Bethel Presbyterian Church (USA) - ministries within Bethel: Worship



Worship – 11:00 a.m.

We gather for worship each Lord's Day at 11 am, celebrating Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month as well as at other special times of the year (including communion visits to those confined at home). As the gathered people of God in worship, we pray for ourselves and others, sing of God's faithfulness, hear the Word proclaimed, offer our time and money in service, and receive God’s blessing to go forth in acts of caring for neighbors nearby and far away.

Prior to our Sunday morning service,  we gather for coffee and conversation in the Gathering Space outside of the Sanctuary.

Our Worship service follows a traditional style, but we also include time to warmly welcome visitors as well as an opportunity to share individual prayer requests. Music offerings range from presentations by a talented choir, several of whom sing in the Roane Choral Society, to special solos, bell choir anthems, and occasional instrumental pieces on flute, saxophone or harp. During the service we stand to say what we believe, reading in unison a selection from one of the eleven historical confessional statements of the church.

New members tell us that they chose Bethel because they found us to be a warm, supportive congregation with intellectually challenging preaching from a caring pastor, all of us eager to engage in discussion and committed to doing God's work in the world.