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The Open Door

Bethel Presbyterian Church ~ a community of faith, fellowship, study and service ... Seeking God's peace, justice and love ~

VOL. 33NO. 5  Marc Sherrod, Minister  May, 2005


E-Mail & On-Line Newsletter

A number of the members have responded regarding saving postage and mailing by reading the newsletter online. If you wish to add your name to that list, call (865-376-6340) or e-mail the church office.

We also maintain a master list of e-mail addresses. Please include yours if you wish.


Open Door Index

From the Pastor

From the Parish Nurse

Session Committee News

Session Meeting Highlights

Monthly News

Notes of Sympathy

Youth News

Remember to Pray for These

Notes of Appreciation


Prayer Calendar

Special Needs

Memorial Gifts

Thoughts to Ponder




This service is free for friends and members of Bethel. If you have a transportation need, please call the church office at 376-6340. Please be ready to tell us the date and time of your appointment and what time you want to be picked up. Some of the places we transport to are: doctor’s office, hairdresser, library, post office, grocery store, and shopping. We drive as far as Knoxville. We are open to other suggestions, also.


From the Pastor

On behalf of the Building Proposal Committee and the Session, I want to update you on the status of our discussions about our building situation at Bethel. First, we are very, very grateful for your participation in last week’s family night supper/program when our consultant, Chris Malone, updated us on some changes to the conceptual design. Since December 2004, the Committee has made every effort to listen to your questions and concerns. Many of your comments about changes have been incorporated into this conceptual design that Chris presented last week. Enclosed in this edition of the Open Door is Chris’s drawing (click HERE) of what this renovated/new facility would look like.

Session, in our meeting Sunday night, April 24, decided not to call a congregational meeting in May. NO DATE HAS BEEN SET FOR A CONGREGATIONAL MEETING. The main reason for this delay is this: the Building Proposal Committee has received a request to explore as another option the feasibility of demolishing the current sanctuary structure and building “an architecturally similar structure, adequate in size, built to meet today’s codes, and to achieve a level of energy efficiency not easily attainable with the old building.” The current bell tower could be incorporated into the new building, thus retaining “one of the most visible features of the ‘white church on the corner.’” There are at least two reasons for this suggestion to demolish the current sanctuary and erect a new one. 1) stewardship -- a new building would be more energy efficient than the old one. 2) Long-term viability and soundness of the old building. The Committee plans to research the difference in actual building cost and obtain comparative projections concerning the cost of heating/cooling. There are, of course, benefits to moving and renovating the old sanctuary, particularly for historical preservation purposes and Bethel’s identity in the Kingston community.

In light of this newest development in our discussions about the building proposal, the committee wants to strongly encourage each of you to let them know your feelings regarding the option of demolishing the current sanctuary and erecting a new sanctuary with architectural features similar to the old one. Please contact Nancy King (chair), Gary Griffith, Joe Coen, Jim Schall, Ken Dungan, Laura Dailey, Dave Nippert, or Jack McNew with your thoughts. It is very important that they hear from you.

Meanwhile, the committee considering various strategies and options regarding financing a building program will continue to meet and develop a finance plan. Members of this committee are: Frank Harris, Ken Dungan, Danny Holloway, and Jim Hines.

Please continue in prayer as, together, we seek to discern the Lord’s leading on this critical matter of our building needs.

Grace & Peace!


Parish Nurse

May is here! Right now is a busy time of year with school ending and garden/yard projects beckoning. I would ask you men to take a moment and think—when was the last time you had a physical. Probably one of the most hated men’s screening tests- a prostate exam- is one that most men put off. In reviewing my nursing journals, I have read several articles concerning the lethalness of prostate cancer, but also the high cure rate if you catch the cancer in a very early stage. I have read in RN magazine that the gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonists that are used to treat prostate cancer can cause an increased risk of bone fractures. So…my prescription?

I am planning a Men’s Health Check in co-ordination with the Roane County Health Department and Roane Medical Center. Dr. Mark Bowles will be performing the prostate checks and Roane Medical Center’s lab will be drawing the psa lab work. It will be held on May 19th from 9 A.M.- 12 noon at the Roane Co. Health Dept.

We hope to also have a doctor to perform skin cancer checks. As soon as I have more details I will make signs and announce this news in church.

As always – to your health ............... Deb

Session Highlights

[A reminder that session meetings are open for members to attend unless the session goes into executive session; the minutes of the session are available, by appointment, for review in the church office]

... no items reported this month ...
• • • • •

Special Needs

... none reported this month ...

