are caregivers:

  • Stick to a predictable schedule for meals, bathing, exercise and bedtime.
  • Help the patient dress by choosing clothing that’s loose, easy to put on, and comfortable, and laying out the items in the order they need to be put on.
  • Distract the patient’s attention from any distressing situation, such as when they feel anxious or threatened about not remembering certain people or places.
  • Never leave prescription or over-the-counter medication where the patient can reach it. Give them any medication they need, and make sure they take it properly.
  • You may want to get a sensor that alarms when the door is opened. Many AD patients just walk out of their homes and get lost.
  • Keep large calendars and clocks easily visible and use newspapers, photographs, etc. to help the patient stay oriented to time and place.
  • Keep the house well lighted but restful, avoid glare from windows and mirrors, loud noise from the television or radio, and household clutter.
  • Register the patient in the Alzheimer’s Association Safe Return program, which assists in the identification and safe return of individuals who wander away. Further information is available at www.alz.org/Services/SafeReturn.asp. For those of you who have no computers, please come by and see me- I will get you set up.
  • Consider using a day care program specifically for patients with AD. In this area, there are ones at Keystone Elder Day Care at the First United Methodist Church in Oak Ridge- phone number 865-483-6631 or National Family Caregiver Support Program in Knoxville- phone number 865-691-2551
  • There is also a Caregiver Support Group that meets every third Thursday of each month at Rockwood Care and Rehab at 1:00 P.M. The meeting takes place in the living room and lasts for approximately one hour. The phone number there is 865-354-3366

I hope this answers some of your questions; if I can be of help to you, please call me at 376-6340. ............. Deb

Session Highlights

[A reminder that session meetings are open for members to attend unless the session goes into executive session; the minutes of the session are available, by appointment, for review in the church office]

... none reported for January
• • • • •

Special Needs

... none reported this month ...

Monthly News


Lent Begins ...

Ash Wednesday (February 9) marks the traditional beginning of the Season of Lent, a forty day period of confession, reflection, and meditation upon the cost of discipleship. To help initiate us on our Lenten journey, we will have an Ash Wednesday service in the sanctuary at 7:30 on February 9. This will include the imposition of ashes on the forehead and the reminder that “you are of the dust and to the dust you shall return.”

Loaves and Fishes Experience

Now that Christmas has passed and the New Year has begun, don't forget to register for the Loaves And Fishes Experience which is coming up March 18-19. The Registration deadline is March 1. Download the registration brochure at www.presbyteryeasttn.org or check with your church office for forms. Questions? Contact Sharon Carter at revscarter@comcast.net. Don't miss this event-- there's something for everyone!

Upcoming Events at Maryville College

The February Meetings at Maryville College (held since 1819) provide the college and the surrounding community an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of Christian faith, as we live it in the world and in our daily lives. The meetings will take place this year on February 15 and 16…We are very excited this year to welcome two outstanding speakers: David Young, who is a former professor at MC, and currently a staff photographer for the PCUSA in Louisville, and Rick Ufford-Chase, the director of Borderlinks, a ministry on the US-Mexico border, and who is also the Moderator of the 216th General Assembly. It is a great honor to have both of these speakers at the college.

These presentations are free and open to the public. For further details call 865-981-8000 or online at www.maryvillecollege.edu.

Also at Maryville College, the Community Conversations Series for this spring will feature speakers on various environmental topics. There will be a flyer posted on the bulleting board in the fellowship hall, or you can look for further details online at crystal.wright@maryvillecollege.edu.

Wish List

On the downstairs bulletin board, there is an extensive wish list from John Knox Center. If you can help with any of these items, or would like to make a donation, it would be most welcome.


Hello Bethel members and friends! Have you checked out our new Bethel Homepage yet? Our Webmaster, Dan McDowell, did a great job, as always. Toward the bottom of the new home page, you will see the most significant addition, “The Bethel Ministry Spotlight” area. Each time a visitor comes to the home page, a random synopsis of one of Bethel’s ministries will appear there. If it is of interest to them, they can click on the link that comes at the end of the synopsis to go to the page with the complete information about that ministry. Below the “Bethel Ministry Spotlight” in the PC (USA)-related links section, Dan has added a link to the Presbyterian Foundation’s web-site. Check it out—it’s very informative.

