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The Open Door

Published monthly by and for the members and friends of
Bethel Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

VOL. 31NO. 9  Marc Sherrod, Minister  September, 2003

E-Mail & On-Line Newsletter

A number of the members have responded regarding saving postage and mailing by reading the newsletter online. If you wish to add your name to that list, call (865-376-6340) or e-mail the church office.

We also maintain a master list of e-mail addresses. Please include yours if you wish.


Open Door Index

From the Minister

From the Parish Nurse

Session Committee Articles

Session Meeting Highlights

Notes of Appreciation

Notes of Sympathy

Prayer Calendar

Remember to Pray for These

Memorial Gifts


Youth News

Special Needs

Monthly News

Thoughts to Ponder




This service is free for friends and members of Bethel. If you have a transportation need, please call the church office at 376-6340. Please be ready to tell us the date and time of your appointment and what time you want to be picked up. Some of the places we transport to are: doctor’s office, hairdresser, library, post office, grocery store, and shopping. We drive as far as Knoxville. We are open to other suggestions, also.


The Reverend Rites . . .

“Let all that breathes praise the Lord!”

These words from Psalm 150 declare the mood that I perceive to be present at Bethel right now. It is a joyous mood of anticipation and celebration as we give thanks for God’s provision in the past and promise to care for the future.

The leaders of our children/youth Christian Education program have been working all summer and during last Saturday’s VBS to weave together the words of this psalm with the story of creation. We all look forward to this special dramatic performance on Rally Day, September 7 during the Sunday School hour. All classes, including the adults, are urged to come to the fellowship hall instead of to your usual classrooms for this presentation. During the worship service on that day we will hear from the youth and adult leaders who participated in the Bethel mission trip this summer.

Since the last edition of the Open Door, Bethel’s session has worked for many hours to continue to refine the ministry initiatives and vision statement that will be presented to the congregation for your support, involvement, and feedback as the “Season of Dreaming at Bethel” continues. Your persistent prayers that session will be enabled to discern God’s will and good pleasure are much appreciated as we go forward with our work.

I hope that by early October a process will be in place to share with you the session’s vision so that the session, together with the congregation, might have a time of conversation, clarification, and an initial indication of commitment to particular ministry initiatives.

I also appreciate the members and friends of Bethel who have participated, with patience and enthusiasm, in the recent discussion about the possibility of Bethel purchasing the former Health Department building and property close to the church. As it stands now, the Kingston United Methodist Church had the top bid at last Saturday’s public auction with a bid of $155,000.00. What is uncertain is whether the Roane County Board of Commissioners will accept that bid since it is below the minimum of $250,000 they had hoped to receive. The motion passed by the congregation on August 17 at the called meeting of the Bethel Presbyterian Church, therefore, is possibly still in effect. This motion reads: “Should there be no winning bid at the public auction on August 23, 2003, the trustees are authorized to negotiate with the Roane County Board of Commissioners, either with or without partnership with the Kingston United Methodist Church, for the purchase of this building and property. The trustees are directed to use their best judgment regarding the amount to be offered for purchase.” At the congregational meeting on August 24, 2003, the trustees gave a report and passed out a sheet that invited members to indicate a range of money (beginning with no bid at all) that individual members felt would be appropriate to offer for this property and building, should that option to bid again present itself. Our thanks to Bethel’s three trustees, Brenda Bunch (chair), George Warlick, and Dick Evans who have spent much time working on this matter.

In Christ’s Service,

Parish Nurse

Greetings! As fall arrives next month (hopefully with cooler, drier weather), we begin to plan for winter and, yes, flu shots. As chair of the Roane Health Council I can tell you that we have already ordered Roane Counties’ vaccine. Kathy Cole (from Roane Medical Center) and I will be formulating the schedule for these vaccination clinics. The Center for Disease Control in Atlanta suggests no one gives flu vaccines before the middle of October. This is because if shots are given too early in the fall they will lose their effectiveness in the middle of flu season (February and March). The shots will be between $5-8.00 this year. As soon as the schedule for the flu shot clinics is made I will post it here at the church. As usual, if you can get your flu shots at your doctor’s office it can be charged to Medicare.

For those of us who don’t like getting a shot, help may be on the way! According to a recent article in the August 2003 RN magazine a new alternative to the flu shot called FluMist is being released by the Food and Drug Administration. This FluMist has been approved for use in children ages 5 and older and in adults under age 50. The vaccine is sprayed via a syringe into each nostril. In studies, protective efficacy was shown in 85% of adults and 87% of children. FluMist is also the first live-virus vaccine approved in this country. The strains used are genetically modified so that they can’t grow well at body temperature, but can replicate sufficiently to induce immunity.

