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The Open Door

Bethel Presbyterian Church ~ a community of faith, fellowship, study and service ... Seeking God's peace, justice and love ~

VOL. 33 NO. 6 – Marc Sherrod, Minister – June, 2005


E-Mail & On-Line Newsletter

A number of the members have responded regarding saving postage and mailing by reading the newsletter online. If you wish to add your name to that list, call (865-376-6340) or e-mail the church office.

We also maintain a master list of e-mail addresses. Please include yours if you wish.


Open Door Index

From the Pastor

From the Parish Nurse

Session Committee News

Session Meeting Highlights

Monthly News

Notes of Sympathy

Youth News

Remember to Pray for These

Notes of Appreciation


Prayer Calendar

Special Needs

Memorial Gifts

Thoughts to Ponder




This service is free for friends and members of Bethel. If you have a transportation need, please call the church office at 376-6340. Please be ready to tell us the date and time of your appointment and what time you want to be picked up. Some of the places we transport to are: doctor’s office, hairdresser, library, post office, grocery store, and shopping. We drive as far as Knoxville. We are open to other suggestions, also.


From the Pastor

Do you remember the Percept congregation-wide survey that launched our visioning process in September 2002? Were you among the many participants in the visioning small groups that met for a meal and discussion on eight consecutive Wednesday evenings in January/February ’03? Did you sign the large poster that outlined the ministry initiatives approved by the session as our way forward into God’s new future for us? Did you get excited last year as you learned about the work of the building committee, especially as you heard about this committee’s efforts to integrate many of your comments about building problems/needs into redesigned physical facility that would enhance Bethel’s overall ministry and mission as servants of Christ? Did you get to hear our architect/church consultant, Chris Malone, speak at several family night suppers this year, or did you attend one of the small group gatherings that reported on the work of the Building Committee?

After exhaustive discussion and patient discernment of God’s will, the session has called a Congregational Meeting for Sunday, June 19 in Bethel’s sanctuary, immediately after morning worship, to hear and act upon a proposal from the Building Committee. Highlights of what this proposal will involve include: 1) relocating the current sanctuary structure over a new basement and expanding and enhancing the current sanctuary space, 2) building a new structure between the relocated sanctuary and educational building in order to accommodate a new gathering space, new entrances, elevators, handicapped accessibility, nursery, and “cry” room for infants and toddlers and 3) rehabilitating the educational building with additional restrooms, expanded fellowship hall, and a new kitchen. There are many details that follow as a part of this proposal that you can read about in the “Program Narrative” and “Master Plan for Bethel Presbyterian Church” prepared by Chris Malone. These are available in the church office, if you are not already familiar with the proposal. A copy of the architectural drawing is reprinted on page 5 of this newsletter (click HERE to see the drawing). The estimated cost is around one million dollars.

In preparation for this historic moment, I encourage you prayerfully to consider your response to this new ministry opportunity.

Grace & Peace


 Congregational Meeting Sunday, June 19, 2005 

Parish Nurse

June has come! As I write this, I am preparing to go on the Youth Mission Trip to Lumberton, North Carolina. There will be 16 of us going: Kerry and I, Jennifer Jarvis, Jim Schall, Laura Dailey, Gary LeMasters, Matt Hines, Frederick Morgan, Rachel and Ellen Dailey, Justin and Jacob Murr, Max LaDue, Jordan and Eden Sherrod and Jeremiah Jacks. Please pray for our mission work and for our safety in working and traveling. In the absence of Nelda Toon this year, Laura and I will be the chefs. Of course, I will double as the work crew nurse. We will be leaving at 8:00 A.M. on Saturday May 28th and coming back either June 2nd or 3rd (depending on the work schedule we receive from the Lumberton folks.)

The Men’s Health Screening in Harriman on May 19th went well. We had representatives from the Roane County Health Department, lab workers from Roane Medical Center, and Drs. Mark Bowles and E.C Cunningham to perform the various screenings.

Please don’t forget the Alzheimer’s Memory Walk on August 27th. Hopefully the youth will be walking with me again this year. We need walkers and sponsors- so if you can help, please consider doing so.