If you have questions or ideas about the web-site, please let me know. You can reach me at HERE. Thank you. Marianne

Presbyterians Today Magazine

The church will be mailing in our yearly subscription for Presbyterians Today in a few weeks. All current session members and all ministers receive a copy of the magazine. If others would like to subscribe, the cost is $11.25. Make check payable to Bethel and indicate for Presbyterians Today. Please give your check to Cathy McDowell by February 20.

Missing Person?
Would the person who spoke to Dick Hettrick about cemetery lots please contact him?

Book Discussion Group

Bethel’s Book Discussion Group will meet on February 24 at 1:30 in the church lounge. Upcoming book selections include:

February 24thSaving Grace, by Lee Smith
March 24thYear of Wonders, by Geraldine Brooks
April 28thGood Harbor, by Anita Daimont


During Lent 2005 we are planning a series of Intergenerational Church Family Events. These events begin on Ash Wednesday (with a meal and Worship Service). Then for four consecutive evenings (beginning on February 27th ) we will meet for dinner, a Lenten Program and Small Group study (age appropriate)! A traditional Jewish Seder Dinner will be experienced by young and old just before our Maundy Thursday Worship Service on March 24th! Mark these dates on your calendar! Plan to attend!

2/9 Ash Wednesday Dinner (6:30) and Worship 7:30

2/27 His Last Week…A.D. 30 Lenten Celebration 5:30-8:00

3/6 His Last Week…A.D. 30 Lenten Celebration 5:30-8:00

3/13 His Last Week…A.D. 30 Lenten Celebration 5:30-8:00

3/20 His Last Week…A.D. 30 Lenten Celebration 5:30-8:00

3/24 Maundy Thursday Traditional Jewish Seder Dinner (6:00) and Worship (7:30)

During Lent 2005 you will develop new relationships as you participate in His Last Week…A.D. 30 Lenten Celebration. You will explore new ideas, and participate in old traditions! Children and adults alike will have a great time! The Fellowship Hall will be transformed into a Jewish Marketplace! All your senses and imagination will be tapped for a very meaningful Lenten season!



If you can help one evening in any of these areas, please call Pat Harvey at 376-4767, the church office at 376-6340, or contact us HERE.

  • WOODWORKING (We will use kits to make tops & boxes)
  • POTTERY (Simple pots)
    (We will use simple pre-made kits)
  • TOMB CONSTRUCTION (Large paper mache tomb)
  • WOODWORKING (Help construct a large wooden cross)


If you would like to participate in the Adult Small Group Study, call Pat Harvey at 376-4767, the church office at 376-6340, or contact us HERE and give us you name and phone number. If your child, grandchild, or friend would like to participate in the Children’s Small Group Program, just provide us with their name(s), phone number(s), and grade(s).

Session Committee Articles

News from Buildings and Grounds

Thanks to all of you who attended the small group meetings and Chris Malone's presentation at family night supper in January. Your comments are all appreciated. It's wonderful to work with a congregation who is willing to share their thoughts and suggestions. The committee met on Tuesday night, January 25, to discuss our next step. In response to your concerns, we will be asking Chris to have a structural engineer to thoroughly evaluate the sanctuary in order to determine how it would tolerate a move as proposed. As soon as we get that information, we will let you know the results. We will then know more of how to proceed. Again thanks.

Mission Outreach

Second Harvest does even more than just collect and give out food.

Each month, more than 1000 children participate in one of the 26 individual Kid Cafe sites in East Tennessee. These sites, which are partnered with Second Harvest, are established and designed to educate needy children as well as their parents about nutrition and food safety. This program is supported by the Tennessee Nutrition and Consumer Education Program (TNCEP) and Mshasti Vafaie who owns The Tomato Head. TNCEP provides on-site classes, nutrition displays, computer programs, etc at no cost while The Tomato Head makes weekly donations of about 400 pounds of fresh fruits to be given to the children. Other nutritious foods from the Second Harvest warehouse are also available.

