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The Open Door

Published monthly by and for the members and friends of
Bethel Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

VOL. 31NO. 7  Marc Sherrod, Minister  July, 2003

E-Mail & On-Line Newsletter

A number of the members have responded regarding saving postage and mailing by reading the newsletter online. If you wish to add your name to that list, call (865-376-6340) or e-mail the church office.

We also maintain a master list of e-mail addresses. Please include yours if you wish.


Open Door Index

From the Minister

From the Parish Nurse

Session Committee Articles

Session Meeting Highlights

Notes of Appreciation

Notes of Sympathy

Prayer Calendar

Remember to Pray for These

Memorial Gifts


Youth News

Special Needs

Monthly News

Thoughts to Ponder



This service is free for friends and members of Bethel. If you have a transportation need, please call the church office at 376-6340. Please be ready to tell us the date and time of your appointment and what time you want to be picked up. Some of the places we transport to are: doctor’s office, hairdresser, library, post office, grocery store, and shopping. We drive as far as Knoxville. We are open to other suggestions, also.


The Reverend Rites . . .

“ . . . and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith” (Hebrews 12:1).

It was about this time last year that the session of Bethel began to plant seeds for our “Season of Dreaming.” We have come far since last summer: a unanimous vote in August of 2002 by session that the time was ripe to move forward with a visioning process; a congregational survey in September 2002 (completed by over 125 of you) that provided a roadmap describing our congregation and community and the perceived strengths and needs that we have; the training of 14 small group leaders in November and December to lead the small group discussion phase of our “Season of Dreaming”; the gathering of small groups in January and February with an average of 84 participants at each of those eight Wednesday night gatherings (well over half of our average Sunday morning worship attendance!); the work of an ad hoc committee appointed by the session to organize and compile the salient data generated by the small groups which will be completed by early July. And now, upcoming the next phase of this dreaming process focuses on the session’s discussion of the small group dreams and session’s own dreams about the shape of God’s future for our common ministry and mission together. The session will be meeting on three evenings – July 15, 16, 17 – to begin the process of spiritual discernment and decision-making about the pathway ahead.

I want to urge your continuing prayers both for this process and those who have been involved as leaders and participants, but especially for the following members of the session who now carry the responsibility and joy of determining which dreams we will carry forward into the dawning of this new day: Jane Walsh, Jack Stackpole, Marianne Shadden, Bob Jones, Jim Condon, Karen Schall, Margaret Murr, Nancy King, Deb Hyder, Chuck Bunch, Helene Ricker, Roger Richmond, Carolyn Matthews, Scott McGill, Dianne Griffith, and Marc Sherrod. It is important for all of us to remember that, while input from the congregation is always welcome and helpful on matters such as changes for the future, we who are ordained and who have been chosen by the Spirit and elected by the congregation are the ones who bear the ultimate privilege of together seeking the mind and will of Christ. In the grace and mercy of God, we will be doing that sort of seeking in the coming weeks, and simply knowing of your support and willingness to be led into this new future will mean a great deal to each of us who serves on the session. It is my hope that by this Fall the session will have a plan in place that can then be shared with the congregation, including a celebration to launch us and this new vision into all of the wonder and challenge of God’s always unfolding tomorrow.

And remember, since “we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses,” let us not stumble or falter in the race to which we have been called to compete. In the love of God, the grace of Christ, and the fellowship of the Spirit, we can endure . . . and triumph!

Your Pastor,
Marc Sherrod

Parish Nurse

Summer is here! The pool is open and the sun has finally come out! How much better could life get?

I have been making my daily visits to John Knox Center as the camp nurse. I am seeing a lot of poison ivy. The reason for this increase, I believe, is the recent rains. The poison ivy is alive and well I assure you. Luckily, the wasps, mosquitoes and ticks don’t seem to be as bad this year.

If you are outside working in your yard, remember to protect yourself from poison ivy by wearing a long-sleeved shirt. If you do wear a short-sleeved shirt, you can use such products as “Ivy Block” to guard your skin against the oily secretions of the poison ivy plant. In order to identify this plant remember the old adage “Leaves of three- let it be”.

