Lenten Longings . . . . As the calendar turns round again, we found ourselves once more in the season of Lent, that traditional 40 day period of spiritual self-examination and journeying towards passion week and the good news of Easter morning. The pilgrimage of Lent is both individual and corporate. Some of you have committed to the Lenten discipline of study. Three small groups have been formed to engage in the study by James W. Moore, The Common People Heard Him Gladly. Further information is inside this newsletter if you are interested in signing-up. Others of you will have your own personal disciplines to follow as you seek to purge your life of spiritual clutter or search for answers to faiths perplexing questions. Just last night, the ashes of our mortality were imposed upon the foreheads of those who came to our Ash Wednesday service. For me, Lent is primarily about wrestling with the certainty of our death, an especially difficult thing to do in our death-denying culture, or at least a culture that has trivialized death by our constant media exposure to Hollywoods acted versions of violent death and criminal exploits. I plan to preach a three-part mini-series of sermons on aspects of death from a Christian perspective. Below, I have also noted a suggested book you might order via the internet or copies of an essay that will be available in the church office should you wish to do additional reading that will parallel my anticipated sermon.
I trust that these days of Lenten preparation will be days filled with solitude, solace, and salvation for you and yours. Marc Sherrod How much do we know about womens health? Some of the new facts announced in the January issue of RN magazine might surprise you. First of all, according to the American Heart Association (A.H.A), the number one cause of death in women is heart disease. In 2001, 49.4% of the reported 515,204 deaths from heart attack were women. Another disconcerting fact is that diabetes is associated with a risk of coronary heart disease that is about twice as high in women than in men. Estrogen in younger women usually helps protect her from cardiac disease. However, if the young women has diabetes the cardio protection is negated. Some symptoms of heart attack in women are: a burning or an upper abdominal fullness thats bought on by exertion or emotional distress, neck and shoulder pain, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and shortness of breath. Women are more likely to have chest pain at rest, during sleep, or during times of mental or emotional stress. So...what do we do to prevent a heart attack? Current A.H.A. guidelines propose 30 minutes of walking a day. Also controlling hypertension, diabetes, and high blood lipids are integral to preventing coronary heart disease in women.
... none listed for this month ...
Presbytery Request
We received a letter from the Presbytery concerning a Reading Committee that will review various churches' session minutes and church registers. Each church is asked to submit the name of at least one individual who would be willing to serve as a reader. If you would like to be part of this reading pool, please contact Cathy McDowell. (Cathy does not wish to be a reader.) Gifts Discernment Initiative Those interested in developing Bethel's congregational gifts discernment program will meet on Tuesday, March 9 at 7:00 P.M. in the meeting room below the church sanctuary. This is our second meeting after spending a month reading material on gifts discernment and reflecting what a gifts discernment program may be. On March 9th we will begin to define "HOW" to implement the charge to mission given us in the Vision 2010 Mission Initiative document. Any member or friend of the congregation who feels led to participate in this ministry is invited to attend. Rea Evening Circle We are meeting weekly in the room below the church sanctuary to participate in the small group Lenten study of the church. Soup, bread, dessert and conversation begin at 6:00 PM. The Bible study begins at 6:30 and will last about an hour. The study will conclude on Palm Sunday, April 4. All women of the church are invited to the Rea Evening Circle meetings. (The Hebrew word, Rea, ray uh, means "a friend who is as your own soul.") The Rea circle voted to sponsor 14 children in the Roane Imagination Library project. The project was begun in 1996 in Sevier County by the Dolly Parton Foundation and is now being replicated throughout the world. The website describes the program as follows: "from the day they are born, children who register for the program receive a book every month until their fifth birthday. Preschoolers currently living in the community may enter the program at any time and begin receiving an age-appropriate book every month until their fifth birthday" If you are interested in supporting this project, more information can be found at http://www.dollywoodfoundation.com/ or by visiting one of the Roane County libraries ERIN EXPRESS IS LOOKING FOR YOU!! If you can sing or play an instrument and love making music, performing, and fellowshipping with other Christians, then why not join us. Erin Express is a unique group with a unique ministry and is open to musicians of all ages from Teens to Senior Adults. We practice once a week on Sunday evenings from 5 to 6:30 PM at Erin Presbyterian Church, 200 Lockett Road, Knoxville, TN, and perform at other churches and at community events. If you would like to check us out and get more information, join us for a meeting and rehearsal on Sunday, March 7th at 5:00 PM in the Creative Ministries rehearsal room at Erin Church. Bring you voice or your instrument and come on over LENTEN STUDY WE ARE DELIGHTED THIRTY FIVE THE SUNDAY EVENING STUDIES If yon have signed up for the Sunday Evening Study ... You are invited to Pat and Jerry Harveys Home: 1020 Brentwood Way, Kingston - Phone Number: 376-4767. The study at the Harveys will be from 7:00-9:00 p.m. If you are a part of the Sunday Evening Womens Circle Lenten Study - you will be meeting at the church at 6:00 p.m. Carolyn Matthews will facilitate your study. Her Phone Number is 590-1422. THE WEDNESDAY STUDIES BEGIN If you are signed up for the Wednesday Morning Study we will meet in the Fellowship Hall at 10:00 a.m. For more information, you can call Pat Harvey at 376-4767 If you have not signed up but want to be a part of one of these studies please call the leader of the group you wish to attend! Study Books are in the church office. If you are able, a $5.00 donation (to cover costs) will be appreciated. Bethel Presbyterian WHY GO ON A MISSION TRIP?