Living Waters for the World: To bring affordable water purification systems to all parts of the world is a global mission project of the Synod of Living Waters. This is accomplished through a partnership program in communities with contaminated water. Through water purification and education, areas with contaminated water can take ownership in making their own water clean. Sunday, February 13, 2005 has been designated Living Waters for the World Sunday. Watch your bulletin that Sunday for a handout about this worthwhile program and how we can get involved.

Tsunami assistance update: Bethel has sent $350 from 2004 Mission Outreach funds and $50 from designated funds to supply a prescription and non-prescription medical kit. In addition, 24 health kits have been mailed. On the Presbytery level, over $350,000 was sent immediately to the involved areas.

Parish Life

CONGRATULATIONS to Fred and Willie Mae Meers on their Anniversary on Valentine’s Day!

Host/Hostess for February Fellowships:

Fun Lunch, Tuesday, February 8th: Carolyn and Henry Tulley at the Tulleys. We will meet at Bethel’s Parking Lot at 11:45 and carpool to the Tulley’s home. Please bring your favorite dish.

PLEASE NOTE: Fellowship Supper will be on ASH WEDNESDAY, February 9th: The Shaddens. We are asking NOT to bring your favorite dish; instead we will have a simple meal consisting of soup and sandwiches to start off the Lenten Season. There will be a signup sheet in the bulletin for you to indicate whether you will be bringing soup, sandwiches, or dessert.

Fellowship Sunday, February 13th: Issues Class.

We are planning another trip to the Cumberland County Playhouse on Sunday, April 17, 2:30 p.m. to see “The Spitfire Grill.” As always, we will carpool leaving Bethel at 2 p.m. Sign-up Sheet is in the office. Tickets $17 for a group of 20 or more. More details later.

This year, our Mother/Daughter Luncheon will be on Saturday, May 7th, 12 noon at IVAN’S in Rockwood. Sign-up sheet is in the office. More details later.

Stewardship & Finance Committee Report

Changes in Fund Balances
January through December, 2004

Fund *
& Reserve**

Beginning Fund Balances, 1/1/04 $75,082 $145,573 $136,997 $357,652
Income, Year 2004 226,475 3,678 36,798 $266,951
Expenses, Year 2004 -224,155 -3,294 -28,389 -$255,838
Ending Fund Balances, 12/31/04 $77,401 $145,957 $145,407 $368,765

*Includes New (2nd) Century Fund

** Includes Reserve Fund of $60,000.

Available Balance:
Undesignated General $77,401
Undesignated Other 145,957
Total Undesignated 223,358
Less required Gen Fund Reserve -60,000
Amount available for general fund $163,358


Youth News


youth speak

Published for the Youth of Bethel Presbyterian Church February 2005
203 S Kentucky Street
Kingston, Tennessee 37763
865-376-6340 Web: http://www.bethelpcusa.org
865-376-6390 (Fax) e-mail: click HERE

  – Cheers –  

From the Sherrod household, Eden Sherrod, flute player, auditioned into second chair for the “Blue Band” for the Tennessee All-East Band, Lower Area for 8th and 9th graders. She performed with her band in early December.

Hannah Sherrod, also a flutist, auditioned into the “Blue Band” for high school students in East Tennessee, and she will perform in Gatlinburg the first Saturday in February. Hannah has been accepted to Maryville and Rhodes College, and will be deciding in the next couple of months where she will be headed.

Jordan Sherrod continues to enjoy her work as an office assistant for Dick Evans at his law office. She has very much enjoyed her time of leadership on the Presbytery of East Tennessee’s Youth Council, as has her sister Hannah.

Caleb Sherrod is back into his routine at Indiana where he has been invited to join the Honors College. He is putting his energy into adding the flute to his repertoire of instruments, and is especially enjoying his jazz saxophone improvisation class. His great thrill at Christmas was the addition of a Yanagazawa Alto Saxaphone!

