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The Open Door

Bethel Presbyterian Church ~ a community of faith, fellowship, study and service ... Seeking God's peace, justice and love ~

VOL. 32NO. 7  Marc Sherrod, Minister  July, 2004

E-Mail & On-Line Newsletter

A number of the members have responded regarding saving postage and mailing by reading the newsletter online. If you wish to add your name to that list, call (865-376-6340) or e-mail the church office.

We also maintain a master list of e-mail addresses. Please include yours if you wish.


Open Door Index

From the Minister

From the Parish Nurse

Session Committee Articles

Session Meeting Highlights

Notes of Appreciation

Notes of Sympathy

Prayer Calendar

Remember to Pray for These

Memorial Gifts


Youth News

Special Needs

Monthly News

Thoughts to Ponder




This service is free for friends and members of Bethel. If you have a transportation need, please call the church office at 376-6340. Please be ready to tell us the date and time of your appointment and what time you want to be picked up. Some of the places we transport to are: doctor’s office, hairdresser, library, post office, grocery store, and shopping. We drive as far as Knoxville. We are open to other suggestions, also.


From the Minister

“As the Father has sent me, even so I send you . . . . As thou didst send me into the world, so I have sent them into the world” (John 20:21, 17:18)

One of the most important characteristics of a Christian people is that we are the “sent ones,” those who are to go out and share the good news that we have received. In his little book A Sense of Mission: Guidance from the Gospel of John, former moderator of our denomination Albert Curry Winn writes that “if mission defines who Christ is, and if Christ sends us as he was sent, then mission defines who we are” (p.53). Winn notes that there are many words that get repeated in John’s Gospel – words that carry extraordinary theological freight – like light, darkness, spirit, flesh, life, love, glory, witness, judgment, truth, Father, Son, world, work, sign, disciple, know, and believe. But what has not often been noticed is that, in addition to important verbs like know and believe, the great missionary verb “to send” also appears very prominently in this gospel.

Participants in Bethel’s work camp experience to El Centro de los Ninos, a child development center in Tierra Amarilla, New Mexico, join me in thanking God and you for sending us out in a spirit of care-giving and Christian love. Ours was a mission experience built on the model of multi-cultural interaction and partnership as we worked alongside of the staff and interacted with the children of the child development center during the day and slept on the floor of the center at night. We received gracious hospitality and gained enormous personal insights from the cultural experience of living and working with the wonderful people of El Centro. Much good work was accomplished that will enable the work of El Centro to go forward with even more of a commitment to transforming the lives of children and families in that area of northern New Mexico.

There is so much more to say about our experience of being the “sent ones.” Most of the 23 participants in this journey to New Mexico will be leading worship on Sunday, July 11, when you will be able to gain a deeper sense of all that we did and experienced. We hope you will come and rejoice that the Holy Spirit has used all of us to celebrate the common humanity that crosses cultural lines and sends us all out into the world to make friends and share in making God’s purposes a reality in the world.

Grace and Peace,


Parish Nurse


As I try to squeeze in my swimsuit this summer, I have been privileged to attend many conferences dealing with weight management. One of these workshops was at Vanderbilt University at the Scarritt-Bennett Center on June 11th. As a matter of common sense we know that obesity and overweight result from an energy imbalance. That is, we eat more calories than we burn off with our energy expenditure. We have also been taught that body weight is the result of our genetic makeup, metabolism, behavior, environment, culture and socioeconomic status. Behavior and environment play a large role in causing people to be overweight and obese. These are the greatest areas for prevention and treatment actions.