There are some patients that should not use FluMist. These patients are ones with asthma or those who are immunocompromised. The most common adverse events of FluMist were nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, and cough.

I will be attending Presbytery-wide Disaster Training, Sept. 13 from 10-4.

As always, I wish you good health ......... Deb

Just a reminder...

Our Bethel medial equipment closet has some things you might find useful! Hopefully, you won’t have need of any of these items, however, accidents (and surgeries) do happen..... We have wheeled and stationery walkers, a wheelchair, toilet seat riser, bedside commode, a “reacher”, an immobililizer, quad canes and a single cane, as well as adult and child crutches. Just call Debbie Hyder if you need any of these at 376-6340

Session Highlights

[A reminder that session meetings are open for members to attend unless the session goes into executive session; the minutes of the session are are available, by appointment, for review in the church office]

No Highlights reported for August

Special Needs


Sugar, Flour, Rice, Cereal, Oatmeal, Peanut Butter, Saltines, Dry Beans, Canned Meat, Pasta & Sauce, Bread, Cornmeal Mix Boxes, Macaroni & Cheese, Corn, Green Beans, Green Peas, Soup, Tuna


 Monthly News


The Thrift Shop at Sunset Gap relies entirely on gifts and donations from churches and individuals. The shop is open to the community two days a week and anytime for emergencies. New and good used items are always welcome, especially baby items and clothing for children.

Bethel’s clothing drive for Sunset Gap will be conducted from September 7 - 21. Please bring your clothing, small appliances or other small items you may wish to donate to the church during this time and leave them in the lounge.

Everything you donate is greatly appreciated by Betty and Tudie who manage the thrift shop.


On Sunday, September 21, we will welcome Cindy Benz to the pulpit. Cindy is a recent graduate of Columbia Theological Seminary and will be pursuing a call to minister in a church. She is also the spouse of Steve Benz, the Executive Presbyter of the Presbytery of East Tennessee.


Remember the Healing & Wholeness Service, this Sunday, August 31, at 9 a.m. in the Sanctuary led by the Pastor & Parish Nurse.


The Evening Circle meets in the church lounge on the 2nd and 4th Sunday at 6:00 P.M. All women of the church are invited. Julie Bunch coordinates our Bible Studies and Janet Nippert is our mission leader. Amber Jacks, Delores Sandmel and Carol Brown have volunteered to be Secretary, Treasurer (of both circles) and Business meeting leader respectively during our formative stages. We continue to ponder our circle's name.

The September Bible studies will be "The Woman of Abel" (2 Samuel 20: 1, 14-22) on 9/14 and "A Widow's Might" (2 Kings 4: 1-7) on 9/28. We are also planning a family trip to the Greek Orthodox Church Festival on Saturday, October 18. More information will be provided in the October newsletter and we invite anyone in the congregation who is interested to attend with us.


On the birth of Brian Lee Brown, born July 29, 2003 at 21" long & 6 lbs 2 oz. He is the son of Jason & Rehgina Brown and his proud grandparents include Travis & Linda Brown. All are doing great!

On the birth of James Alan Asbury on August 1st at 8 lb 4 oz. His parents are James & Malia Asbury, Gail King is his grandmother and Doris Barber is proud great-grandmother.

K.E.E.P. - Kidney Early Evaluation Program
Sept. 9, 4-8 p.m.
New Roane Co. Health Dept. ( near Walmart)

Free Program, sponsored by the National Kidney Foundation.

Included in the services will be a urinalysis, blood work, blood pressure, & counseling (if needed).

Your parish nurse will be assisting the health dept. staff. This is an excellent opportunity for free health screening.

Reserve your space by calling:688-5481, or www.kidneyetn.org.


The Annual Spiritual Retreat will be held on October 4, 2003, at the First Presbyterian Church in Cleveland, Tennessee. The theme of the retreat is "GOD IS SPEAKING! ARE YOU LISTENING?" Ms. Mary Elva Smith, a church elder, certified Christian educator, and former member of the General Assembly Council for PC(USA) will be speaking at the retreat. It will be a day apart for worship, for refreshing, and for rededication of ourselves to our very important work of proclaiming Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. All women of Bethel church are invited to attend. Mark your calendars and watch for further information.

