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The Open Door

Bethel Presbyterian Church ~ a community of faith, fellowship, study and service ... Seeking God's peace, justice and love ~

VOL. 32NO. 6  Marc Sherrod, Minister  June, 2004

E-Mail & On-Line Newsletter

A number of the members have responded regarding saving postage and mailing by reading the newsletter online. If you wish to add your name to that list, call (865-376-6340) or e-mail the church office.

We also maintain a master list of e-mail addresses. Please include yours if you wish.


Open Door Index

From the Minister

From the Parish Nurse

Session Committee Articles

Session Meeting Highlights

Notes of Appreciation

Notes of Sympathy

Prayer Calendar

Remember to Pray for These

Memorial Gifts


Youth News

Special Needs

Monthly News

Thoughts to Ponder




This service is free for friends and members of Bethel. If you have a transportation need, please call the church office at 376-6340. Please be ready to tell us the date and time of your appointment and what time you want to be picked up. Some of the places we transport to are: doctor’s office, hairdresser, library, post office, grocery store, and shopping. We drive as far as Knoxville. We are open to other suggestions, also.


From the Minister

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances . . ." (I Thessalonians 4:16-18)

The month of May has been a time of great rejoicing for me and the Bethel congregation. Early in the month, I successfully defended my thesis for the ThD degree at Harvard Divinity School, entitled, "That Great and Awful Change: Death and Practical Theology in the American Northeast, 1700-1900." I want to thank everyone who supported me in the process of completing this degree, especially members of my family. Harvard's commencement is June 10, so please let this serve as an invitation to all of you to share in my joy. Late in May, Bethel had other causes for thanksgiving: a wonderful youth Sunday worship service and an afternoon concert of sacred music presented by Dianne Griffith, Mary Ann Hensley, and Caleb Sherrod. Also that day we had two successful fundraising trips for next month's mission trip to New Mexico – an afternoon car wash sponsored by the youth and an evening dinner, at which over $800 was raised in support of this trip. We have 22 people going to do repairs and work with the children at the El Centro de los Ninos Child Development Center in Tierra Amarilla, a small community in northern New Mexico near the Colorado border. I am excited about this trip, and all of us who are being sent out from Bethel deeply appreciate all the support you have given to us. There will be a commissioning service for these participants on June 13 that the Reverend Bill Shenk will lead in my absence that Sunday.

And to top off the month of May, we gather this Sunday to celebrate one of the high feast days of the Church, Pentecost, that outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem upon the earliest participants in the Jesus movement. We encourage you to wear red to help us mark this holy occasion when the Church was (and is) filled with new life and the joy of new possibilities. May that same Spirit which transformed Babel's confusion into the gift of many languages continue to move us into God's preferred future as seek to be found faithful stewards of the mysteries of God's grace.

May the peace of Christ be with you!

Marc Sherrod

Please join me in giving thanks for the profession of faith and baptism of Tora Kay Phillips on the afternoon of May 9, 2004. As many of you know, Tora's leukemia has returned and she is undergoing further intensive treatments. She and her family appreciate the support, love and encouragement that Bethel has offered in this time of difficulty but also this time of hope.

Parish Nurse


Happy June to you! Although June is usually associated with brides, it can also be associated with bathing suits and summer clothes. When I was a teenager I adored summer, after all you do have a three-month break from school, swimming and outdoor activities. Now I dread stuffing myself into a swimming suit and scrutinize my too-small last summer's clothes. I too, have been noticing the diets in the headlines.

In browsing diet styles, one popular one is the low fat, low cholesterol diet. One of the articles on diet that captured my attention was in the Journal of the American Medical Association. There was a study done this year that found that the cardiac risk factors of diabetes, hypertension, low levels of high-density lipoprotein (the good cholesterol), smoking, and obesity could affect kidney health. Eighteen and a half years ago, 1,223 men and 1,362 women agreed to be part of a test group. After 18.5 years, 244 subjects developed kidney disease. Each of the cardiovascular risk factors studied increased the subjects' risk of kidney disease. For instance, diabetes more that doubled the risk, obesity increased the risk by nearly one-quarter, and smoking increased the risk by more than 40%.As you are aware, I will be conducting a diet workshop in the fall. I will be coordinating my efforts with Rev. Pat Harvey who is in charge of the small group ministries here at Bethel and my steerage committee. We are planning to start in September with three workshops: one will be a class comparing different diets such as Atkins, Dr. Phil's, the glycemic Index, Mediterranean, and the South Beach diet. The second program will be taught by Nancy King and Melanie Sherrod and will concern exercise for health. The third program will be taught by a dietician who will help us make up our healthy menus. These programs are for all ages. In addition, I will be conducting an all-youth diet workshop. I am finding some fun and exciting programs just for the youth. I am looking forward to this workshop and I hope you will join me in attending. I will post the exact starting date as fall approaches.As always, to your health

As always, to your health ............. Deb

Session Highlights

[A reminder that session meetings are open for members to attend unless the session goes into executive session; the minutes of the session are are available, by appointment, for review in the church office]

... nothing reported for May ...
• • • • •

Special Needs

... none listed for this month ...