Monthly News

Healing and Wholeness Service

Healing and Wholeness Service on May 29th at 9 A.M. These generally last about 45 minutes and are poorly attended. The ones who do come, come "religiously" saying that they feel better after the service and feel blessed.

Prison Ministry

On May 29, our prison ministry team will be heading to the regional prison in Morgan County to help lead 5th Sunday evening worship services with the inmates there. If you are interested in attending, please let Karen Schall know before May 22.

Youth Mission Trip

Don’t Forget -- The Time and Talent Auction date is May 1, following the youth service.

The youth group will be leaving for Lumberton, NC on May 28th. We will be working with Robeson Church and Community Center on service projects for needy families in the area. This should be a wonderful opportunity to serve and to grow relationships. Please be in prayer for travel and job site safety as well as spiritual growth for all of us.


New Church Directory

Mark your calendars! You will be photographed for our new Church Directory on Tuesday, August 16 from 2:00 – 8:40 PM and Wednesday from 2:00 – 8:40 PM. Photography and proof viewing will take place on the same day. Watch for more details in upcoming newsletters and Sunday bulletins.

Church Directory Staff:

Bettie Shenk – Program Coordinator
Delores Sandmel – Telephone Coordinator
Marianne Shadden – Publicity/Host Coordinator
Alfred Rybka – Layout Coordinator
Dan McDowell – Consultant

Mother Daughter Luncheon

Our Mother/Daughter Luncheon will be on Saturday, May 7th, noon, at Ivan’s in Rockwood. Reservations should be made by April 29th. Please call Alicia at the office to put your name on the list.

Book Discussion Group

The book discussion group meets at 1:30 PM in the room below the sanctuary. The date, and book, for next month is:

Thursday, May 26Inside the Kingdom by Carmen bin Laden

Tribute to our High School Graduates

You are invited to our May 18th Fellowship Supper to honor our graduates:

• Justin Murr
• Hannah Sherrod
• Andy Holloway
• Ryan Bosnick

The Spring Event 2005

The Older Adult Ministry presents WOW—Words of Wisdom—featuring News Anchor Emeritus, Bill Williams, WBIR Channel 10, Knoxville. This event is described as inspirational, entertaining, and informative. Music is by the Farragut Church Songsters, Devotion by Rev. Ann Owens Brunger.

When: Wednesday, May 18th from 9:30 to 1:30 PM

Where: Mars Hill Presbyterian Church, Athens, TN

Cost: $10 per person, which includes a delicious lunch

If you are interested in this event, please pick up a registration/program brochure at the church office and mail it with your check to the

Presbytery of East Tennessee
Older Adult Ministry Event
P.O. Box 5436
Knoxville, TN 37928-0436

Registration Deadline is Monday, May 9th


When you think of "mission," do you envision taking God's Word to people in remote places, like Africa or Asia? Do you imagine living a simple lifestyle, stripped of all the comforts of your home here in Eastern Tennessee? Do you think of leaving friends, family, a successful career—giving up everything?

Most of us will never experience this type of mission, but that doesn't mean we don't have one! Our “mission field” begins where we live—in our families, on the job, with our neighbors, and, yes, even in our church.

Our church has embarked on a mission of sorts – The Alpha Ministry has completed two sessions (one in September of 2004 and one in January of 2005). The first ten week experience was attended by twenty Bethel members and friends. The second had ten participants.

NOW…(since many of us have experienced Alpha)…is the time to take Alpha to the second level: INVITE FAMILY, FRIENDS, NEIGHBORS, OR CO-WORKERS to the September 2005 session! I want to share a quote from the book ALPHA: From A Reformed Perspective

Experience has shown that Alpha can continue to grow and be sustained as an outreach of the church as long as there are parishioners and others who complete the course and wish to share their faith with nonbelievers. If church members are the only participants-and they do not invite their unchurched friends-Alpha will not be effective.

God's not asking you to go to China for the rest of your life; God’s asking you to invite someone you care about to discover the truth of the Good News of Jesus at an Alpha Course!

In addition, God is asking new people to step forward to help facilitate the Alpha Ministry. Small group leaders are people like you—burdened by busyness, maybe uncomfortable in the spotlight, and fearful of leading! You don't have to be a spiritual giant, a Bible scholar, or even a great orator to be a part of this mission! All you need is a willing heart…and a desire to share Christ with those who do not know Him!