To your health ............... Deb

Session Highlights

[A reminder that session meetings are open for members to attend unless the session goes into executive session; the minutes of the session are available, by appointment, for review in the church office]

Received correspondence from Presbytery’s Equip Mission Team about scheduling a visit of a “listening visit” to Bethel.
Average attendance in April was 110.
Received resignation of Chad Gaffin from session and placed him on the Inactive Roll at his request.
Expanded the “Committee on Fund Raising for Capital Improvement” by adding Carolyn McNew and Steve Jacks to the standing committee already comprised of Ken Dungan, Frank Harris, Jim Hines, and Danny Holloway.
Heard a report from the Building Committee that they had investigated the cost-effectiveness of demolishing the current sanctuary with architect/consultant Chris Malone and determined that the cost would be approximately $130,000 additional to demolish and rebuild a similar structure
Heard that the Building Committee recommended proceeding with a vote of the congregation on the proposal outlined by Chris Malone and presented to the congregation earlier this year.
Called a congregational meeting for Sunday, June 19, 2005 to vote on the committee’s recommendation.
Authorized Cathy McDowell and Jack and Sue Muecke to continue their research into erect a historical marker to denote Bethel’s original hilltop location.
Elected Alf Rybka commissioner to the May Presbytery meeting and Mark Banker commissioned to the June meeting.
• • • • •

Special Needs

... none reported this month ...

Monthly News

The Bell Tower and Entrance Doors Got Moved
Can You Tell Us Why?

From: Jack and Sue Muecke and Cathy McDowell

With the session’s blessing, we are pursuing having a marker made to designate the spot on the hill where Bethel used to be. As part of our research for this we scrutinized an 1869 photograph that we and others believe shows Bethel in its hilltop location. The image of the church in the background is blurry, but the bell tower and entrance doors appear to be in the center of the church rather than offset as Bethel’s doors are today. Rev. Dick Hettrick believes that Bethel was the only church that was ever located on the hill.

According to Mrs. Katy Banker’s Book “A Church Called Bethel”, our sanctuary was taken apart, board by board, and reassembled at our current site sometime between the years of 1883 to 1886. According to session minutes “ ... on Sabbath morning, the 27th day of March, 1887 that Bethel Church which had been rebuilt on a new site was rededicated ...” We have seen several Bethel photographs prior to 1900 showing the bell tower and entrance doors offset to the right, so we are assuming the relocation of the entry doors occurred when the church was reassembled.

Does anyone have additional photographs or knowledge that would shed light on this entrance door issue, so that we could verify that the church in the 1869 photograph is indeed Bethel? You can see the 1869 photograph on the wall in the educational building dinning area.

After we verify the former Bethel location as best we can and the marker is made, Marc says that we will have a brief dedication service on the hill for all those who would like to attend. Thanks so much for any additional information that you could share with us.

Presbyterian Women

All Women in the Church are invited to the annual June luncheon celebrating the Birthday of Presbyterian Women to be held at the home of Carolyn Tulley, 712 Hill St., on Tuesday, June 7 at 12:30 p.m. Please meet at the church at 12:15 to carpool and bring a salad to share.

Party Hosts and Sandwich Makers

Party Hosts and Sandwich Makers needed for Bethel Operation Kindergarten 2005 fun lunch on Friday, July 22, 10:30 – 12:30.

Please call Amber Jacks at 717-6756 or Linda Brown at 376-6575.


New Church Directory

Mark your calendars! You will be photographed for our new Church Directory on Tuesday, August 16 from 2:00 – 8:40 PM and Wednesday from 2:00 – 8:40 PM. Photography and proof viewing will take place on the same day. Watch for more details in upcoming newsletters and Sunday bulletins.

Church Directory Staff:

Bettie Shenk – Program Coordinator
Delores Sandmel – Telephone Coordinator
Marianne Shadden – Publicity/Host Coordinator
Alfred Rybka – Layout Coordinator
Dan McDowell – Consultant


SPONSORS NEEDED for Abigail, Brennan, Connor, Danny, Emily, and ten more little tikes. Fifteen children will begin Kindergarten this August who have been participating in the special Mid-East Head Start program held weekly at Bethel. You are encouraged to assist the families and children with an exciting yet intimidating time through Operation Kindergarten. Families could use our support as they, perhaps nervously, start this new adventure and go through this BIG, sometimes scary, transition.

Go visit the School Angel Tree House in the sanctuary during the end of June. Information for each child will be available in the “windows”. Sponsors are asked to make a $20 purchase of two shirts, socks, and underwear for a bright-eyed, bouncy five-year-old by July 19. Sponsors are also asked to meet the family at a festive carnival lunch on Friday, July 22, 10:30 to 12:30. Finally, sponsors are asked to make additional contact as feasible with the family within one month following the start of school next August. Sponsors have a unique opportunity to nurture and share God’s love.

