Bethel Presbyterian Church (USA) - ministries within TN: Morgan-Scott Project


Morgan-Scott Project
Cooperative Christian Concerns


P.O. Box 8
Deer Lodge, Tennessee 37726

1513 Jeffers Road
Huntsville, TN 37756-3202


Bethel provides financial support to this ecumenical ministry via both direct financial support and via contributions to our Presbytery of East Tennessee. Bethel also provides direct support through an annual clothing drive. Volunteers from Bethel's Service Team transport the clothing to Deer Lodge.


The purpose of the Project shall be to provide a common cooperative base for churches, agencies and individuals within Morgan and Scott counties [TN], to identify and to seek solutions to the problems of human needs. The Project will, in the name of Jesus Christ, develop component projects, activities, training and other endeavors that will help to break the cycle of poverty and enable people to learn to help themselves. While emergency aid may sometimes be required, it will only be provided on a temporary basis and as a means of opening doors in order that we may find the basic cause of the problems of the poor in our communities and plan for long range solutions to these problems. A concentrated effort will be made to protect the dignity, self-respect and sense of personal worth of those families and individuals served by the Project.

(And, How You Can Be involved)

Since we employ only a director and secretary, volunteers enable us to serve by contributing their time in each of the ongoing programs. Volunteers may also assist with fund-raising, record keeping and through public relations.

Any Sunday School Class, mission organization, youth to senior church fellowship, business group, family, or individual is most welcome to come. We welcome visitors to come and observe what is happening here.

If your group is interested in a mission project in our area, we have adequate housing facilities. A packet is available for places of interest/entertainment within a two hour proximity.


• Provide emergency aid on a limited basis for utility payments, medicines, transportation to a doctor, eyeglasses, heat, etc. A Food Pantry offers food in emergencies and fire victims receive household items.

• A Thrift Store is available where donated items are sold at a very low price. Clothes, toys, household items, linens, and school supplies are very popular items. Many families clothe their school age children at the Store.

• Breads, given by Kroger Stores of Oak Ridge, are given free on Friday to about 120 families. Members of the Oak Ridge Methodist churches bring these bakery items to Morgan-Scott.

• The Good Earth Garden Program has provided seed and fertilizer for home gardens since 1976.

• A Christmas Program gives low-income children in Morgan-Scott counties two new toys and a clothing item to brighten up their Christmas. Approximately 220 families participate in this particular program.


Volunteer labor has enabled many of the homes of the elderly and low-income families to be made warmer, safer and drier. Repairs include painting, porches, wheel chair ramps, steps, roofs, and floor replacement. Summer finds these volunteer groups coming into the area to provide this much needed service.

Many groups work right here at our office/service center, even building new 2560 sq. ft. storage facility in 1996. This building houses household furniture, appliances and building supplies.


Morgan and Scott counties in the State of Tennessee have shown a constant loss of human and economic resources. 29% of the families live below the poverty line. These are two of the poorest counties in the entire state.

The Spring of 1972 found the denominational executives of the United Methodist and United Church of Christ trying to find a creative way to serve the needs of these two counties.

These two denominations hired the first director, the Rev. Bob Butziger, to lead the Morgan-Scott Project for Cooperative Christian Concerns. Others joined the effort as Presbyterians, Congregationalists, Catholics, Lutherans, Disciples, and Episcopalians give support to this effort.

Since that initial beginning in 1972, the Morgan-Scott Project has been located in different places in the counties, finally moving into the present building in October 1988. During these years, libraries have been established in Deer Lodge, Lancing, Elgin, and Burrville; medical clinics in Deer Lodge and Wartburg; emergency home repairs undertaken; summer recreational programs held; and homes were constructed between 1976 and 1982.

The Plateau Home School [to assist students behind in the public schools] was operational for many years. This attempt is made to develop spiritual, emotional and physical resources to meet the needs of those we seek to serve. lt is an ongoing ministry touching the lives of 35,600 residents of the counties.


This Project is financed through contributions from churches and individuals. (Bethel supports this project through the Presbytery of East Tennessee budget.) Civic group, businesses and foundations are encouraged to help provide resources that we would administer. A fifteen (15)-member Board of Directors governs the Project. We are a 501-C non-profit organization. Our records are audited annually by a CPA.

Invite Us To Come

We are available to come to speak to your church, business or civic organization. In churches, we enjoy opportunities of sharing this ministry during worship services, mission organizations, Sunday School classes, fellowship meetings, or prayer meeting nights. We also have a video about Morgan-Scott that is available upon request.


The Scott-Morgan Project for Cooperative Christian Concerns is located just north of Deer Lodge, Tennessee (from State Route 329). From IS- 40, take US Route 27 north to 329, or State Route 62 north to 329. Deer Lodge is about 135 miles from Nashville and about 70 miles from Knoxville. These counties are in the north central part of Tennessee, on the Kentucky/Tennessee border.

MATTHEW 25:37-40

“Then the righteous will answer him, “Lord, when did we see thee hungry and feed thee, or thirsty and give thee drink? And when did we see thee a stranger and welcome thee, or naked and clothe thee? And when did we see thee sick or in prison and visit thee’?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.”’