Scripture teaches that God looks across the earth and seeks those whose hearts are fully his. Ultimately, ordinary people are used by an extraordinary God to make a difference for his purpose. Perhaps you are this ordinary person called to be in mission for ten weeks in September! We need people to help cook a meal each week, be a host for the meal, and be a Small Group leader!

Are you reluctant on some level to be a part of this mission? Think about Moses. He had five reasons why he didn't think he would be God's person for the moment, but God said, "You are." Also, remember Peter. Jesus reminded him three times to shepherd his sheep. People who are hesitant are sometimes the best candidates. Pray about your involvement in Alpha.

Are you willing to be sent out into the mission field God has placed in our midst? If so – call Pat Harvey, Bob Jones or Dave Nippert to see where God can use you in this exciting mission!

Session Committee News

Property and Personnel

Thanks to Ruth Ann Ludwig, Nancy King, Jim Schall, Mark Banker, Marilyn Harris, and Cathy McDowell for yeoman work on April 16 to clean up the church property. A full pick-up truck of bushes and ivy were hauled off (plus several large trash bags), the memorial garden 'tended,' fence rows clipped back, Kathy's corner cleaned out yet again. and the communion service polished. Please give these folks a 'thank you' next time you see them.

Mission Outreach

Food for our Animal Friends Program

The Mission Outreach Committee has decided to join with other Presbyterian churches in sponsoring a new program where we accept contributions of canned or dry dog and cat food and cat litter. (Please watch the expiration dates). This is another opportunity to extend our caring and concern to others who cannot help themselves. Contributions can be dropped off in the lounge area. The MO committee will see that all donations are delivered to the animal shelter.

Roane County Community Ministries

The RCCM gardening program needs canning jars and lids. Any canning jars, mayonnaise jars or other jars suitable for canning can be left in the meeting room beneath the sanctuary. New jar lids (both large mouth and regular size) are also needed. Since this program did not receive the annual Presbytery grant for 2004 or 2005, the Mission Outreach Committee donated $300 toward the cost of seeds and fertilizers.

Bulletin Board Update

Always check the bulletin board at the back of the sanctuary for up to date information on mission outreach activities throughout the world. There is a very special thank you from Mid-East Community Action Agency. In March, MO became aware of an elderly gentleman who could not pay his current or back taxes. Bethel MO, along with several other area churches, donated $90.00 each to cover these taxes. As Carolyn Childs points out in her letter, this is just one of the many needy situations in Roane County.

Parish Life

Host/Hostess for May Fellowships:

NO Fun Lunch

Fellowship Sunday, May 8th – Mark Banker’s Class

Fellowship Supper, May 18th - Edith Miles, Julie and Scott McGill

Stewardship & Finance Committee Report

Changes in Fund Balances
March, 2005

Fund *
& Reserve**
Beginning Fund Balances, 03/1/05 $75,974 $152,197 $144,342 $372,513
Income, March 2005 $67,904 $548 $2,141 $70,593
Expenses, March 2005 $(22,419)     $(22,419)
Ending Fund Balances, 03/28/05 $121,459 $152,745 $146,483 $420,687

*Includes New (2nd) Century Fund

** Includes Reserve Fund of $60,000.

Available Balance:  
Undesignated General $121,459
Undesignated Other $152,745
Total Undesignated $274,203
Less required General Fund Reserve $(60,000)
Amount available for general fund $214,203


Youth News


youth speak

Published for the Youth of Bethel Presbyterian Church May 2005
203 S Kentucky Street
Kingston, Tennessee 37763
865-376-6340 Web: http://www.bethelpcusa.org
865-376-6390 (Fax) e-mail: click HERE

Don’t forget Youth Sunday on May 1st. Everyone is invited to attend the church service, which the youth have been working on very hard for the last month. Plan on staying for lunch and the Servant Auction.


Julie C. completed girl scout requirements for the god and me program. Thank you to Jan Rybka, Chelsea Richmond, Marc Sherrod, and Ruth Ann Ludwig for counseling Julie through the four monthly sessions. Julie will receive the religious pin as recognition this march.

Sunday School News

The Kindergarten through 5th grade Sunday School classes have been studying Jonah. We have learned the story of Jonah and how it relates to our relationship with God.

We have made a whale craft project, learned a song about Jonah, and visited Hands of Mercy Food Bank. Our future lessons will include the use of puppets to tell the story of Jonah, as well as making Health Kits, and writing letters to Grace School.


