Bethel Presbyterian Church

Position Description
Youth Minister


 General Description 

This part-time position provides leadership and direction for the Christian nurture and development of middle and senior high school youth through programs such as Bible study, group building experiences, service opportunities, mission trips and retreats, and intergenerational activities. The youth minister will develop programming that enables spiritual growth, fun and fellowship, and the formation of relationships of friendship and trust between the youth director and youth participants.

 Working Relationships 
Works under the supervision of the pastor and the Christian Education Committee
Recruits adults to assist in carrying out responsibilities
Annual performance review by the pastor and representative(s) from the Property and Personnel Committee
Oversees the scheduling and implementation of youth programs and events
Organizes an annual youth Sunday and participates in the leadership of worship as requested by the pastor
Seeks inclusion of Bethel youth in Presbytery and denomination-wide events and retreats
Contacts non-participating youth to encourage their participation
Provides ministry of presence to youth at church, school and community, showing an interest in and being supportive of their activities, challenging them in their faith development, and listening, relating to and responding to them wherever they are
Connects with Presbytery’s Youth Council and similar groups in order to enhance the work of the youth minister
Assesses personal needs and concerns of students through informal contacts and home visits, and works together with pastoral staff to determine appropriate avenues through which to address those needs
Occasional age-appropriate activities with elementary age and younger children (with adult chaperones)
A professing Christian
Familiarity with the Presbyterian/Reformed tradition
Energetic and enthusiastic
Twenty years of age or older

This part-time position, 10-12 hours per week, with professional expense and mileage reimbursement; compensation is approximately $550 per month. If interested, reply with resume, 2 references, and a letter of recommendation to:

Bethel Presbyterian Church
203 South Kentucky Street
Kingston, TN 37763

For detailed information about Bethel, please visit the various sections of our web site.

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 DEADLINE is September 15, 2005 

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