Our behavior and environments what I want to concentrate on in this article. It is important to note that "starvation dieting” is not an acceptable way to diet. When our bodies go into a "starvation mode" it stores fat in order to survive. In fact, let's get rid of the "D" word (dieting). Instead, let's consider a "habit modification."

fix meals ahead of time and store them. Make sure it is a nutritious food that you like. Remember, if you don't like a certain nutritious food (for instance I hate broiled or stewed ANYTHING) don't consider it. A pre-made meal takes the guess work out of dinner time when you are tired and looking for a "quick-fix."
don't go the grocery store when you are hungry. You will go in with the best intentions and come out with a buggy full of things you could have talked yourself out of.
learn what correct portion size is. I don't know about your mama, but mine believed that if you didn't finish what was on your plate that you had somehow contributed to world hunger. For example: a piece of meat should be about the size of a deck of cards.
learn to start a meal with something fluid; like soup. The higher our meals are in water content and fiber, the fuller we will feel and we will not overeat.
try to broaden your food choices. I had forgotten I liked oatmeal; some oat bran cereal with a banana was good!
try to limit white bread and processed foods. Opt for whole grain and stone-ground breads and grains.
Remember nuts? They are actually good for you! They raise your HDL (the good cholesterol.) But remember----everything in moderation- don't eat the whole bag of walnuts and expect to lose weight!
eat five servings of fresh fruit or vegetables a day. When you want a snack, reach for that apple that you have already washed and put out on the table instead of a bag of chips that are stored away for your child's lunchbox.
don't buy sweets---if you have them, you KNOW you will eat them. (This is my particular demon.)

To your health ............. Deb

Session Highlights

[A reminder that session meetings are open for members to attend unless the session goes into executive session; the minutes of the session are available, by appointment, for review in the church office]

... nothing reported for June ...
• • • • •

Special Needs

... none listed for this month ...

 Monthly News



Samuel and Monica have had to reschedule their trip to the U.S. until fall of this year. They report that 1st Presbyterian Church in Knoxville has given them a dedicated gift of $850.00 toward purchase of land to grow food on. Their crop includes kale, carrots, spinach, potatoes and cabbages. This year they have an abundance of this crop. So they sold the surplus and got money for cooking oils, meat, firewood and fruits.

Samuel writes that there are still problems like paying their teachers a fair amount (right now they are paid $100.00, when their counterparts in Kenya get $350.00). Samuel and Monica ask for your prayers for Kenya, Grace School and the struggles of the Kenyan economy.



Everyone is cordially invited to the wedding of Laura Lee Michener and Paul Kehrer. This ceremony will be held at Bethel on Saturday afternoon, July 3rd at 4:30 P.M.


Eighty-two years ago, while Hallie Paxton Winsborough, the first superintendent of Women’s Work (PCUSA) was on a tour of mission stations in the Orient, she visited a girl’s school in Kochi Japan. After learning of the school’s needs, she challenged every member of the PCUSA Women’s Organization to contribute one penny for each year of her life as a “birthday gift” to the Japanese mission. We celebrated this offering on Sunday June 6th with a salad and dessert luncheon with the two circles in our church, Rea and Circle II.

There were about 40 people in attendance and an offering of $209.45 was collected. The projects in the Birthday Offering are programs not included in ongoing General Assembly mission support.



What Happens at Alpha?

Questions Answered:

• Who is Jesus?

• Why did Jesus die?

• Why and how should I read the Bible?

Alpha is for everyone! It's especially geared to:

• People interested in investigating Christianity.

• Newcomers to the church.

• New Christians.

• Couples preparing for marriage.

• Why and How Do I Pray?

• What about the Holy Spirit?

• How can I overcome evil?

• Why and how should I tell others?

• Does God heal today?

• What about the Church?

After each talk there is a small-group time for everyone to discuss any questions or issue they have. This gives an opportunity to get to know each other and to learn together. 

What will it cost?

There is no charge for the Alpha course!!!!

When and Where?

The Alpha course meets every Tuesday evening at Bethel Presbyterian Church starting Sept 7th from 6:30pm to 9:30pm for 10 weeks and includes a weekend away.

Alpha Program Schedule

Alpha Kick Off Tuesday, September 7th at 6:30 P.M.