 Monthly News



Seventeen of the children participating in the Mid-East Head Start program held weekly at Bethel will be transitioning to kindergarten around August 9.  Each child could use a set of school supplies, two new shirts, and new socks.  As part of the Bethel Learning Center Initiative, we have a unique opportunity here to assist the families at an exciting yet intimidating time.

Just in case there is a group of you who would like to participate in Operation Kindergarten, a list of the required supplies is being acquired from Kingston Elementary and Midtown Elementary.  Also, the families will be asked to provide clothing sizes during July.  Distributing decorated goody bags during a festive occasion in early August would be a wonderful start to the school year.  Watch for more details!  Please contact Amy Coen or Linda Brown with your ideas.


What is the point of life?

What happens when we die?

What relevance does Jesus have for our lives today?

How do we deal with guilt?

If you would like to explore any of these questions, then Alpha is for you!

Starting in September

At Bethel Presbyterian Church

Next Month – What is Alpha?



They have had to reschedule their trip to the U.S. until fall of this year. They report that1st Presbyterian Church in Knoxville has given them a dedicated gift of $850.00 toward purchase of land to grow food on. Their crop includes kale, carrots, spinach, potatoes and cabbages. This year they have an abundance of this crop So they sold the surplus and got money for cooking oils, meat, firewood and fruits.

Samuel writes that there are still problems like paying their teachers a fair amount (right now they are paid $100.00, when their counterparts in Kenya get $350.00). Samuel and Monica ask for your prayers for Kenya, Grace School and the struggles of the Kenyan economy.


The REa  Circle has just begun a new study using the book, "First Comes Faith" by W. Frank Harrington. Frank Harrington was pastor of Peachtree Presbyterian Church in Atlanta for more than 25 years until his death in March of 1999.

Come join us for an hour of study the second and fourth Sunday of each month.  We meet in the room under the sanctuary at 6:00 p.m.  Carol Brown is leading this thought-provoking study.  We study two chapters every meeting so we will finish the book by September. The community project we are supporting is Dolly Parton's Imagination Library for children ages birth until age 5.  Any child who is signed up for this program receives a book each month for 5 years.  The cost per child is $27.  Everyone is welcome to give a donation designated the Imagination Library.

Remember, too, that on Sunday, June 6th there will be a luncheon with both women's circles following the church service.  Bring a salad or dessert.  This is the Birthday Offering celebration of the women's circles of the PCUSA.  All members of the congregation are invited to this pot luck salad and dessert luncheon.


Bethel's Presbyterian Women (PW) host a joint meeting and pot luck lunch on Sunday, June 6th, after church services. The meeting celebrates the PW Birthday Offering. The Birthday Offering began in 1922 when each woman was asked to donate the number of pennies in her age (or a dollar if she wished her age to remain anonymous) and the funds were given to mission projects. The tradition continues and the offering received today supports up to five large projects selected each year by the Creative Ministries Offering Committee. A list of the 2003 projects is available on-line at http://www.pcusa.org/pcusa/horizons/HrznJnFb03/Bday2003.htm


Check out our gift box on the fellowship hall bulletin board.  Watch this area for new and interesting Gifts information.

The next Spiritual Gifts Discernment Ministry meeting will be Tuesday, June 8 at 7:00 P.M.  We will be reviewing a draft report with recommendations for a spiritual gifts program within the Bethel congregation.  The report will be submitted to Session after review.

Session Committee Articles


The Evangelism Committee wants to invite every member of the church to consider attending the upcoming Alpha sessions that begin in September. Alpha is a 10 week course with one fellowship weekend where we will explore Christianity in a non-threatening setting.

Many people are turned off the word Evangelism because they think of "Bible-thumping", "door-to-door", "guilt-producing", or even "fire and brimstone".  But in YOUR life who brought you to Jesus?  Probably it was someone who was "faithful" "caring", "concerned:, and "loving".  These were the real "evangelists" in your life and we can be this kind of evangelist, also.  We all can be evangelists by living our faith as much as telling about it.