If all else fails and you get the rash, there are certain things that can help. First of all, Benadryl is a good medicine to decrease the itching and swelling (it will also make you sleepy so you won’t care). The age-old remedy calamine works. I have used such gels such as “Rhuli Gel” or “Ivy Rest”and found them very helpful. You might find consolation in an oatmeal bath. I find that cotton clothes feel better and “breathe” better around the rash area. If there are large blisters, try not to burst them: Anytime the skin’s outer layer is opened there is risk of infection.

Have a healthy and happy Summer ......... Deb

Session Highlights

[A reminder that session meetings are open for members to attend unless the session goes into executive session; the minutes of the session are are available, by appointment, for review in the church office]

Highlights from the May and June Session Meetings

  Received six new members (Jeremiah Jacks, Max LaDue, Frederick Morgan, Rachel Dailey, Jordan Sherrod, and Matt Hines) as members of the confirmation class by profession of faith and authorized the sacrament of baptism for Jeremiah
  Received an update on the pastor’s extensive work with the Task Force on Priorities and Structures of East Tennessee Presbytery
  Average attendance in April was 136 and in May 117
  Heard a report from Dianne Griffith, commissioner to the June 17 presbytery meeting
  Set August 20 as the date to entertain the Committee on Ministry of the Presbytery for their Book of Order mandated triennial visit to all sessions
  Set the evenings of July 15, 16, and 17 to discuss ideas concerning the “Season of Dreaming”
  The results of the annual examination of the church’s rolls will be voted on at the November session meeting
  Heard a report that financial giving is running behind the budgeted amount needed

Special Needs


Sugar, Flour, Rice, Cereal, Oatmeal, Peanut Butter, Saltines, Dry Beans, Canned Meat, Pasta & Sauce, Bread, Cornmeal Mix Boxes, Macaroni & Cheese, Corn, Green Beans, Green Peas, Soup, Tuna


 Monthly News


Your ordered Bethel T-shirts are here to be picked up on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 - 11 a.m. (June 23, 25, 27) and on Saturday, June 28 from 10 a.m. till noon.

Marianne Shadden, Parish Life


Anyone interested in forming a book group starting with Oprah's new book selection East of Eden, please contact Carol Brown, 376-7171.



Sunday August 24th
2 p.m. - 6 p.m. at John Knox Center
$4 - Adults, $4 - Kids under 12

Join us for an afternoon of food, fun and fellowship for all ages! Hot dogs, hamburgers, and snacks will be served all day. Pack up the family and spend the day exploring the beautiful facility. There is something for everyone! Register on our website or drop a check in the mail along with your name, address, number.

Don’t miss it! (865) 376-2236 & www.johnknoxcenter.org.


Our own Mark Banker has published the lead article in the Summer 2003 edition of The Journal of Presbyterian History, a special issue on Missionaries, Multiculturalism, and Mainline Protestantism. Mark’s article, “Of Missionaries, Multiculturalism, and Mainstream Malaise: Reflections on the ‘Presbyterian Predicament’” argues for a new view of missionaries in their work of introducing the mission of the Church to the reality of cultural diversity. Five renowned experts on missiology offer their responses to Banker’s important thesis. We have a copy of the summer edition of this journal for anyone interested.


Members of this year’s confirmation class have donated a Peace Pole to Bethel as a reminder that we follow the Prince of Peace. This piece of cedar wood is about 8 feet tall and has four sides with the words “May Peace Prevail on Earth” written in four different languages. The letters that have been carved into the wood will be painted soon, and we will “plant” this pole as a public witness to God’s prayer for peace on earth. Members of the confirmation class want to thank all the different individuals who assisted in this project.


At Bethel Thursday, July 24th in the Sr. High Room on the 3rd floor of he Educational Building. This class will start at 6:30 p.m. and last approximately two hours. Cost is $5.00 for the book.


Bethel has a wonderful history of giving generously to both the general funds of the church and to specially designated causes. This giving has increased year by year and has allowed significant improvements in our ministry and our mission. One example of expansion of our ministry has been the Parish Nurse program, which was added during 1999. Another example of expansion of our ministry and mission is the Sunday worship service radio broadcast, which allows us to reach people in the community who do not attend church and our own members who are home bound. A more recent addition to our outreach is our highly successful Evangelism ministry. All these ministries have been a blessing to our congregation and our community.