These children also need a $17 set of school supplies as outlined by Midway Elementary and Kingston Elementary plus the family is asked to pay a $20 classroom fee. If this is not the right time for you to be a sponsor, donations to the school supply fund Bethel hopes to make available would be GREATLY appreciated. We hope to give each child a “Goody Bag” with the clothes, fees, and school supplies on July 22. You could make a big difference in the life of a little child and the family.

Please contact Linda Brown, Amy Coen, or Amber Jacks with any questions.

Congratulations to:

Jared McGill – Presidential Award during 5th grade graduation for excellent TCAP scores in two areas.

Charlie C.– The only Kindergarten kid at Kingston Elementary to have perfect attendance for the year.

Julie C. – “A” honor roll for the year in third grade.

Bill and Bettie Shenk, who will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on June 4th.

Session Committee News

Parish Life

New Church Directory

Mark your calendars for picture taking on Tuesday, August 16 from 2:00 - 8:40 PM and Wednesday, August 17 from 2:00 - 8:40 PM. More details later.

Host/Hostess for June Fellowships

- Fellowship Sunday, June 12

Carolyn McNew and Nelda Toon

- Fun Lunch, Tuesday, June 14

Madge Benfield and Ruth Ann Ludwig

- Fellowship Supper, Wednesday, June 15

Alf and Jan Rybka

Annual Church Picnic

Our annual Church Picnic will be on Sunday, August 14 at The Hettricks (Swan Pond Harriman). The fun will begin at 3 PM with games for young and old alike. Around 5 PM we will have our picnic. More details will be announced in our July Open Door.

Stewardship & Finance Committee Report

Changes in Fund Balances
April, 2005

Fund *
& Reserve**
Beginning Fund Balances, 04/1/05 $121,459 $152,745 $146,483 $420,687
Income, April 2005 $17,192 $75 $4,208 $21,475
Expenses, April 2005 $(18,202)   $(25)  $(18,227)
Ending Fund Balances, 04/30/05 $120,449 $152,820 $150,666 $423,935

*Includes New (2nd) Century Fund

** Includes Reserve Fund of $60,000.

Available Balance:  
Undesignated General $120,449
Undesignated Other $152,820
Total Undesignated $273,269
Less required General Fund Reserve $(60,000)
Amount available for general fund $213,269


Youth News


youth speak

Published for the Youth of Bethel Presbyterian Church June 2005
203 S Kentucky Street
Kingston, Tennessee 37763
865-376-6340 Web: http://www.bethelpcusa.org
865-376-6390 (Fax) e-mail: click HERE

Family Picnic

A good time was had by all who attended the family picnic at Cedar Hill Park in Oak Ridge on Sunday, May 22, 2005. There was good food, kickball, and make-believe on the equipment. Thanks to all who came and played!

Sunday School News

The Sunday school children have been hard at work studying Psalm 23. They are practicing very hard to learn the verse by memory. They sang beautifully in church on Sunday, May 22nd. This rotation will end with “Sheep Olympics” being held on the grounds of the Sherrod’s home, followed by a pool party in August. Please see future Open Doors for more information on date and time.

*******Youth News*******

Sunday, June 5
No Youth Group

Take a nap and recover from the mission trip!

Thursday, June 16
New Dawn Concert

The Youth Encounter team, New Dawn will be giving a concert at Powell Presbyterian Church. They will be sharing music, puppets, drama, and their experiences in the Philippians. Everyone is invited to come out and see them! You know they are cool because they are Youth Encounter kids just like Jennifer.

Please pray for our Youth Group and adults who are traveling to Lumberton, NC from Bethel on this year’s mission trip. We wish them a safe and productive journey!

Sunday, June 19
No Youth Group

Father’s Day — spend the day with your dad!

Sunday, June 26
Youth Group 6:00-8:00
Regular youth group meeting with Bible study, snacks, and games.


Calling all kids! Are you ready for the train ride of your life? Hop aboard the Bethel Express for 10 fun filled weeks, as you visit the following countries: Northern Ireland, Taiwan, Brazil, Nepal, and Zimbabwe. We will learn how we are all God’s children no matter where we call home, and as Christians we live as forgiven children of God. We will learn bible stories about God’s love and forgiveness; hear about missionaries from these countries; sample the culture and customs of these countries through music, food, crafts, games, language, and more; and increase our love for and awareness of people around the world so that we might know them as our brothers and sisters in God’s family.

