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Worship Committee

[The following charter was approved by Bethel's Session in the fall of 2001. The present duties may vary slightly from those that are shown. Bethel is currently undertaking a "visioning" process in order to better discern God's future for our congregation. At the culmination of that process, this charter will be revisited.]


Purpose: To plan, coordinate, create and evaluate a comprehensive year-round program of corporate worship to meet the diverse needs and interests of the Bethel congregation, and to encourage and support individual private worship and spiritual development.
Duties: • Assist in planning regular Sunday morning worship services

• Coordinate with pastor for seasonal worship emphases and plan appropriate worship decor

• Plan special services with pastor and appropriate staff, committees, and members

• Oversee weddings and funerals/memorial services

• Oversee selection of worship bulletin and personal devotional materials

• Support/supervise church keyboard person

• Support/supervise church choirs and choir directors

• Oversee maintenance of music equipment (organ, piano, keyboard) and materials such as sheet music, choir robes, and bells

• Support and oversee church sound system and sound technicians

• Supervise the coordinators for the following volunteers: Lay liturgists, communion stewards, usher/greeters, children's sermon presenters, acolytes and youth ushers, flower providers, nursery workers, prayer tree participants, nursery volunteers, sound system technicians

• Arrange for substitute preachers as required

• Support/supervise/coordinate nursery staff (paid and volunteer)

• One or Two Elders, Paid Staff (Organist, Choir Directors, Nursery Staff), Members at Large

Personnel: One or Two Elders, Members at Large
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