If we believe in the importance of Bethel’s mission, we will share generously the resources with which we have been blessed. Giving to the general fund so far in 2003 is ahead of giving during the same time period in the previous year. However, our 2003 budget is greater than the previous year’s budget by $23 thousand, an amount we felt attainable due to our growth and our historical generosity in response to Bethel’s needs. We are still optimistic about meeting our “Faith Budget”, even though January through May general fund offerings fell short by $11 thousand of the amount we budgeted for the same time period. This shortfall could be alleviated if those of you who are behind in your giving due to traveling, etc. could catch up, or if those of you who are able could prayerfully consider giving more.

The pie chart below shows how our budget dollars are allocated. Fifty-seven percent (57%) of the total budget covers the compensation, benefits, and expenses of the church staff. The next largest category is benevolence at nineteen percent (19%). These are expenditures outside of Bethel that support mission programs such as John Knox Center, Bachman Learning Center, Sunset Gap Community Center, Newton Center, the Morgan-Scott Project and UT Campus Ministry. Local missions, such as Roane Cooperative Ministries, Habitat for Humanity, Hands of Mercy Food Pantry, and others are also included. Other benevolence budget items include missionary programs, disaster assistance, new church development, and support for struggling churches. In addition, support is given for church related schools, colleges, and seminaries, and assistance is given to church organizations and ministers. The third major category on the budget is church operating expenses. This includes utilities, insurance, maintenance, repairs, and office supplies and makes up thirteen percent (13%) of the total budget. The remaining funds (eleven percent-11%) are used by the Bethel Session Committees to carry out the work of the local church.

We are proud of Bethel’s participation in the ministries to our church membership, to the local community, to missions, to theological education, and to the church at large. All of the elements of our church program are important. Please examine your heart and, with God’s guidance, determine if you can contribute more to support Bethel’s ministries.


Change of Address


are happily settled in Murfreesboro, TN 37128, 911 River Rock Blvd. (615-848-3988). They are enjoying granddaughter Phoebe and her new adopted twin sisters, Faith and Hope (4 months). Don and Bev extend best wishes to ALL at Bethel. They are seeking a new church home, but finding “Bethel is a tough act to follow.” We miss you, Don & Bev, and wish you the best.

Session Committee Articles

From the Evangelism Committee:

AS YOU TRAVEL please collect sample church bulletins, newsletters, pew information materials and especially promotional brochures. Leave these in the evangelism mailbox in the church office; attach a note if you see materials or techniques that make you feel especially welcome -- or turn you off!

DID YOU KNOW that 98% of adults in the USA claim that God is important to them; yet only 40% are involved in a church? One out of four people would come to church if someone invited them! See Bethel's website at http://www.bethelpcusa.org, and click on "Invite a Friend" for a variety of invitations that you can edit and send by e-mail. Also, summer time is move-in time for new residents ~ consider adding one of the gray Visitor folders in the narthex to accompany the cake or cookies that you plan to take to your new neighbors.

From THE WIN ARN GROWTH REPORT quoted in Leith Anderson's A Church for the 21st Century: old and new paradigms for effective evangelism:

confrontational relational
mass personal
general population specific "people groups"
single presentation multiple presentations
single method multiple methods
Goal: a decision Goal: a disciple
America: a Christian nation America: a secular mission field
Church membership Church discipleship
Motive: guilt Motive: value and love

PS Our committee meetings are open. Anyone interested is welcome. Next meeting: Tuesday, July 29 6:30 PM Church Parlor

Christian Education Committee

Summer Sunday School:

Summer Sunday School is well underway. All Children's and youth classes are combined for the summer, meeting in the Fellowship Hall. Under the capable and creative leadership of Jan Rybka, we're exploring the wonders of the Genesis creation story, and then praising God using Psalm 150. A reminder to parents -- some of the activities are MESSY -- we're encouraging everyone to dress in casual clothes this summer!

Prison Ministry:

Following is an excerpt from a letter received from inmate Randall McPheeters:

"Dear Prison Ministry Volunteers:
wanted to thank you all for supporting Myer Pettyjohn through the years. Your friendship was an important part of P.J.'s life. I especially want to thank those of you who attended our memorial service for P.J.....I know there were more of you who wanted to come and were here in spirit. P.J. loved you all...."