During the last several months, members of Bethel with an interest in the Learning Center Ministry Initiative have been meeting to determine what programs to pursue, what priorities to assign and how to go about initiating these programs. At the last meeting lead persons were assigned to follow through with these programs during the summer. The three programs to be pursued at this time are:

1)  Joining with our brothers and sisters at the Kingston United Methodist Church (KUMC) in their tutoring efforts.  Mary B. Hines has volunteered to be the lead person on this project and Linda Brown has agreed to assist her. The KUMC program, set up last year, identifies elementary children who need families time to become acquainted. It is obviously too late to initiate something of this nature for this year. tutoring and provides this service to them at the church. Pat Rowan from KUMC has agreed to present more information to the Bethel congregation during the summer in preparation for next year. It seems likely that she will be presenting some information for our congregation during the June 16thcongregational supper. A presentation to the congregation sometime during the summer is also planned with a sign-up for volunteers. This program at KUMC is well organized and has had a positive effect upon the students. It is a great opportunity for us to be of Christian service by joining with KUMC in this effort

2) Two computer literacy projects are being considered. Firstly, for primarily Bethel parishioners, a one-on-one tutoring program for learning the basics of how to operate a computer. Frank Harris has agreed to follow this program, matching the computer savvy with those not-so-savvy. Carol Brown has agreed to look into some possible curricula for either this effort or for a second, more structured course to be presented at the Kingston Library with Steve Jacks' help.

3)  Barbara Williams (Bethel) and Rick Ross (KUMC) presented some concerns regarding the Head Start students. One of the missing pieces for these students and their families is the difficulty in some cases of the transition from the Head Start program to Kindergarten. A primary goal for the Learning Center would be to provide mentors for this transition.  It was determined that it would be best to introduce the mentors to the families at about the time of the Head Start Christmas party. This would give the mentors and However, another need has been recognized that can be met this coming year. Amy Coen and Linda Brown will beheading up an effort (Operation Kindergarten) to provide school supplies for these students in the fall. See the article about Operation Kindergarten by Amy in this Open Door. It is wonderful to be associated with so many loving and concerned Christians here at Bethel. Bethel has a history that when Christ calls to service, Bethel responds. It is an honor to be part of this community.

Jim Condon


There were 23 of us, young and old, strong and less strong. All personality types were represented. We slept elbow to elbow, head to toe, about 18 square feet per person. We worked hard. We cleaned the daycare from stem to stern- carpets, stripped and waxed floors, window, bathrooms, painted and varnished all the outside structures, and then we built more outside structures and painted them.

We played hard too. There were picnics in the park, walks through ancient buildings, guided tours within historical pueblos. We saw Ghost Ranch, the museum which housed the dinosaurs, and the mountains where the dinosaurs were discovered. We swam. We hiked. All of it was breathtaking.

And there was conversation. We talked with each other, made new friends. The older members were reminded of youth, the youth observed the limits of age.

We laughed a lot, cried a little (bad news one evening), prayed, sang a few songs, and then prayed again. It was a special time and we are happy to have been a part of the experience. A BIG thank you to the Sherrods, to Pat Harvey and to Mark Banker for their careful planning and good leadership. Dave and Janet Nippert


The Rea circle continues its study of W. Frank Harrington’s, First Comes Faith- Proclaiming the gospel in the church. We have found that covering two chapters a week was too much to discuss as we have all been interacting with our thoughts and ideas. So, in July we will discuss chapter 6 on July 11th and chapter 7 on July 28th. Any woman who wishes to join us is always welcome!


Linda Clouse Stiles, daughter of Bob Clouse, is under care at Walter Reed Hospital for multiple sclerosis. Her home address is: 89 Voyager Annapolis, Maryland 21402

Linda was a member of Bethel for many years. For those at Bethel who remember Linda, a note of encouragement would be appreciated.


Many thanks to all who helped host the PW co-ordination team. Those who helped clean and decorate the room were Julie Bunch, Amber Jacks, Jeremiah Jack, Melanie Sherrod, Carol Brown and her mother Mrs. Ellis. The visiting women were invited to the mother/ daughter banquet thanks to Marianne Shadden and Jane Pickel.

Session Committee Articles


The evangelism committee met on Thursday, June 3rd. The first item discussed was the use of the banner informing of the music program on Sunday, May 23rd. Everyone agreed it was useful and we will use banners for special events.