MISSION TRIP OPTION ONE: June 14 20 Ghost Ranch hosts a large array of educational and recreational activities. Classes scheduled for the week of June 140 include: The Parables of Jesus, Photography and Spirituality, Birds of Ghost Ranch, Watercolor and Geography, Outdoor Adventures, Archaeoastronomy, Digging Fossils, Raku Building & Firing. Art and Writing Courses, A Comparative Study of Southern Appalachia & Hispanic New Mexico (taught by our own Mark Banker). For more information on courses look up Ghost Ranch on the web at: www.ghostranch.org
MISSION TRIP OPTION TWO: June 2027 On June 20th we will travel to Tierra Amarilla (a small town a few miles from the Colorado border in northern New Mexico). During the week our Bethel Team will engage in an array of service activities (depending on your interests and skills). You might volunteer to work in the child - care center, work on home repairs, do painting or landscaping... what ever the need!
You can choose Option One, Option Two OR Combine Option One and Two for an Awesome Two Weeks! New Mexico has a great deal to offer Santa Fe, Taos, fishing, visiting Pueblos ... it would make a great combination Mission Trip/vacation! IF YOU ARE iNTERESTED.... (FORMS TO BE COMPLETED BY: MARCH 15. 2004 - $100.00 DEPOSIT) PARTIAL SCHOLARSHIPS FOR YOUTH WILL BE AVAILABLE Any Questions? Contact:
Session Committee Articles
Session Members and Session Committee Members (Updated: February 14, 2004) |
Class of 2004
Class of 2005
Class of 2006
Chuck Bunch Debbie Hyder Nancy King Margaret Murr Karen Schall |
Jim Condon Bob Jones Marianne Shadden Jack Stackpole Jane Walsh |
Chris Badger Mark Banker Chad Gaffin Frank Harrris Nelda Toon |
Clerk: Cathy McDowell |
Christian Education Committee |
Karen Schall, Chair Chelsea Richmond, Amber Jacks, Margaret Murr, Jan Rybka, Julie McGill, Rebecca Dailey |
Evangelism Committee |
Chad Gaffin, Chair Bettie Shenk, Alf Rybka, Debbie Hyder, Carolyn Tulley, Dave Nippert, Carolyn Matthews, Bobbi Martin, Marilyn Gaffin, Caleb Sherrod (Youth Advisor) |
Mission Outreach Committee |
Jane Walsh, Chair Brenda Bunch, Carolyn NcNew, Frank Harris, Mary Will, Dolores Sandmel, Mary B. Hines, Joe Coen, Peggy Sheppard Laura Dailey H.O.M.E Volunteers: Mary Will, Dolores Sandmel, Teresa Hettrick |
Parish Life Committee |
Marianne Shadden, Chair
Edith Miles, Anita Richmond, Nelda Toon, Fern Stackpole, (Coordinators) |
Property and Personnel Committee |
Nancy King, Chair
Duie Swicegood, George McGill, Jim Schall, Jack Stackpole, |
Stewardship and Finance Committee |
Chuck Bunch, Chair
Tom Pickel, Ken Dungan, Chris Badger, Vernon Law, Helene Ricker, Nancy Landers, Linda Brown |
Worship Committee |
Bob Jones, Chair
Laura Walker, Justin Murr, Jim Condon, Chris Badger, Carol Brown, (Coordinators) |
Click HERE to see the list of Bethel's Parish Care Groups for 2004, and to see a description of the Bethel 's Elder and Parish Care System.
