May 5 Hike to Piney Falls
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Bell Choir
Bell Choir Director: Judy Yeaworth -- About Ringing Bells: Anyone interested...
Bethel Arts Ministry
Realizing that God has gifted all of us with a bit of His creative...
Chancel Choir
Choir Director: Judy Yeaworth
Christian Education
Bethel offers a vibrant Sunday morning program for all ages, as well as occasional...
Family Picnic
Our annual Church Picnic takes place one Sunday in late summer. The fun starts...
Fellowship Supper
On the third Wednesday of each month, at 6:30 pm, we all get together...
John Knox Center
Tucked away in the southern part of Roane County is a small bit of heaven...
Taoist Tai Chi
The fast-paced yet sedentary nature of modern life often results in stress and lack...
We gather for worship each Lord's Day at 11 am, celebrating Holy Communion on...