Alf Rybka has shown us the impressive brochure that he, Carolyn Matthews and Dave Nippert have compiled. We have all critiqued it so it will soon be ready for distribution. It was also discussed that we leave brochures at the Roane County Health Department and WICK (women, infant, and children) program.

In June we welcomed first time visitors: Marci and Tim Smith and Eleanor and Brian Jewhurst.


... nothing reported for June ...


There will be neither Fun Lunch nor Fellowship Supper in July. We will have Fellowship Sunday, however on July 11th. Our Hymn sing will take place as scheduled on Sunday July 11th from 7-8 P.M. Afterwards we will adjourn to the Fellowship Hall for refreshments. Mark your calendars for our annual picnic on Sunday, August 15th at Nelda’s house. Also, we are planning another trip to the Cumberland County Playhouse in Crossville on Sunday, November 14th to see TWO BY TWO. We will tell you the cost as it depends on how many sign up. Please join us on July 18th to celebrate Marc’s achievement of the doctorate of Theology degree.


Summer Sunday School is well under way, with weekly "trips" out into the wide, wonderful world of mission. We've spent the past 2 weeks exploring the Philippines -- next week we go to Guatemala! We plan to go to 5 countries -- the Philippines, Guatemala, Malawi, Pakistan, and Peru, exploring the culture, geography, crafts, music and games of each country, and learning about God's call to mission and our mission efforts in each country.

We are using a wide variety of volunteers to help out -- folks to read mission letters, lead Bible studies, help with crafts, etc., but we can always use more! If you would like to commit to one Sunday morning this summer, please talk to Karen Schall or Jan Rybka -- we'll match your talent with one of our needs. We guarantee you'll have a wonderful time!

Our plans for Vacation Bible School have been put on hold -- we had intended to build a VBS experience around Sam and Monica Wambugu's visit from Kenya this summer, tying it into our world mission studies. As you know, their trip had to be postponed, but who knows -- if the Wambugus are able to come this fall, perhaps Bethel will be the only church in Kingston to have Bible school during football season! Stay tuned.

Summer Educational Opportunity:  Please mark your calendars -- East TN Presbytery is providing us with a wonderful opportunity to check out:

Rotation Workshop Model for teaching kids

A Slew of Helpful Hints for Teaching Children

Curricula & Other Resources for Adult Education

We Believe (our new PCUSA curricula) for Children & Youth

Making Your Church Nursery Parent-, Child- & Faith-Friendlier

These workshops are being offered Saturday, July 17th, from 9 a.m.-noon, (with lunch), at Highland Pres. in Maryville, and again Sunday the 18th in Athens. Since Marc's reception is on Sunday, we have elected to attend the Saturday sessions. We hope that as many of our educators, parents and other interested folks as possible will attend. The church is paying the cost of registration, but we need to know how many are going. Please talk to Karen Schall by Sunday, July 11th.

Bethel’s Operation Kindergarten

SPONSORS NEEDED THIS MONTH for Jason, Katelynn, Paige, Brandon, Drake, Chelsey, Harliegh, Brittany, Landon, Trinidy, David, Meghan, Estreya, Selena, Savanna, Britney, and Elizabeth.  These seventeen children will begin Kindergarten this August.  They have been participating in the special Mid-East Head Start program held weekly at Bethel.  As part of the Bethel Learning Center Initiative, you are encouraged to assist the families and children with an exciting yet intimidating time through Operation Kindergarten. Families could use our support as they, perhaps nervously, start this new adventure and go through this BIG, sometimes scary, transition.

Go visit the School Angel Tree House in the sanctuary.  Information for each child will soon be available in the “windows”.  Sponsors are asked to make a $20 purchase of two shirts, socks, and underwear for a bright-eyed, bouncy five-year-old by July 26.  Sponsors are also asked to meet the family at a festive carnival lunch on Friday, July 30, 10:30 to 12:30.  Finally, sponsors are asked to make additional contact as feasible with the family within one month following the start of school.  Sponsors have a unique opportunity to nurture and share God’s love.