The Rev. W. Frank Harrington, pastor of Peachtree Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, believes that we must again become an Apostolic Church, becoming again a movement rather than an institution. Harrington quotes George Hunter's eleven distinctive features of the Apostolic church, which, he believes, can guide us: Apostolic congregations ground believers and seekers in Scripture, are disciplined in their prayer life, believe great things about God and expect great things from God, and have a passion and compassion for unchurched people and believe they matter to God. Apostolic congregations obey the great commission and accept it as a privilege not a duty, have vision for what men and women disciples can become, and are relevant, adapting to the language music and style of the people they are trying to reach. Apostolic congregations seek to involve everyone in small groups where they can be nourished spiritually, seek the involvement of laity and seek to discern their gifts. Apostolic congregations care about pastoral care and have many ministries that focus on the unchurched who have not found Christ.
--from First Comes Faith: Proclaiming the Gospel of the Church, the Rev. W. Frank Harrington. Geneva Press, Louisville, 1998.
A Novel Idea -- Did you ever make a resolution to read the Bible from start to finish, only to run out of steam halfway through Leviticus? Here's one way to stick to your resolution: Bethel's church library (3rd floor, Ed. Bldg., 2nd on left) has several versions of the Bible on cassette tape, including one narrated by Cary Grant. Why not check out a tape and play it in the car while you're commuting to work? The tapes are on the shelves to your left as you come in the door. Checkout is on the honor system -- enjoy the books or tapes for a reasonable amount of time, and be sure to bring them back when you're through!
In the Gallery -- a new feature this month. In the upstairs hallway of the Ed. Bldg. we have a display of breathtaking photos of orchid blooms, taken by our own Anita Richmond. Thanks be to God for creating such marvelous flowers, and thank you, Anita, for sharing them with us.
The Mission Outreach Committee receives many requests for financial aid throughout the year. It is not always possible for us to send money. We recently received a letter from Rev. Joseph B. Martin, IV, pastor of Northside Presbyterian Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee, who has a seven-year-old son diagnosed with leukemia. Rev. Martin has recently become involved with the Team in Training chapter of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and is training to run the 26 mile Country Music Marathon in Nashville on April 24. The fundraising goal has been set at $1,600 per participant. Rev. Martin is looking for sponsors for this run. If any members of the Bethel congregation can help, checks can be made out to The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and sent to Rev. Martin's attention at Northside Presbyterian Church, 923 Mississippi Avenue, Chattanooga, TN 37405.
If anyone would like to see the letter or talk with Rev. Martin, please contact Jane Walsh.
Prison Ministry
There are two dates of interest coming up: There will be a Spring Volunteer Training Workshop on Saturday, March 6 at Fellowship Evangelical Church. The emphasis will be "Volunteer Opportunities Behind & Beyond the Walls of Prison." They will also conduct training for new volunteers at this time. If you're interested, Karen Schall has a flyer with more details. Also, on Thursday, April 15, the annual Volunteer Appreciation Banquet will be held at the Wartburg site. If you plan to attend, let Karen know so your name can be put on the list.
We have a treat for you. Parish Life is sponsoring a trip to the Knoxville Opera on Sunday, April 18 at 2:30 to see THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The gifted Mozart was born Jan. 27, 1756 in Salzburg, Austria and died Dec. 5, 1791 in Vienna, Austria.
Place and time of the comedy: Chambers and gardens of Count Almaviva's castle near Seville; middle of the 18th century.
Cost: Discount price $24 p.p. if we have a group of 10 or more. Seats: Section C.
Please make reservations by March 8 by calling Kathy or Debbie at the office or Marianne Shadden 354-3609. You may also place your reservations in the offering plate. We will carpool leaving Bethel at 1 p.m.
Your checks made out to Bethel will be accepted after Mar. 8.
Per Capita: the Book of Order section G-9.0404 (d) specifies that a presbytery must prepare a budget each year and that it may be funded with a per capita apportionment among the particular churches within its bounds. The Presbytery of East Tennessee has elected to fund approximately 1/3 of its total budget in this way. This is considered to be a tax by some, an assessment by others but is really just one of the ways that they have chosen to honor our commitments to each other.