Thanks to the folks who assisted in Work Day.  Thanks to Jack Stackpole, Ann Robertson, and Ruth Brownell for their green thumbs in planting flowers.  The Buildings and Grounds Initiative Committee has begun regular meetings with Chris Malone of Foxhollow Goodson to address concerns about our property and buildings discussed during visioning.  To date we have met with him twice.  He has inspected our buildings and we have provided him with a list of our programs, ministries, attendance and basic financial information.  A meeting is scheduled on May 24 for a discussion of the above information.  More to follow.  Keep us in your prayers as we continue this work.


We are issuing an invitation: As you may know, our pastor will graduate June 10 from Harvard Divinity School with a Ph.D. Parish Life will host a reception in Marc's honor on Sunday, July 18, in our Fellowship Hall. Everyone is invited.

Congratulations, Dr. Marc! We are very proud of you..

Youth News


youth speak

Published for the Youth of Bethel Presbyterian Church June 2004
203 S Kentucky Street
Kingston, Tennessee 37763
865-376-6340 Web: http://www.bethelpcusa.org
865-376-6390 (Fax) e-mail: 1bethel@bellsouth.net

Marvelous May

May was jam-packed with activities in the community and at Bethel. The month was filled with band and choral concerts, graduations, band trips, visits to other churches in our area and Youth Sunday.

Youth Sunday, which was held on May 23rd, was a true testament to the way in which the Lord is working with and through the fine youth of our congregation. From the sermons, to the hymns, to Children’s time, to the bulletin cover, the Spirit of the Lord was at Bethel. The Energizers were excellent! Thanks to Rev. Sherrod for directing the youth, and thanks to all the youth who participated in one way or another to this special day in the life of Bethel.

As if May 23rd was not already busy enough with Youth Sunday, the youth continued on with a car wash to honor a 2003 Time and Talent Auction commitment and many of you were very happy to have the youth wash your vehicles. We might need to do this more often. :)

The congregation at Bethel and the community were treated to a very special evening of music on May 23rd. Diane Griffith, Mary Ann Hensley, and Caleb Sherrod delighted the crowd and filled the sanctuary with beautiful music. Thanks to each of you. Are we not blessed at Bethel to be surrounded by so much talent? Following the recital many enjoyed a wonderful meal prepared by many who will be participating in the New Mexico mission trip in June and supervised by our own Nelda Toon. All contributions received from the recital and the dinner will be utilized to support the mission trip. Thanks to all who helped, and to all who contributed!


Corey Preston was applauded for being on the A-B Honor roll for the 2nd grade for the year. Ryan Preston was also an honor roll achiever this school year.

Frederick Morgan recently participated with the Oak Ridge High School ninth grade orchestra in a nation-wide competition. He thinks the best part of the competition was that the kids had a 3-day pass to any part of Disney World! However, we are sure his teacher was equally pleased that the orchestra took 2nd place in the competition (missing first place by only 3/10th of a point!) Frederick enjoyed the nighttime “Illuminations”, a light and fireworks show, as well as being able to tour the park at his leisure. He has played the cello with the orchestra since 4th grade and recently branched out into piano and keyboard.

Julie received a medal from Kingston Elementary for being on the A Honor roll in the 2nd grade. Julie was also one of 12 winners for Reading Olympics for the 2nd grade. She was one of seven students out of 132 who received a blue ribbon for perfect attendance. Good job Julie!

Eden Sherrod will be participating in Carson Newman College’s summer music camp at the end of June. Hannah Sherrod and her doubles partner, Amy Smith, will be participating in the Tennessee High School Tennis Championship in Memphis. Hannah has also recently competed and won the position of drum major for the Roane County High School marching band. Way to go Hannah! As if she is not busy enough, Hannah will also be seen at the Kingston Community Center pool this summer as a lifeguard. Caleb Sherrod has decided to attend Indiana University in the fall. Jordan Sherrod recently was selected as a member of the Roane County High School Color Guard. All of the Sherrod clan are looking forward to a trip to Cambridge, Massachusetts in June to watch Dad (finally) graduate! Congratulations!

* Looking Ahead to June *

No school, old friends, new friends and a chance to travel, what better place to be this summer than Bethel. It’s time for Summer Sunday School. June 6th will mark the beginning of the summer session of Sunday School for children and youth. As in the past, we will be having combined classes. This year we’ll be learning about what Presbyterians are doing in mission throughout the world. Using the “We Believe” materials and the new Children’s Mission Yearbook, we will use games, stories, crafts, food, and fun as we explore God’s Call to “Go into the World.”