These children also need a $17 set of school supplies as outlined by Midway Elementary and Kingston Elementary plus the family is asked to pay a $23 classroom fee.  If this is not the right time for you to be a sponsor, donations to the school supply fund Bethel hopes to make available would be GREATLY appreciated.  We hope to give each child a “Goody Bag” with the clothes and school supplies on July 30.  You could make a big difference in the life of a little child and the family.

Please contact Amy Coen, Linda Brown, Amber Jacks, or Barbara Williams with any questions.

Party Hosts and Sandwich Makers needed for Bethel Operation Kindergarten lunch on Friday, July 30, 10:30 – 12:30.  Please call        Amber Jacks at 555-1234 or Linda Brown at 555-4321.


On the evening of July 11th, Bethel will sponsor a fundraising dinner for Tora. This well be at 6:00 in the Fellowship Hall and will precede the hymn sing at 7 P.M. The menu will be spaghetti, French bread, and salad (dessert will be refreshments after the hymn sing). Nelda Toon is, again, chief chef. She needs a couple of helpers to help prepare the meal and serve and to clean up. Contact her at 376-5370 if you can help. Donations Welcome! Send a copy of the cover letter to: Office of International Evangelism, 100 Witherspoon St., Louisville, KY 40202-1396. You can read further about the Sivalee's in their "Mission Connections" which is posted on the bulletin board at the back of the sanctuary.

Michael and Irene Sivalee are now in Brasilia, the capital of Brazil. Both are involved with the extension of the Seminary Rev. Antonio de Sobrinho which was begun in February 2002. A total of 22 students from various parts of Brazil are now enrolled.

Michael is dean of the extension which involves guidance in each student's pastoral work, study and spiritual life. He is also responsible for recruitment and keeping the Synod informed of each student's progress. In addition he teaches four courses. Irene works in the library and office as well as teaching a course.

Future goals of the extension are to

1. increase the number of student to at least 15 per year and aid in helping at least 6 from poor families for an estimated cost of $20,000 per year,

2. upgrade the library with additional books in Portuguese at an average cost of $25 to $30 per book for a total of $5,000 per year,

3. increase advertising and recruiting materials at a cost of approximately $2000 per year.

Donations can be sent to:

Central Receiving Service,
Section 300,
Louisville, KY 40289.

The check should be made out to:

Seminario Antonio Godoy de Sobrinho - Brasilia Extension)
and ECO#04 7960 should be put on the subject line. This information should be included in your cover letter also.

Youth News


Saturday, July 17th is the date for a church outing being organized by Linda Brown and Gary LeMaster. We will meet at Bethel at 8 am to go tubing on the Hiawassee River. Linda and Gary will act as chaperones for middle and high school youth going. Children younger than middle school are invited, but a parent will need to accompany them. Other adults are also welcomed! Participants should bring a life jacket. Please contact Linda (376-6575) if you are going since she will be coordinating food for lunch. She will also have further details about the cost, site, and time of return.


Summertime is a great time to
play with your friends.

Try a game called

"Escargot" is the French word for "snail."

Materials: sidewalk chalk, playground, patio or driveway, 2 or more friends

1.  Using sidewalk chalk, draw a very large spiral, like a snail shell, on the pavement of a playground or driveway.

2.  Leave a large circle in the center, big enough for your two feet to fit in. Mark this space "Home."

3.  Make blocks large enough for one foot to fit in each space.

4.  The youngest player goes first, and tries to hop into each blank space without falling or stepping on a line.

5.  If the player is successful, he writes his name on ANY space. This becomes hiss[]ace. He may stop and rest in his space, with both feet.

6. If a player steps on a line or on another player's space, he loses his turn and goes to the end of the line.

7.  Continue playing until all the spaces have names, or until the game is impassable*. Whoever has the most spaces wins.

*Game is impassable when there are so many spaces with players' names in a row that no one can jump to the next available space.

Make a

Materials you'll need:
• a paper plate
• caryons or markers
• yarn
• glue


1.  Write your last name on the paper plate.

2.  Divide the plate into sections, one for each member of your family. Don't forget your pets!

3.  Fill in each section with a different design for each family member. Include their favorite colors, foods, hobbies or anything that describes them.