The Per Capita is use for operational expense of the governing bodies. The 2004 Per Capita is base on the local church membship as of December 31, 2002, and is assessed by the governing bodies as follows for 2004: General Assembly: $5.51; Synod: $3.12; Presbytery: $22.00; for a total of $30.63 per member.
On December 31, 2002 Bethel had a membership of 212. Two hundred and twelve (212) members multiplied by $30.63 equal $6,493.56. This amount is included in Bethels 2004 Budget.
The session voted on January 10, 2004 to request that each member give an additional $30.00 per capita to the East Tennessee Presbytery above our budgeted $6,493.63. This additional contribution will free up some budgeted funds to be used for Presbytery Shared Mission giving. The Stewardship and Finance Committee is encouraging each of you to give consideration to giving an additional $30 to the East TN Presbytery. When you write your check please specify it is for the Presbytery Per Capita.
Stewardship and Finance Committee
youth speak Published for the Youth of Bethel Presbyterian Church March 2004 203 S Kentucky Street Fun February The Bethel Youth had an action packed month. They enjoyed a UT Lady Vols Basketball game on February 1st .Many of the youth were lucky recipients of t-shirts, stuffed animals, gift certificates, and various souvenirs. Most importantly the Lady Vols won! Thanks to Nelda Toon for coordinating the trip and to all those who drove and participated. Bethel Youth took to the ice at the Icearium in Farragut on February 7th. A great time was had by all skaters, and some took part in a free skating lesson that was provided by professional staff. The kids enjoyed skating, good music, and snacks. Thanks to everyone who drove and participated. The youth at Bethel made everyones mouth water with the smells and tastes of pancakes on February 18th at the monthly family night supper. They provided a meal of pancakes with all the trimmings. Afterwards, Mark Banker spoke on the upcoming intergenerational mission trip scheduled for June. Special thanks to all the adults who assisted in this project. Thanks to all the youth who participated in setting-up, cooking, and clean-up. You guys are great! Upcoming Activities On March 7th the youth will meet at Bethel for a planning meeting for the mission trip, led by Mark Banker. Bethel Senior High Youth will be traveling to Gatlinburg on Friday, March 12 through March 14th for the annual Youth Summit. Gary LeMasters and Denise Martin will act as chaperones. Work will continue on fund raising and the Time and Talent Action on March 21st, with the Bethel Youth meeting at the Fellowship Hall at 6:00 P.M. March 28th, the annual Time and Talent Auction takes place in the Fellowship Hall. Donate your talent, donate your time, or purchase items at the auction. Remember specifically to check out the corn pillows created by the Bethel Youth at the auction. Corn pillows are wonderful used hot or cold to relieve muscle aches, tension, and stress. Who couldnt use a corn pillow! Looking ahead to April, on Palm Sunday, April 4th, Bethel Youth will meet at 6:00 P.M. to dye Easter eggs 15 dozen of them! This fun service project is a great way for the youth to dye all the eggs they could possibly want to dye. The eggs will be taken to the regional prison, where the inmates host an Easter egg hunt for the children of inmates, who come to visit on Easter. CHEERS John Richmond spent the week of February 9-13, 2004 at Tremont in the Smoky Mountains, along with approximately 75 other 6th graders from Cherokee Middle School during their annual educational trip. John stated that he had great time, and that he learned a lot. John has also earned the Tenderfoot rank in Boy Scouts, which is the first step towards becoming an Eagle Scout, which is his goal. A Word from Charlie I will be turning 5 years old on March 8th. Kindergarten look out, here I come! I can write my name now, and play the C in the childrens bell choir at church. I love to go tumbling, swing on the rings, and jump on the trampoline. I have a severe allergy to nuts and peanuts so you might want to help me watch what I eat at Fellowship Supper. I love to put on my boots, wear my monster truck t-shirt, and jump in the pool with my floatie, but not at the same time of course. For Halloween, I pretended to be a dragon dinosaur who had big eyeballs and a cool green headpiece. I want to be a race car driver when I grow up. My big sister Julie placed 2nd in second grade in the Valentines Day Essay Contest. Way to go Julie! We have several very musically talented youth in our congregation. We will take time here to recognize three of them. Caleb Sherrod, Hannah Sherrod, and Max LeDue each made the All-East State Band. Caleb scored a record 499 points out of a possible 500 during his audition on clarinet for the concert band. Between clarinet and tenor saxophone, he has won principal player in all three state bands (jazz, orchestra, and concert) that will perform March 13 in Nashville. Since he has to choose one, he has chosen to perform with the jazz band. We are very proud of our own Rebecca Dailey for being named Roane County High School Valedictorian. Becca, your hard work has paid off, and we wish you much success in your future endeavors. Happy St. Patricks Day Saint Patricks Day is celebrated each year on March 17th. In Ireland, Saint Patricks Day is both a holy day and a national holiday. Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland as he was the one who brought Christianity to the Irish. According to legend, Saint Patrick used a shamrock to explain about God. The shamrock, which looks like clover, has three leaves on each stem. Saint Patrick told the people that the shamrock was like the idea of the Trinity that in the one God there are three divine beings: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Happy Birthday! For those of you who read Dr. Seuss as a kid, and for those big kids who still read Dr. Seuss, you might be interested in knowing that Dr. Seuss or Theodor Seuss Geisel, would have celebrated his 100th birthday on March 2, 2004. On March 2nd take some time to read with a special child in your life. If you enjoy ice skating or want to learn to skate, the Icearium, East Tennessees Ice Sports Destination is the place to start. The Icearium is located in Farragut, off of the Watt Road exit off of I-40. They offer packages for birthday parties, youth and adult hockey leagues, free 30- minute skating lessons, public skates, UT Hockey games, and a Christian skate night. Sport teams that the icearium offer are ice hockey, broomball, and curling. Curling is an extremely complex sport based around a very simple idea. Slide a stone down a sheet of ice and have it stop as near the center of a set of rings (called the house), the problem being that your opposition will do everything tactically to stop you from achieving this goal. So the game contains elements of great skill, strategy, finesse, exertion and endeavor. To contact the Icearium call, 218-4500, or visit www.icearium.com IF STUDENTS WROTE THE BIBLE Instead of God creating the world in six days and resting on the seventh, He would have put it off until the night before it was due and then pulled an all-nighter. The Last Supper would have been eaten the next morning--cold. The Ten Commandments would actually be only five--double-spaced and written in a large font. Forbidden fruit would have been eaten because it wasn't cafeteria food. Reason Cain killed Abel: they were roommates. Reason why Moses and followers walked in the desert for 40 years: they didn't want to ask directions and look like freshmen. |
Robert Ludwig: Johnny & Juanita Griffin, David & Janice Bales, Vernon Law, Nancy Ferguson, Gary & Dianne Griffith
Christine Dunlap: Mac Robbins, Kingston Hair Styling Center, Joan Pemberton, Kay Michener, Jack & Sue Muecke, Charles & Brenda Bunch, George & Nancy Dailey, James & Mary Hines, Clay & Nancy Landers, Chris Badger, Ruth Ann Ludwig, George & Ginny Warlick, Doris Ann Parkinson, Richard Evans, Celia Simon, Laura Walker, Sue Franzreb, Nancy Ferguson, Gary & Dianne Griffith, Frank & Janet Kornegay, Bethel Handbell Choir
Blanche Phipps: Edith Miles to Joyce Law kitchen renovations
Dot Pierce: Gene Pierce in honor of Janice Pierce to Miss Dot Hunger Fund
Mabel Bradford: Kay Michener, Charles & Brenda Bunch, Frank & Linda Jones, Gary & Diane Griffith
Christine Gaffin: Gary & Dianne Griffith
Glenn Fisher: Gary & Dianne Griffith
... no items this month ...
To Bethel staff and friends,
We want to say "thank you" for all the love and support that we received during Chris's illness and death. What a joy to have had her with us for 98-plus years. Your visits, cards, and calls brightened her days and supported us when we needed it most. The prayers, cards, food, and memorials were greatly appreciated, and we feel truly blessed to be a part of such a caring church family.
The Pickels, Daileys, and Murrs
... none this month ...
The members and regularly attending friends of Bethel are assigned to elder care groups. Each month in the newsletter for your prayers, we publish the list of one or more elder care groups. The elders name and phone at the top of the list are listed as a reminder of their role in nurturing and supporting those who belong to Bethel. You should feel free to contact your elder or the pastor if you have a particular spiritual need or other matter that needs to be brought to our attention.
7 - MARK BANKER (06)![]() Choate, Doug
21 - CHRIS BADGER (06)![]() Barber, Doris |
14 - Pierce, Gene |
28 - Sandmel, Delores |
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