Session Committee Articles

Mission Outreach Committee

In the August meeting it was noted the $80.00 was sent to Habitat for Humanity from committee funds. Also mission yearbooks have been ordered for 2004.We will be having a fall clothing drive for Sunset Gap. The dates to bring in your clothes to the downstairs lounge are September 7-21st. Sunset Gap prefers fall and winter clothing but will accept other seasonal clothes. Delores Sandmel will present a Minute for Mission on Sunset Gap on September 14th.

Mission Outreach has been looking into giving money to a Haitian children’s fund. I have called the denomination’s office in Louisville, Ky. and checked with them on suggestions of Presbytery-supported Haitian missions. I spoke with Patricia Gleich and she stated there was a mission that trained health care workers. These workers have positively impacted both kids and adults. If any of you would like to make a personal donation for this mission, please write your checks to Presbyterian Church USA and in the memo space note ECO#051709 (this will get it into the correct account). You can give your checks to Debbie Hyder or put them into the collection plate at Sunday services.

Thank you for supporting missions…………Debbie Hyder

Prison Ministry:

Bethel’s prison volunteers – and all other interested helpers – have two opportunities to help out this month. We have been asked to provide desserts for two inmates’ banquets; the Lifers’ Club banquet on Friday, Sept. 12 and the Veteran’s Club banquet on the following Friday, Sept. 19. The inmates in both of these clubs pay for the food for these banquets out of their dues money and prepare the food in the prison kitchens, but they don’t have the resources or the equipment to make fancy desserts! They are always very appreciative of the fact that Bethel folks will take the time to make and send along such wonderful goodies. If you can make a dessert for either one (or both) of these events, please leave it in the church kitchen by 3:30 on the day of the banquet(s).

Christian Education Committee

September is such a busy time for everyone, and Sunday School at Bethel is no exception! Here’s a rundown of what’s happening this month:

Aug. 31 (ok, we’re ahead of ourselves just a bit!) – Middle School and High School youth are invited to meet at church at 5:00 for pizza and conversation, and last-minute work on the props for our play.

Sept. 7 -- Rally Sunday and Gala Performance!
During the Sunday School hour, all classes (adults and children alike) are invited to the Fellowship Hall to see our performance of “Celebrate – God’s Creation!!!) We’ll be concluding our summer’s Sunday School programming with a program of song, dance, costumes, praise, and handbells. (If you missed the children’s playing of the Doxology in worship last Sunday, you missed a treat. Be sure to catch their next performance on the 7th.)

During the Worship hour, we will be commissioning our teachers and hearing from our Senior High Youth about their recent mission trip experience.

In the afternoon, all children and youth are invited to the Sherrod’s for a back-to-school swim party. (Children below 3rd grade should bring a parent.) Call 717-4881 if you need directions. Party begins at 4:00 p.m.

Sept. 14 – Students will go to their classrooms and meet briefly with their teachers, then adjourn to the Fellowship Hall for a time of special music -- an opportunity to learn the sign language for one of our songs.

Sept. 21 – The regular fall scheduling begins.

Property and Personnel Committee

We hope that all of you have had a great summer. We're giving you a lot of advance notice for the Bethel Fall Clean-up and Fix-up Day to be held on October 18th from 8:30 until 12:30. This is scheduled on a Big Orange open date weekend. There are a lot of little jobs around Bethel that don't necessarily need a lot of heavy labor, but need a lot of hands on attention from all ages. A list is in the making. If you know of any additions, please contact Nancy King so we can add them on. However, we don't just need additions to the list, we need additions to the working force for the full time or just for an hour or so. Every little bit helps. Mark your calendar now and plan to attend. Thanks.

Bethel is getting a new piano for the sanctuary. It once belonged to Flo Evans and is being donated. After much piano location shifting, the end result is that the piano in the Fellowship Hall of the Educational Building will no longer be needed. It is not in the best of shape and the fellow who tunes our pianos could no longer tune this one because of its condition. However, if you want this piano, it is on a first come, first serve, you come and get it basis. Call Nancy King at 376-9951.

Parish Life Committee

Your Parish Life Committee is sponsoring a trip to the Cumberland Playhouse in Crossville to see "42nd Street" on Sunday, November 2nd at 2:30 p.m. "42nd Street" is known as "the greatest tap musical of them all. Come and meet those dancin' feet and see the chorus girl come back a star. First Playhouse production of this 1930's movie-inspired Broadway favorite!" If we can get a group together of 20 or more, the cost will be $19 for adults and $11 for kids and students. We will carpool from Bethel's parking lot at 2:00 p.m. If you are interested, please call Kathy at the Church Office. Thank you.