Plan to attend the Children’s Program Lenten Study featuring the Marketplace, music, drama, crafts, fun, and friendship. Begins on February 9 with a short meeting time for children before Ash Wednesday Worship service.

Through the Girl Scout Gift of Caring program, you can still purchase delicious mouth-watering Girl Scout cookies for residents of Jamestown or Wellington. Julie C. of Troop 435 is still taking orders for $3 boxes of Lemon Coolers, Trefoils, Samoas, Do-Si-Dos, Tagalongs, All Abouts, Double Dutch, and Thin Mints. Proceeds will be used to fund a camping badge field trip. Cookie delivery is March 6 to Bethel cookie lovers and by March 12 to the Gift of Caring recipients. Information available at www.littlebrownie.com gives nutrition data plus details about the positive impact of Girl Scouting.

Activities with jennifer

Jennifer has planned many exciting activities for the youth for the month of February. They include:

  • a Skiing trip to Hawk’s nest, Boone, NC (Feb. 3-5)
  • Feb 6th – 6:00 PM Preparing for lent: What is lent all about anyway? youth will also enjoy a “souper bowl” supper with the proceeds of a love offering to benefit the helping hands ministry in Kingston as decided by the youth.
  • Feb 9th – youth summit registration is due. youth summit will be held in Gatlinburg and is scheduled for March 11th – 12th.
  • Feb 13th – 6:00 pm discussing what is the world’s definition of love and god’s definition of love.
  • Feb 14thHappy Valentine’s Day to all our children and youth of Bethel. God loves you and we love you.
  • Feb 20th – 6:00 PM Lenten study continues.
  • Feb 25th – 26th 30-hour planned famine. youth will gather at powell Presbyterian church for worship, service projects, games, small groups, and breaking the fast with a shared meal.
  • Feb 27th – no youth group
– – – We appreciate Jennifer and her special call here to ministry with the youth of Bethel.


Memorial Gifts

Memorials were given in the month of January for:

Addie Wreath Hunt

from Doris Ann Parkinson

Dot Pierce

from Brenda & A.K. Leamon and Gene Pierce to the “Miss Dot Hunger Fund”

Carol Jane Rowe

from Doris Ann Parkinson, Jacqueline Hunt, Mr. & Mrs. John Bucy, Dick Evans & Celia Simon, William McAllister, Mr. & Mrs. G.W. Renfro, Janet & Frank Kornegay, Ruth Ann Ludwig, Robert & Pamela Butram, Tommy & Kay True

from Marilyn Smith, Peggy Schnider, Eleanor Sergent, Barbara Luttrell, Bettie Kurtz, Barbara & David McNabb, Clay & Nancy Landers, Bob & Sue Henley, Darryl Free, Kay D. Rodgers, Deloris Pullum, Rachel Drury for the Parish Nurse Fund

from Madge Benfield for the Kitchen Renovation Fund

Notes of Sympathy

... none reported this month ...

Notes of Appreciation

Dear Bethel Family,

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for 10+ years of blessings. It has been my joy to be an employee, but be treated like "family". I don't have enough words to tell you how much I appreciate the farewell dinner and the very generous monetary gift of $695. I plan to get a home computer and will enjoy e-mail contact with you. I will never forget you as I move on to the next phase of my life. You will remain dear to me always. Much love to all, Kathy Francis

Dear Church Family,

I did it again. I got so busy in December I didn't check my box in the church office until the middle of January; so didn't notice I had a lovely Christmas card and Christmas bonus waiting for me to open from you. I thank-you very much. I did use the bonus to help celebrate my birthday at Whitestone Resturant with my family. So, many thanks again.

Laura Walker, Choir Director

Dear Bethel Family,

Thank you very much for the Christmas monetary gift. Also, thank you for being the loving, supportive family that you are. Bethel is a wonderful church, and I truly enjoy being your organist.

Blessings to each of you.
Mary Ann

We, the family of Carole Jane R. Rowe, extend our heartfelt love and thanks to our church family for their prayer, love and care during Carole's long illness and the celebration of her life. I think she would have said, "Mother, that was just like I wanted!" Our love to all.