In July, we’re expecting a visit from Sam and Monica Wambugu, our friends from Kenya who run the Grace School there. We’ll be building our Vacation Bible School around their visit and hope to provide lots of opportunities for the whole congregation to learn more about their country and mission work there. Sounds exciting! Please refer to the Sunday bulletin for more information on exact dates of Vacation Bible School.

Lastly, let’s not forget the youth and adults who will be traveling to New Mexico from June 16th – 23rd. Keep the group and those they will serve in your thoughts and prayers.

Memorial Gifts

Gifts received during the month of May
in memory of:

Mary Woodall:

Judith and Peter Keim
Donald Woodall
Terry & Charity Robbins
Jack & Sue Muecke
Doris Ann Parkinson
Kay Michener
Betty Ulrich
Doris Barber
Nancy & Clay Landers
River System Operation & Environment of T.V.A.

Nell Skinner:

Jack & Sue Muecke

Miss Dot's Hunger Fund:

Ruby and Gordon Fielden

Joyce Law:

Vernon Law for kitchen renovation

Notes of Sympathy

... none reported this month ...

Notes of Appreciation

I wish to THANK EVERYONE for all the PRAYERS, cards, calls and well wishes that I have received since my surgery.   You are all sincerely appreciated.

THANK YOU ......Henry Tulley

We just want to express our appreciation for all the kind words, the meal, the thoughts and prayers of everyone in remembering our mother. We want to give a special thanks to Bill Shenk, Mary Hensley, and Deb Hyder for all their help.

The family of Mary Woodall.

Thank you for the many cards and gifts I have received. Thank you for your support that never fails.

Bram Hyder

Thoughts to Ponder

... none this month ...

Remember to Pray For These


Delvenia Beasley Marshall Voss
Ruby Hunter Royal Health Care
Ruby Nell Skinner Doctors Lake
Micki Shields Woodbine
(Alexandra, VA)
Muriel McKonley
(sister of Jean Young)
Rae-Inn Nursing Home
(Geneva, Ohio)
Frances McPheeters Baptist Healthcare Center
Betty Brown Alpharetta Healthcare Center
Evelyn Waldrup Harriman Health Care
Ella Winsbro Harriman Health Care
Roberta Cash Rockwood Health Care
Joan Pemberton Wellington Place – Kingston


Carole Jane Row Methodist Medical Center
Tora Phillips East TN. Children's Hospital


Addie Wreath Hunt, Christine Woods, Al & Dot Davis, Florence Simmons, Ruth Moutoux

Bethel Family Prayer Calendar - June, 2004

The members and regularly attending friends of Bethel are assigned to elder care groups. Each month in the newsletter for your prayers, we publish the list of one or more elder care groups. The elder’s name and phone at the top of the list are listed as a reminder of their role in nurturing and supporting those who belong to Bethel. You should feel free to contact your elder or the pastor if you have a particular spiritual need or other matter that needs to be brought to our attention.  

1 -


Doris Barber
Ruth Ann Ludwig
Edith Miles
Bill & Jean Plummer
Buddy Patton

7 -


John Billings Patton
Delores Sandmel
Peggy Sheppard
Henry & Carolyn Tulley


Linda & Travis Brown
Jennifer Choate

14 -


Linda Choate
Lily Lowery
Jack & Carolyn McNew
Joan Pemberton
Dianne Russell
Barbara & Bryan Willliams

21 -


Jean Young
Scott Young


Al & Dot Davis
Betty Hall
Teresa Hettrick
Steve & Amber Jacks

28 -


Dana Hensley
Frances McPheeters
Alf & Jan Rybka
Bryan & L. Walker

Raymond & Lucy Wolfenbarger


June, 2004 Birthdays

   1 – 
   2 –
Carol Brown
   3 – 

   4 – 
Louise Pickel
   5 – 
Christine Woods
   6 – 
   7 – 
   8 – 

   9 – 
Tauno Maki
Suzannah Morgan
Charlie Mounger
 10 – 
Danny Holloway
 11 – 

 12 –
George Warlick
 13 – 

 14 – 

 15 – 
Nelda Toon
Ellen Dailey
Jesse Richmond
Jordan Sherrod
 16 – 
 17 – Max LaDue
 18 – 

 19 – 

 20 – 
Simon Barrett
 21 – 
Teresa Hettrick
 22 – 
John Parkinson
Willie Mae Meers
 23 – 

 24 – 
John Richmond
 25 – 

 26 – 
Joan Thompson
 27 – 

 28 – 
Marilyn Harris
 29 – 
Kerry Hyder
 30 – 


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