Chris Badger and Carol Brown have done a terrific job re-organizing our kitchen! Everything is in its proper place and labeled so that everyone who is using the kitchen can find utensils eaily and put them back where they belong. Also, when you bring food to church for special occassions, make sure to pick up your dishes afterwards. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Thank you, Chris and Carol.

Youth News

No items were reported for this month

Memorial Gifts

Gifts received during the month of August in memory of:

Joyce Law from Vernon Law toward kitchen renovation

Erma King from Gary & Dianne Griffith, Robert & Carol White, Smyrna Presbyterian Church Women, Circle 4, Margaret Short, Madge Benfield, Robert & Ruth Ann Ludwig, Jack & Fern Stackpole, Sharon Perkey, Daniel King, Sr., Edith Miles

Harvalee Preston from Gary & Dianne Griffith, Bill & Marianne Shadden, Edith Miles, Jack & Fern Stackpole, Robert & Ruth Ann Ludwig, Paula Terry

Aline Terry Memorial Fund from Ella Winsbro

Notes of Appreciation

No items this month

Thoughts to Ponder

The "Center" Of The Bible

Q: What is the shortest chapter in the Bible?

A: Psalm 117

Q: What is the longest chapter in the Bible?

A: Psalm 119

Q: Which chapter is in the center of the Bible?

A: Psalm 118

Fact: There are 594 chapters before Psalm 118

Fact: There are 594 chapters after Psalm 118. Add these numbers up and you get 1188.

Q: What is the center verse in the Bible?

A: Psalm 118:8

Does this verse say something significant about God's perfect will for our lives? Do these chapters provide oversight about where to find God, what types of things He has to say to us, and what is really important in our relationship with Him? The next time someone says they would like to find God's perfect will for their lives and that they want to be in the center of His will, just send them to the center of His Word.Psalms 118:8 (NKJV)"It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man."

Now is that coincidence how this worked out (or was God in the center of it)?

Remember to Pray For These


Delvenia Beasley Marshall Voss
Ruby Hunter Royal Health Care
Ruby Nell Skinner Doctors Lake - Florida
Micki Shields Woodbine, Alexandra, VA
Frances McPheeters Baptist Healthcare Center
Betty Brown Alpharetta Healthcare Center


Evelyn Waldrup JAMESTOWNE


Addie Wreath Hunt, Christine Woods, Al & Dot Davis,
Florence Simmons, Ruth Moutoux


Josh Brown, Jason Brown

Bethel Family Prayer Calendar - September, 2003

The members and regularly attending friends of Bethel are assigned to elder care groups. Each month in the newsletter for your prayers, we publish the list of one or more elder care groups. The elder’s name and phone at the top of the list are listed as a reminder of their role in nurturing and supporting those who belong to Bethel. You should feel free to contact your elder or the pastor if you have a particular spiritual need or other matter that needs to be brought to our attention.  

(423) 369-2955

Bonnie & Truman Anderson
Carol Brown
Geneva Cowie
Neva Daniel
Jerry & Pat Harvey

14 -

Cathy & Dan McDowell
Robert & Denise Martin
Jerry & Jennie Morris
Bettie & Bill Shenk
Linda Jo Templeton Tipton
David & Ellen Wood


Chuck & Cathy Allen
Don & Jean Dice
Kay Michener
Dave & Janet Nippert
Kathy Pierce

28 -

Bonnie Phillips
Tom & Jane Pickel
Anne Smith
Dave & Helen Stevenson
John & Mary Will
Theodore & Phyllis Willmarth



   1 – Elaine Toon Parker
   2 – 
Evelyn Waldrup
Marilyn Gaffin
   3 – 
Lily Lowery
Tamara Holloway
   4 – 
Lisa Pickel
   5 – 
   6 – 
Kathy Francis
   7 – 
Laura Thomas
   8 – 
Hayley Peek
   9 – 
Roberta Cash
Laura Thomas
 10 – 
Bobbie Martin
 11 – 
Larry Boggs
 12 –
Jacob Murr
 13 – 
 14 – 
Francis McPheeters
Laura Dailey
 15 – 
Sue Jones
 16 – 
Heather Young
 17 – Dianne Cartwright
 18 – 
Jerry Morris
Betty Ulrich
 19 – 
Joan Pemberton
Corey Preston
 20 – 
Pat Harvey
 21 – 
 22 – 

 23 – 

 24 – 

 25 – 
Amy Young
Frank Kornegay
 26 – 

 27 – 
Bill Shenk
Diane Russell
Frank Harris
Melissa Wolbarg
Ruby Howard
 28 – 
 29 – 
 30 – 
Marianne Shadden
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