Mac Robbins
Terry Jr. and Charity Robbins

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thank you for the great care package. I appreciate all the hard work that went into making it. I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope to see some of you when I return home on leave.

Semper Fi,
Truman D. Anderson Jr.

To All at Bethel Presbyterian Church,

I wanted all of you to know how much I appreciated the care package. I will be leaving soon and all of the items will be of great use. It means so much that although we’ve never met you took the time to help with my deployment. There is no way to thank you for this gift, but please know that I am very grateful.

Sgt. Geoffrey Winsbro

Dear Friends at Bethel Presbyterian Church,

The Head Start children and families from Terry Cotts’ group would like to thank you so very much for having the holiday party for our children at the church…You have truly blessed our hearts and holidays again this season.

Terry Cotts, Paint Rock MECAA
Home-based, Head Start Teacher

Dear Members of Bethel Presbyterian Church,

Reflections of the year just passed are always a part of the dreams we have for the new year. I would like to thank you for enabling us to end 2004 with such a tremendous act of good will and faith in humankind. Through your generous giving of time and resources we were able to relieve the pressures of many parents, grandparents, caregicvers, and help more than 300 children have a wonderful Christmas.

In was heartwarming to hear of the families’ experience at the party and as they received the presents you provided. The appreciation, the hugs, the tears, the exclamations of disbelief that someone who doesn’t know them cares so much for them is overwhelming.

Your congregation has made a difference in the lives of people who struggle to meet the basic needs of their families, yet desire, as we all do, to give gifts to their children. We also appreciate your extra efforts in wrapping the presents. Thank you for partnering with Mid-East Head Start. We look for greater things to happen in our community because of these combined efforts.

In this new year our wishes for you include success, growth and fulfillment.

Sue Lower
Family Service Specialist, Mid-East Head Start

Thoughts to Ponder
... none reported this month ...

Remember to Pray For These


Ruby Hunter Harriman Health Care
Muriel McKonley
(sister of Jean Young)
Rae-Inn Nursing Home
(Geneva, Ohio)
Frances McPheeters Baptist Healthcare Center
Betty Brown Alpharetta Healthcare Center
Evelyn Waldrup Jamestowne
Anne Smith Jamestowne
Fred Meers Jamestowne
Joan Pemberton Wellington Place – Kingston


Ginny Warlick, Doris Barber, Kay Michener


Ronnie Phillips

Jimmy Walker

Bob Gaffin

Jason Brown

Geoff Winsbro

Robert Howard (son-in-law of Bill and Bobbie Martin)

Bethel Family Prayer Calendar - February, 2005
The members and regularly attending friends of Bethel are assigned to elder care groups. Each month in the newsletter for your prayers, we publish the list of one or more elder care groups. The elder’s name and phone at the top of the list are listed as a reminder of their role in nurturing and supporting those who belong to Bethel. You should feel free to contact your elder or the pastor if you have a particular spiritual need or other matter that needs to be brought to our attention.  



Fletcher, Sarah
Griffith, Gary & Dianne
Hart, Karen
Hensley, Mary Ann
*Hope, Wayne & Brenda
Landers, Clay & Nancy
Parkinson, Doris Ann
Preston, Mark & Linda
+Rusher, Lisa
Rybka, Samantha
Smith, Tim and Marci
Standridge, David & *Debbie
+Woodall, Don


February, 2005 Birthdays

   1 –
   2 –
   3 – 
   4 – Mark Banker
Bonnie Anderson
   5 – Karen Miller
Elmer Shesler
Jon Rybka
   6 – Anne Smith
   7 – 
   8 – 
   9 – Pete Malmquist
 10 – 
 11 – Mary Will
 12 –
 13 – 
 14 – 
 15 – Kathy Pierce
 16 – 
 17 – Mary B. Hines
 18 – Sarah Dungan
Sara Cantrell
 19 – Melanie Sherrod
 20 – 
 21 – 
 22 – 
 23 – 
 24 – Karen Schall
 25 – 
 26 – 
 27 – Jennifer Choate
Debbie Hyder
 28 – 
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