"Serve the Lord with Gladness" is a precept that is taken seriously here at Bethel. Whether this means loving one another in this congregation, being involved in the community, responding to emergencies, or giving generously of our time and money, we at Bethel strive to be the eyes, voice and hands of Christ in a sometimes broken and hurting world. Here are just a few of the ways that we serve God...
  • We support

    Bethel folks are very involved in service to others, both at home and around the world. We support many efforts through the giving of our tithes and offerings, and in the giving of our selves as we become personally involved with the missions we support. Here are a few of the causes that are near and dear to our hearts.
  • Special Events

    Sometimes "Serving Others" involves the entire congregation, and the community as well. 
  • Special Offerings

    In addition to our regular tithes and offerings, we support the larger church through our support of four special offerings which are taken up at Easter, Pentecost, World Communion Sunday, and Christmas.


    'Serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received." (1 Peter 4:10) 
    Through your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing, you can serve people in your community and around the world by alleviating hunger, 
    rebuilding after crises or catastrophe, and working with communities to overcome oppression.
    The Pentecost Offering is devoted to ministries that support our young people during their “first third of life,” the time from 
    childhood through young adulthood. Give to the Pentecost Offering, 
    and you help provide opportunities for our young people to forge a deep and lasting faith on which to grow and build their lives.
    Peace Begins With Us. When we think of conflict, many of us think of places mired in war, a world away.
     Yet often, some of our greatest opportunities to witness to the Prince of Peace are right outside our doors. 
    When you give to the Peace & Global Witness Offering, 25% of your gift stays local, bringing the power of reconciliation
     and the peace of Christ to your own community. During this Season of Peace, consider the difference your gift can make to challenges like these.
    Give a gift of great promise - the promise of salvation, kept with the birth of Jesus. May we be found as faithful. 
    When you give to the Christmas Joy Offering, you are faithfully keeping those promises by 
    supporting church workers through assistance in their time of need and cultivating racial ethnic education and leadership development.