The fun begins on June 5th! Hope to see you on the train!



Memorial Gifts

Memorials received in the month of May for:

Fred Meers

from Dolores Sandmel, Ruth Ann Ludwig, Doris Ann Parkinson, Henry & Carolyn Tulley, Jack & Fern Stackpole, Helene Ricker

Joyce Law

from Vernon Law for kitchen renovation

Notes of Sympathy

... none reported this month ...

Notes of Appreciation

Dear Bethel Family,

Thank you so much for the lovely dinner last Wednesday night! I really appreciate everything that was done in honor of the graduates, especially the wonderful CD and “A Graduate’s Journey” book. I will treasure these gifts as well as all of the special memories that have come with being a part of the Bethel community over the past few years. Thank you all so very much!

Since becoming an Official High School Graduate, I have felt relieved, excited, saddened, reminiscent, thrilled, and lost. (Note that all of these emotions occurred all at the same time!) I have felt particularly lost, like I don’t belong anywhere. I guess this is because I am in a transition stage right now, High School is over and done with and College is yet to come. I don’t exactly feel like I have a home, except that I know that I do. Bethel has been a wonderful Church to continue to grow in, and I know that I will always have a home here. Thanks to all!

Peace and Love,
Hannah Sherrod

Dear Bethel Family,

Thank you for the inspirational gifts. I would like to thank everyone for making my family and me feel welcome. Bethel has done an excellent job of building my foundation of faith for the journey of life.

Thank you,
Andy Holloway

I would like to thank all our Bethel friends for the prayers, calls, cards, hugs and memorials given at the time of Fred’s death. Each one was appreciated.”

Willie Mae Meers

Thoughts to Ponder

... none reported this month ...

Remember to Pray For These


Ruby Hunter Harriman Health Care
Muriel McKonley
(sister of Jean Young)
Rae-Ann Nursing Home
(Geneva, Ohio)
Frances McPheeters Baptist Healthcare Center
Betty Brown Alpharetta Healthcare Center
Evelyn Waldrup Jamestowne
Anne Smith Jamestowne
Ginny Warlick Jamestowne
Joan Pemberton Wellington Place – Kingston


Doris Barber, Kay Michener

Justin Winsboro, 3-year-old grandson of Bob and Ella Winsboro, as he undergoes treatment for leukemia


Ronnie Phillips

Jimmy Walker

Bob Gaffin

Jason Brown

Geoff Winsbro

Robert Howard (son-in-law of Bill and Bobbie Martin)

Bethel Family Prayer Calendar - June, 2005
The members and regularly attending friends of Bethel are assigned to elder care groups. Each month in the newsletter for your prayers, we publish the list of one or more elder care groups. The elder’s name and phone at the top of the list are listed as a reminder of their role in nurturing and supporting those who belong to Bethel. You should feel free to contact your elder or the pastor if you have a particular spiritual need or other matter that needs to be brought to our attention.  


+Choate, Doug
+Everett, Glenda
Holloway, Danny & Tammy
*Pearman, Paul
^Pierce, Gene
Richmond, Jesse
Richmond, Roger & Anita
*Skinner, Mike & Sharen
Thomas, Laura
^True, Margaret
^Vandever, Jennifer
Warlick, George & ^Ginny


Barber, Doris
Brown, Carol
Ludwig, Ruth Ann
*Miles, Edith
Plummer, Bill & Jean
+Patton, Buddy
+Patton, John Billings
Sandmel, Delores
Sheppard, Peggy
Tulley, Henry & Carolyn


June, 2005 Birthdays

   1 –
   2 – Carol Brown
   3 – 
   4 – Marci Smith
Louise Pickel
   5 – Christine Woods
   6 – 
   7 – 
   8 – 
   9 – Tauno Maki
Suzannah Morgan
Charlie Mounger
 10 – Danny Holloway
 11 – 
 12 – George Warlick
 13 – 
 14 – 
 15 – Nelda Toon
Ellen Dailey
Jesse Richmond
Jordan Sherrod
 16 – 
 17 – Max LaDue
 18 – 
 19 – 
 20 – Simon Barrett
 21 – Teresa Hettrick
 22 – Tim Smith
John Parkinson
Willie Mae Meers
 23 – 
 24 – John Richmond
 25 – 
 26 – Joan Thompson
 27 – 
 28 – Marilyn Harris
 29 – Kerry Hyder
 30 – 
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