Bethel's prison ministry volunteers continue to be active; on June 29 we conducted 5th Sunday worship service; on July 5th we will be taking photos of inmates with their families as they visit over the holiday weekend. We also help as asked with an Alternatives to Violence workshop and pre-marital counseling sessions, and we are outside sponsors of the Lifers' Club. Although the prison system limits the number of volunteers from any one church, we hope that you will hold this ministry, and the inmates it serves, in your prayers as we seek to be a positive witness to God's grace.

Youth News

No Youth News was reported this month

Memorial Gifts

Gifts received during the month of June in memory of:

Big Bill Smith from Buddy Patton

Little Bill Smith from Buddy Patton

Big Frances Smith from Buddy Patton

Little Frances Smith from Buddy Patton

Notes of Appreciation

Thanks to everyone who helped with the “Dinner on the Ground.” And a special thanks to Marge Hettrick for the church on the cake and to Anita Richmond for the special ribbons.

May 30, 2003

Dear Church Family, The Morgan-Scott Project is very pleased that you have chosen us to receive you donation of $150. We are very busy preparing for our next program, Home Repair. The summer is booked with work groups to help us with this program. These work groups will be staying here at the project. Since it has been several years since we have had this many work groups we are trying to get our building ready. Please let us know if you would like to help us in our preparations for these work groups. Again that you for your support of our efforts here at the Morgan-Scott Project.

In God’s Service,

Jill Potter, Executive Director

We are absolutely delighted to have a brand new phone system at Bethel, including a phone in the Fellowship Hall & nursery, and voice mail for the three offices. We are very indebted to Nancy Landers and Donald Cross, to Gary Griffith and George McGill who labored long and hard to make this a reality. Income from our rental house next door has paid for this system. Thank you!

Deb, Kathy, and Marc

Thoughts to Ponder

Nothing to ponder this month!

Remember to Pray For These


Delvenia Beasley Marshall Voss
Ruby Hunter Royal Health Care
Ruby Nell Skinner Doctors Lake - Florida
Micki Shields Woodbine, Alexandra, VA
Frances McPheeters Baptist Healthcare Center
Betty Brown Alpharetta Healthcare Center
Harvalee Preston Rockwood Health Care


Evelyn Waldrup JAMESTOWNE


Jean Dice, Erma King, Addie Wreath Hunt, Christine Woods, Al & Dot Davis, Margie Gulley, Florence Simmons, Ruth Moutoux, Justin Trivette


Josh Brown, Jason Brown

Bethel Family Prayer Calendar - July, 2003

The members and regularly attending friends of Bethel are assigned to elder care groups. Each month in the newsletter for your prayers, we publish the list of one or more elder care groups. The elder’s name and phone at the top of the list are listed as a reminder of their role in nurturing and supporting those who belong to Bethel. You should feel free to contact your elder or the pastor if you have a particular spiritual need or other matter that needs to be brought to our attention.  


Simon Barrett
Charlie Cantrell
Veronica Kirby Poland
Geneva McKay
Jane Thornton
Lil Walton



Margaret & Greg Campen
Frank & Marilyn Harris
Tauno & Marge Maki
Bill Manly
Bill & Bobbie Martin
Buddy & Mary Miles
Sabrina Miller
Tabitha Miller
Bill & Ann Sides
Ron & Joan Thompson
Margaret True



July, 2003 BIRTHDAYS

   1 – William B. Patton
   2 – Doug Choate
   3 – 
   4 – 
   5 – Fern Stackpole
   6 – Amy Evans
Ellen Evans
   7 – 

   8 – Ella Winsbro
   9 – Erma Shesler
 10 – 
 11 – Bill Martin
 12 – Helene Ricker
 13 – 
 14 – 
 15 – 

 16 – Jack Muecke
 17 – Edith Miles
 18 – Charles Pickel
 19 – 

 20 – Veronica Poland
 21 – Janet Kornegay
Dan Hyder
 22 – Fred Meers
Anne Sides
 23 – 

 24 – 
 25 – 
 26 – 
 27 – Mandy Phillips
 28 – Jonathan Dailey
 29 – Lisa Rusher
 30 – 
 31 – 
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