Bethel Session


The session is made up of the Pastor (moderator) plus the elders in active service (ruling elders). Bethel has twelve active elders, four of whom are elected annually by the congregation to serve a term of three years. Newly elected elders replace those whose term has expired. Once ordained as an elder, one is always an elder -- either active (ruling elder) or inactive (teaching elder). The session has authority over all organizations within the local church. Bethel's Clerk of Session is nominated and elected by the session annually; currently a teaching elder serves as Clerk of Session but does not vote.

Many of Bethel’s activities and on-going operational aspects are coordinated by teams. Each of these teams is composed of Bethel members, and each team is chaired by one or more session members. The Pastor serves as an ex-oficio member of every team. Just click on the tabs below to see the current makeup of Bethel's session and to learn about what each team does and who is currently on it.

  • Current Session

    2016 2018
    Dave Braski
    Team Leader:
    Term Ends: 12/31/2016
    Cyndi Fowler
    Finance Team
    Term: 01/06/2016 - 12/31/2018
    Rachel Gallaher
    Fellowship Team
    Term: 01/06/2016 - 12/31/2018
    Amber Jacks
    Team Leader:
    Term Ends: 12/31/2016
    Jeff Paris
    Faith Team
    Term: 01/06/2016 - 12/31/2018
    Jackie Rylander
    Team Leader:
    Term: 01/06/2016 - 12/31/2018
    Melanie Sherrod
    Team Leader:
    Term Ends: 12/31/2017
    Eric Windhausen
    Team Leader:
    Term Ends: 12/31/2016
    Gary Griffith
    Property Team
    Term Ends: 12/31/2017
    Scott McGill
    Generosity Team
    Term Ends: 12/31/2017
    Susannah Morgan
    Finance Team
    Term Ends: 12/31/2016
        Cathy McDowell
    Clerk of Session
  • Faith Team

    Last updated: Friday, March 11 , 2016 -- 9:40 pm)


    The Faith Team develops a comprehensive annual plan to provide:
    • diverse & dynamic opportunities to hear the Word proclaimed, celebrate the Sacraments, pray, and offer praise and thanksgiving [CORPORATE]; and
    • diverse & dynamic opportunties to develop discipleship (stewardship of time, talents, and resources, sharing the Good News, and daily/seasonal devotions [PERSONAL].

    Opportunities to Serve:
    • support Pastoral Leadership Team in planning and evaluating services; provide music through singing, bells or other instruments; coordinate and supervise volunteers: liturgists, communion stewards, ushers, acolytes, children's sermons, sound technicians, sanctuary stewards, flowers and seasonal decor; and serve as a volunteer in any of these categories;
    • demonstrate our congregation's Christian hospitality to the community; welcome new attendees; follow-up with visitors; share the story of Jesus Christ and support each other on our faith journey;
    • and plan and coordinate stewarship activities such as: Stewardship Sunday, the Stewardship Fair, Minutes for Mission, and special offerings.

    Team Leader: Jackie Rylander

    Faith Team:Jeff Paris

    Current Members: Amy Coen, Dianne Griffith, Mary Hook, Jeff Paris, Alf Rybka, Jackie Rylander, Liz Singley