4.  Glue a piece of yarn to the back to use as a hanger. Be sure the glue is dry before hanging your shield.

Memorial Gifts

Gifts received during the month of June
in memory of:

Gloria McCullar:

Jack & Sue Muecke

Elizabeth Mucke

Mary Woodall:

Ruth Ann Ludwig

Joyce Law:

Vernon Law for kitchen renovation

Notes of Sympathy

... none reported this month ...

Notes of Appreciation

Thank you very much for your kind expression of sympathy. Thank you for your prayers, cards and flowers in the death of my mother.

Deb Hyder

Please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your generous donation to Casa de Sara. Your generosity will help make a difference in the lives of children in Bolivia and your kindness will not be forgotten.

Lori Santoro/ Founder

We would like to thank you for the cookies and the beautiful Easter lilies. The residents really are enjoying them. I few can ever do anything for any of you just let us know. God bless!

Staff and residents of Wellington Place

Thoughts to Ponder

... none this month ...

Remember to Pray For These


Ruby Hunter Royal Health Care
Ruby Nell Skinner Doctors Lake
Micki Shields Woodbine
(Alexandra, VA)
Muriel McKonley
(sister of Jean Young)
Rae-Inn Nursing Home
(Geneva, Ohio)
Frances McPheeters Baptist Healthcare Center
Betty Brown Alpharetta Healthcare Center
Evelyn Waldrup Harriman Health Care
Ella Winsbro Harriman Health Care
Roberta Cash Rockwood Health Care
Joan Pemberton Wellington Place – Kingston


Carole Jane Row NHC Oak Ridge
Tora Phillips East TN. Children's Hospital
Linda Clouse-Stiles Walter Reed Hospital


Addie Wreath Hunt, Christine Woods, Al & Dot Davis, Florence Simmons, Ruth Moutoux

Bethel Family Prayer Calendar - July, 2004

The members and regularly attending friends of Bethel are assigned to elder care groups. Each month in the newsletter for your prayers, we publish the list of one or more elder care groups. The elder’s name and phone at the top of the list are listed as a reminder of their role in nurturing and supporting those who belong to Bethel. You should feel free to contact your elder or the pastor if you have a particular spiritual need or other matter that needs to be brought to our attention.  

1 -


Sarah Fletcher
Gary & Dianne Griffith
Karen Hart
Mary Ann Hensley
Wayne & Brenda Hope

15 -


Wanda Carter
Roberta Cash
Tony & Carol Chargen
Dick & Celia Simon Evans
Frank & Janet Kornegay
Jon & Vicki Loden

8 -

Clay & Nancy Landers
Doris Ann Parkinson
Mark & Linda Preston
Lisa Rusher
Samantha Rybka
David & Debbie Standridge
Don Woodall

22 -

Fred & Willie Mae Meers
Elizabeth Muecke
Bill & Sibyl Nestor
Caleb Sherrod
Melanie Sherrod

29 -

Jim & Cindy Walker
Lavergne West
Melissa & Julio Wolbarg


July, 2004 Birthdays

   1 – William B. Patton
   2 –
Doug Choate
   3 – 

   4 – 

   5 – 
Fern Stackpole
   6 – 
Amy Evans
Ellen Evans Kellogg
   7 – 
   8 – 
Ella Winsbro
   9 – 
Erma Shesler
 10 – 
Danny Holloway
 11 – 
Bill Martin
 12 –
Helene Ricker
 13 – 

 14 – 

 15 – 

 16 – 
Jack Muecke
 17 – Edith Miles
 18 – 
Charles Pickel
 19 – 

 20 – 
Veronica Kirby Poland
 21 – 
Janet Kornegay
Dan Hyder
 22 – 
Fred Meers
Anne Sides
 23 – 

 24 – 

 25 – 

 26 – 

 27 – 
Mandy Phillips
 28 – 
Jonathan Dailey
 29 – 
Lisa Rusher
Becca Dailey
 30 – 

 31 –  

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