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Stewardship and Finance Committee

[The following charter was approved by Bethel's Session in the fall of 2001. The present duties may vary slightly from those that are shown. Bethel is currently undertaking a "visioning" process in order to better discern God's future for our congregation. At the culmination of that process, this charter will be revisited.]


Purpose: To plan, implement, and evaluate a comprehensive year-round program to interpret to Bethel’s membership the scope and nature of the local, regional national, and global mission of the Presbyterian Church U. S. A., and to encourage Bethel’s membership to respond systematically by giving of their time, talents, money, and other resources to support these mission efforts.
Duties: • Plan and oversee the Annual Church Budget development process

• Oversee the work of the Receipts and Disbursements Treasurers

• Oversee the Memorial Funds Treasurer and recommend to Session possible uses of the Memorial Funds

• Secure new Receipts, Disbursements, or Memorial Funds Treasurers when necessary

• Verify, periodically, that the budget information on the Church computer is password protected, and that the password is stored in the vault

• Give a quarterly report to Session about the Memorial Fund status

• Place a note periodically in the Open Door Newsletter about something the Church needs for which Memorial Fund money could be donated

• Conduct the annual Stewardship Commitment campaign

• Update the Bethel Information Booklet as needed

• Prepare, distribute, and tally the Time and Talent forms annually

• Provide interpretation via Presbyterian Today magazine, Mission Yearbook for Prayer, Mission speakers, Minutes for Mission, Bethel Information Booklet, and the Open Door

• Utilize bulletin boards as tools for interpretation

• Promote special offerings: One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost, Peacemaking, and Christmas Joy as approved by the Session

• Promote, with the Christian Education Committee, youth stewardship

• Encourage the following persons to make a 3-minute or less statement at the January Congregational Meeting about their work for the previous year: each Committee Chair, Clerk of Session (number of new members, deaths, current membership total, etc.), Parish Nurse, and Pastor

• Encourage members to consider Voluntary Service

• Develop an emphasis on deferred giving

• Oversee the committee’s expenditures against budget and Special Funds expenditures

Personnel: One or Two Elders, Receipts Treasurer, Disbursements Treasurer, Minute for Mission Coordinator, Members at Large
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