Kids…Remind your parents of the trip to the awesome playground in Oak Ridge (on Outer Drive) on May 22nd, right after church. Please bring some clothes to change into, and a sack lunch. Drinks will be provided.

This outing is for children Grade 5 and below, and their parents. Please let Amber Jacks or Denise Martin know if you plan on attending, or if you have any questions. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!

Play Ball!

Ask Thomas McGill (a.k.a. T-Bird) to show you his game-winning baseball. He was also player of the day on April 19th!

Way to go Thomas!



Memorial Gifts

Memorials received in the month of April for:

Polly McGuffin

from Edith Miles

Joyce Law

from Edith Miles for kitchen renovation

Carole Jane Row

from Doris Barber and Carolyn Koon

Fred Meers

from Jack & Sue Muecke, Richard Evans, Celia Simon, George & Ginny Warlick

Ted Willmarth

from Steve Barwick, Midtown Senior Bowlers to be given to the “Miss Dot Hunger Fund”

Darlene Bechan

from Jack & Sue Muecke

Notes of Sympathy

... none reported this month ...

Notes of Appreciation

Dear Bethel Friends,

Just want to thank you for thinking about our residents here at Wellington Place. They will certainly enjoy the Girl Scout cookies you donated to the Gift of Caring program through Julie C. The residents really enjoyed the visit from the children. You thoughtfulness was appreciated.

Georgeanna Browder-Bacon

Thoughts to Ponder

... none reported this month ...

Remember to Pray For These


Ruby Hunter Harriman Health Care
Muriel McKonley
(sister of Jean Young)
Rae-Ann Nursing Home
(Geneva, Ohio)
Frances McPheeters Baptist Healthcare Center
Betty Brown Alpharetta Healthcare Center
Evelyn Waldrup Jamestowne
Anne Smith Jamestowne
Ginny Warlick Jamestowne
Joan Pemberton Wellington Place – Kingston


Doris Barber, Kay Michener

Justin Winsboro, 3-year-old grandson of Bob and Ella Winsboro, as he undergoes treatment for leukemia


Ronnie Phillips

Jimmy Walker

Bob Gaffin

Jason Brown

Geoff Winsbro

Robert Howard (son-in-law of Bill and Bobbie Martin)

Bethel Family Prayer Calendar - May, 2005
The members and regularly attending friends of Bethel are assigned to elder care groups. Each month in the newsletter for your prayers, we publish the list of one or more elder care groups. The elder’s name and phone at the top of the list are listed as a reminder of their role in nurturing and supporting those who belong to Bethel. You should feel free to contact your elder or the pastor if you have a particular spiritual need or other matter that needs to be brought to our attention.  


Bunch, Julie
*Carter, John & Sue
+Crooke, Brenda & *Duane
Kirby,*Leonard & Bina
+Law, Paul & Pam
Maki, Tauno & Marge
Parker, Elaine & *Robert
^Pickel, Louise
Ricker, Helene
Shields, Marnie
Ulrich, Betty


Anderson, Bonnie & *Truman
Davis, Sam & Joan
Hettrick, Marge & *Dick
Hines, Jim & Mary B.
^Hunter, Ruby
McDowell, Cathy & *Dan
Morris, Jerry & Jennie
Roostee, Tom & Helen
Schall, Karen & Jim
Shesler, Elmer & Erma
+Tipton, Linda Jo Templeton


May, 2005 Birthdays

   1 – David Wood
   2 – Jennifer Vandever
   3 – 
   4 – Bram Hyder
   5 – Jane Pickel
   6 – Elizabeth Muecke
Doris Ann Parkinson
Joe Coen
   7 – Samantha Rybka
Thomas Cantrell
   8 – 
   9 – Rachel Dailey
 10 – Cody Rogala
 11 – 
 12 – Celia Simon
 13 – 
 14 – Ralph Morgan
 15 – 
 16 – Jim Hines
 17 – 
 18 – Linda Gerth
 19 – Marnie Shields
Maggie Dungan
 20 – John Carter
 21 – Ronald Thompson
 22 – 
 23 – Charles Bunch
Mark Patton
 24 – Ruth Ann Ludwig
Scott Young
 25 – 
 26 – 
 27 – David Choate
 28 – 
 29 – Donald Cross
 30 – Karen Hart
Julie Bunch
 31 – Vernon Law
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